There is a banshee and Li, who squats back to Xiangshui, and the red face is like a lotus flower. If it is a gelatin, it will be more than enough.

Zhao Wei saw Ye Hao’s first look. What appeared in his mind was such a few words. Before he came to Kyoto, he had already seen Lu’s portrait, not to mention that there were people on the road who described her as a city. I have already heard ear oysters, but now he sees Lu Hao with his own eyes, and finally finally believes that others can't see the three-point stunning.

Her eyes were round and bright like Chen Xing. She looked at him with vigilance and coldness. Zhao Wei went to the distance of three steps from her and stopped. "Queen Empress, don't be afraid, I won't hurt you." ""

"What the **** are you doing here?" Ye Hao asked coldly.

Zhao Xiao smiled and said, "I want to know the style of the Queen of the Republic of Korea."

"Qi Wangye has never seen a woman in Qi State?" Ye Hao looked at him coldly. When she saw Zhao Wei’s first sight, she could already guess her identity. When she heard him, she was more able to confirmed.

This person is the Qi Wang who said before Murong Cham.

Zhao Wei raised his eyebrows. It seems that this queen is quite smart. He guessed who he was, so she was not left out in Chengde Villa? It seems that Murong Chong still comes to her often.

"There are a lot of beautiful people in the world, not as much as Queen Empress." Zhao said with a smile, for a woman, he can count as a countless person, but also to make his eyes shine, it is really a worldly thing.

Ye Hao doesn't think that Zhao Zhongshen is here to look at her. Just like Murong Zhan said, this prince does not look like the rumored outside rumors. A person who is addicted to the wine can let her around without knowing it. Are people losing their movements? His martial arts are definitely not under Murong Cham.

"It’s not as good as Wang’s explanation, so don’t you feel tired when you are in a circle?” Ye Hao said faintly, and he was worried that he didn’t know Hong Ling’s safety.

Zhao Wei seems to see Ye Hao’s worries, and said with a smile, “The Queen’s Empress does not have to be nervous. Your shackles and guards are all good. I said, I will not hurt you. It’s just curious, what is it? The kind of woman can let Murong Zhan give up the opportunity to get half of the world, prefer not to join the Qi national alliance and refuse to abolish it, and now see you."

Does Qi State require ink to be a member of the Union after it is abolished? Ye Hao was shocked and frowned at Zhao Wei. "Is this palace obstructing you in Qi?"

"If you know the style of the Queen early, you will not ask such a request in front of Murong Cham." Zhao Yan sighed.

"I heard that Qi Guo never let the princess marry and marry, it seems that it is not the case." Ye Hao said sarcastically, what is the meaning of Zhao Yu’s words is not difficult to understand, this is to go to Murong Zhan to marry Qi. .

Abolished her queen, and then married the Princess Qi Qi?

Zhao Xiao smiled. "Everything depends on the timing."

"Then the prince has seen the palace now, do you still want to persuade the emperor to abolish it?" Ye Hao asked coldly.

"Some words are enough once, not necessarily for the second time." Zhao Wei said, he believes that Murong Zhan will definitely think clearly. He originally planned to wait for the marriage of the two countries, and then removed Lu Hao, and now he met. She, he changed this idea.

Before he had been thinking about the weakness of Murong Cham, now he knows about it. This Lu Hao is the life gate of Mo Rong Cham.

Ye Hao smiled slightly. "Wang Ye, you are sick, you have to be cured."

Zhao Wei was surprised that Lu Hao could still be so calm. Is she really not afraid of what he would do to her? "What disease does this king have? It is said that the Queen of the Kingdom is a **** doctor, and the king has always wanted to see and see."

Can't even see the path of his illness? Zhao Wei endured the urge to laugh, except for the owner of the Valley of Medicine, who never said that his body was problematic.

Of course, he does not believe the words of Duanmu Guzhu. His body is very strong. If he is sick, he has already fallen ill.

Ye Haofu looked seriously at Zhao Wei. This man is not too old, he should be less than forty. His imposing manner is strong, and although his mouth is smiling, the deep and dark eyes are revealing. Sharp, for a long time, she only saw the same momentum in Murong Cham.

However, Zhao Zhongshen’s face is still full of dryness. At this time, Ye Hao did not regard herself as the Queen of the Kingdom. She just approached him as the instinctive doctor. “Have you ever been hurt?”

Zhao Wei chuckled. "Several people who have come down from the battlefield have not been injured?"

"Is it hurt?" Ye Hao looked at his forehead with no scars on it. She just guessed it.

Zhao Wei blinked slightly, and he reached out and gestured to Ye Hao to come over and give him the pulse.

Ye Hao directly placed the fingertips on the pulse of his wrist. His pulse was slow and strong, and strong and powerful. The man's internal strength was deep! She looked at his head in amazement, and as she guessed, his head must have been hurt, or he would not leave behind.

Can she really see that he had been hurt before? Zhao Wei’s eyes fell on her scalloped fingers. How could someone’s skin be so delicate and white, just like white jade, even the fingers are so beautiful, what about her other places?

Zhao Xin’s heart was hot, only he felt a sullen irritability in his chest.

Ye Hao, who kept his finger on his pulse, felt the variation of his pulse. She stunned and frowned and released his hand. He looked at him faintly. "You are really sick."

"My illness is very good, as long as there is a woman." Zhao Xiao smiled evil.

Ye Hao took a medicine from the purse in her waist. She handed it to Zhao Wei. "It is not that a woman can cure your illness. You just transfer the pain of the disease to another place. You are sick, dare. Eat the medicine of the palace?"

Zhao Wei stared at Ye Hao with a burning look. When she fell on her lower abdomen, she suppressed the impulse of her heart. He was a romantic man. He was not a beast. He took the pill in the hand of Ye Hao. "I am still afraid of the Queen." Will the goddess poison me?"

"This palace really thinks." To poison this person, many things are gone.

If this person is not Qiguo, she really wants to leave him in Chengde Mountain Villa. His illness is one of the best, it is definitely a very exciting challenge, but unfortunately...

"Girls, maidens..." Not far away, Hong Ling's voice has been rushed.

Zhao Wei threw the medicine into his mouth and leaned closer to Ye Hao’s face. "If you die in your hands, I also recognize it. Is it better to have a compensation?"

The one who answered him was a silver arrow that was shot on his shoulder.

Ye Hao said with a smile, "Don't anyone tell Wang Ye that the palace is best at not only medical books, but also sleeve arrows?"

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