Wangdu City, Royal Palace, Ganlong Palace.

"The emperor, the queen asked to see." The **** lowered his head and walked into the hall, whispering to Li Wei.

Li Wei was very upset at this time, but he couldn’t find anyone to say that after hearing the emperor, he immediately said, “Let the empress come in.”

Fang Queen came in from the outside and looked up and saw Li Yan, who was coming back and forth in the hall, full of irritability. She sighed at the bottom of her heart. "Chen Chen saw the emperor."

"The Queen is excused." Li Wei took her hand. "You are just right, there is something to tell you."

"Is it about Ye Daren? I heard that he has resigned from the post with the emperor, did the emperor leave him?" Fang Fang asked in a low voice.

Li Wei is worried about this matter. "Why didn't you stay with him? He is the pillar of Dongqingguo. He said how many good things he said. He insisted on leaving. He had no choice but to let him first look at Yefu. Do not let Ye Yiqing leave Wang Ducheng."

The Queen said in amazement, "Is the emperor under house arrest in Yefu?"

"Not under house arrest!" Li Yu frowned, and some guilty said, "Hey... I just don't want him to leave Wangdu City, at least I have to find a way to persuade him."

"The emperor thought about how to severely punish the princess?" Fang Queen's heart is cold, how she thinks that Ye Yiqing is sure to go this time, let people look at Ye Fu, how can you stay in Ye Yiqing.

When I mentioned this, Li Wei looked embarrassed. "The long princess is a sister of Sui, can you still have her life? Mrs. Ye is not a big problem now, and he has ordered Li Yu to move away from the capital, is this? Not enough?"

Fang Huang sighed in his heart, let Li Yu think about it, and punish her for leaving Wangducheng. What is punishment? Ye Yiqing is now afraid that she will be frustrated, and the emperor is too obvious. It is no wonder that Ye Yiqing will not resign directly.

She should not be negligent on the day, knowing that Li Yu has been looking for an opportunity to retaliate against Ye Yiqing. How did she think that Li Yu was not mad at the palace? She yelled at Ye Yiqing and also lost her Lu Hao's entrustment. When they were not there, she did not protect Zhaoyang and let her be miscarried by Li Yu. If it wasn't for her vaguely, she might not catch up with it, now Zhaoyang I was afraid that Li Yu would be defeated.

Li Yu...Thinking of this long princess, the empress is hating his teeth, but the emperor still cares about the brotherhood, and refuses to kill her to keep Ye Yiqing.

"The emperor, Mrs. Ye almost died, but now she is saving her life, but the child is gone." The Queen said in a low voice. "Ye Daren made two cities in the West for Dongqing, he will be Mrs. Ye. Staying in Wangdu City is to believe that the emperor can protect his family's safety. He can have no worries in Xiliang. Now he came back with such a thing. Can he feel good in his heart? Even if you don't want to severely punish the princess, you shouldn't be so partial. ""

Li Yu frowned and looked at the empress, "It would be useless to marry the princess as a monk. Ye Yiqing is going to kill the princess."

Then kill! Fang Huang said in her heart that she felt that Li Yu is a living person and it is harmful. It is better to die early. "The emperor does not want to kill the princess. How can I keep Ye Daren, and the monarch will centrifuge, even if you keep him, then What about it? Will he be willing to use it for you?"

"What does the Queen mean?" Li Wei knows that no matter what he said, he can't keep Ye Yiqing, even if he killed the princess.

His approach has already hurt Ye Yiqing, and he probably won't be as loyal as he used to be.

"The emperor's disease is cured by Ye Daren's daughter. No matter from which aspect, Ye Yiqing has no fault for the emperor. You can only keep him today, unless you intend to kill him, otherwise..." When I think of Dongqing’s several difficulties, it’s all that Ye Yiqing can go. She doesn’t know what the country will look like after Ye Yiqing’s departure. “The emperor, the kingdom will not ignore it.”

Li Wei took a deep breath. "Queen, if Ye Yiqing leaves, Dong Qingguo... dangerous."

"The emperor will talk to Ye Daren again. It would be good if he could change his mind." Fang said.

"You are right, you should look for him again, no matter what he wants, he promises him." Li Wei whispered, "Hey, go see him now."

Fang Huang smiled and said, "Okay."

Li Wei immediately made people prepare horses and horses. He changed a set of royal blue robes and hurried out before the nightfall. His carriage was just out of the palace, and there were Yulin soldiers coming to sue, the long princess went. Yefu is looking for a prime minister.

"..." Li Wei lived, and he was almost mad with a breath of blood.

Long Princess, is this going to the prime minister to find death?

Li Yu went to Ye Family and really did not come to death. She just went back on the road of death. She thought that she did not receive severe punishment because the emperor did not dare to tell her. She heard that Ye Yiqing resigned and did not care. I am still forbidden now, and I will come to Ye Family immediately.

In Li Yu’s life, she never lacked a man, so she never really cares about which man until she met Ye Yiqing.

How can she let Ye Yiqing leave Wangdu City like this? Even if he doesn't love her, she won't let him go.

"The long princess, there is a command from the emperor, no one can go in." The priest guards outside the Yejiamen forcibly stopped Li Yu, because of Mrs. Ye’s case, Ye Daren had to resign, and now there is no one in the court. Li Yushun’s eyes, let alone the commander of the military commander.

Li Yu glared at him and slaps the past. "Dog things, let the palace pass!"

"Long princess, even if you go in, Ye Daren will not see you, why bother to take their own insults here." The commander said coldly, and refused to let her go in.

"You dare to stop this palace, this palace will definitely kill you." Li Yu screamed in anger.

The commander just looked at her coldly, and stood still in the same place to block Li Yu.

Ye Yiqing, who is accompanying Zhaoyang, heard that Li Yu was outside the door. His eyes flashed a cold light and looked down at Zhaoyang. "You rest, I will come."

"When revenge can be used, don't rush for a while, wait until we leave here and say." Zhaoyang feared that Ye Yiqing would kill Li Yu outside, pulling his hand and hope that he would not be impulsive.

Ye Yiqing faintly said, "It’s too cheap to kill her. You can rest assured that I will keep her life."

When Zhaoyang heard him say this, he smiled and let go of his hand. She hated Li Yu in her heart. However, she knew that if she wanted to kill Li Yu, it would be more difficult for them to leave Dongqing.

When she came to Japan, she had the patience to let Li Yu get retribution.

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