Zhao Wei looked down at his shoulder. How many years have he not been hurt? Not to mention that it is an injury. Even if he loses a hair, the people around him will be trembled. Today, he was shot by a little girl, and he did not have any defense. It was his profit. Is she organic?

"Wang Ye is good at the royal forbidden land. It was a big mistake. It is also a crime to offend the palace. This is a minor injury to you, not too much. What's more..." Ye Hao faintly smiles and looks at his **** traces. Wounds, "The value of the medicine given to you by this palace will keep you from getting sick for at least a month."

"You not only hurt me, but also let the king can not touch a woman for a month?" Zhao Wei looked at Ye Hao coldly, and his eyes were cold.

Ye Hao smiled. "You really think that you can't live without a woman. You are not really young. You don't find yourself being inseparable from a woman. Is there a problem? You regret it too late."

For the first time, Zhao Wei was said to be very young and angered. "Do you want to see my age?"

"Do you believe it or not? If you don't believe it, after a month, you will naturally count." Ye Hao didn't want to pay more attention to him. "Loyalty is against the ear, you love to listen."

"A month later, I will come to you." Zhao said, he was surprised to find that the dryness of the chest just disappeared, and even the urge to find a woman to vent was followed, Lu Yu gave him the medicine. Wouldn't it be to make him a Liu Xiahui?

Ye Hao smiled cold and indifferent, "That would not be sent, Wang Ye."

Zhao Wei listened to the sound of the distance not far away, and he did not want to attract the attention of other bodyguards at Chengde Mountain Villa. It is not good for him to fight here. "We will meet again, Lu Yan."

"When you have no medicine to save, this palace is waiting for you to seek medical attention." Ye Yan said with a smile.

It’s a little girl with a big mouth! Zhao Wei thought in his heart and turned to go deep into the woods.

Ye Hao took a faint look, turned and walked back, not long after they met Hong Ling, a few rings have been scared and whitish, Hong Ling saw her now cried out, "mother, you are fine? ”

"What will happen to this palace?" Ye Yan said with a smile. "Go back, the game played today is almost the same."

Dong He and Xia He face each other and look at the Queen Empress carefully. It seems that there is really nothing at all, but they have just been ordered from behind, and even a little voice is released. They think that the Queen’s Empress must be fierce. You can look at the girl's look, as if nothing has happened.

"Mother, you... didn't you see anyone?" Winter asked whispered.

Hong Ling also wants to ask this question, but she feels that the goddess does not seem to want to say.

At the beginning, Ye Hao did want to say that Zhao Zhongshen had been here, but she still resisted it. With Zhao Zhongshen’s romantic deeds, once people knew that he and she had met alone, the court’s ministers who had opinions on her. I will definitely not let go of smashing her, and those who have recently secretly released rumors and slandered her... She still waited for Murong Chan to come to him for two days and tell him.

"I haven't seen this palace, where are you going?" asked Ye Hao.

"We were stopped by a person, can't move..." Hung Hom looked at Ye Hao with fear. "I thought the girl had an accident."

"It seems that some people broke into the woods. Fortunately, the forest is big enough. Perhaps it was not looking for the palace. We quickly left, let Xue Lin and Wu Chong bring people to search." Ye Hao said.

Dong He first woke up, "The **** girl first left here."

Her words just said, I saw Xue Lin and Wu Chong rushed over and looked worried. When they saw Ye Hao standing here, they were relieved. "The Queen Empress, the subordinates heard Someone broke into the woods."

Ye Hao looked at the few guards behind him. Probably these few have been protecting her secretly. They have just been given a point by Zhao Zhongshen. "There is no such person in this palace. You are searching in the forest." a bit."

Wu Chong said, "The niece, the subordinate will send you back."

"Good." Ye Hao handed the bow and arrow in his hand to the red dragonfly, and returned to the rice flower garden with a few rings.

Winter and Xiahe are guarded outside, and the red dragonfly prepares hot water to wash the leaves.

When Hong Ling changed clothes for Ye Hao, she found that her wrist's sleeve arrow had a silver arrow missing. She raised her head in panic, "Anniling?"

"Don't sing, so as not to fall into the crowd." Ye Hao said faintly, and reloaded a silver arrow.

"Mother, who is it into the woods?" Hong Ling originally thought it was the emperor. When she saw that she had lost a silver arrow, she knew it was definitely not.

Ye Hao said, "An uninvited guest is not coming to hurt this palace."

Hong Ling heard Ye Hao and didn't want to say more about this person, but... this is too shocking. What kind of martial arts can be so powerful? If you don’t say it, you will sneak into the villa. Even those guards will be easily I ordered acupuncture points.

At this point, Ye Xie’s heart was thinking about the marriage that Zhao Zhongshen had just said.

Qi Guo wants Murong Zhan to smash the Princess Qi, which is based on political considerations. Qi Guo considers their interests. She knows that Murong Zhan will definitely not agree, whether it is for Jin Guo, or Her feelings, he will not abolish her.

Ye Hao closed her eyes. Everything she saw in her dreams was still vivid. Although many things were different, he still set up a noble...

If Zhao Ning is the princess who is married, will she still become a noble?

Will Murong Zhan regard Zhao Ning as the second Hu Yueer?

She really didn't want to think about it, it was too tired and too tired.

"Mother, are you okay?" Hong Ling saw Ye Hao's tiredness and thought she was just scared in the woods.

"Nothing." Ye Hao whispered, she just didn't know, if Murong Zhan compromised for the country and married Qi, even if it was Zhao Ning, even if he did not touch other women, she could not guarantee whether she was still Can bear it.

I hope that there will be years to look back, and with a deep affection.

If this continues, what is the memory between her and Murong Cham, and how much affection will be left?

It is one thing to be able to work together to be old.

Hong Ling looked at Ye Hao’s eyes full of worries. Others did not find it, but she found out that she felt that the goddess is more and more like the original Qin Wang, the desire in the eyes, the depression in the heart... the gods themselves have no Discover it?

What the maiden had longed for was that the emperor could come to her, but now?

"Mother, or else, go back to the palace with the emperor." Perhaps at the emperor's side, the Queen's Empress will be happy.

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