Zhao Wei directly entered the opposite mountain from the forest. He pulled out the silver arrow on his shoulder and simply wrapped it. He quickly left the deep forest and found the horse he had hidden under the mountain. He left the place and waited. When Xue Lin came to them, they had already disappeared.

Song Hongyi waited a little anxious. He worried that Zhao Wei would have to do anything irreparable when he saw the Queen of the Kingdom. It would be a little difficult for them to leave Jinguo. He was a little confident about his family’s thrift. No.

Fortunately, Liuqiao was clever and didn't go out for most of the day. Everyone thought that the emperor was still in her house.

As time passed, the sky darkened, Zhao Wei still did not come back, Song Hongyi planned to go to Chengde Mountain Villa to have a look, only finally heard the movement.

Zhao Wei walked in the night and went straight back to the room.

Song Hongqi hurriedly followed him and saw the injury on his shoulder at a glance. He was shocked. "Imperial, have you been discovered?"

"Is it fascinating?" Zhao Wei said with a sigh of relief, took off the robe outside and signaled Song Hongyi to come over and wrap the wound for him.

"How did you get hurt?" Song Hongyi whispered, he believed that Zhao Wei's martial arts would not be easy to find, even if it was found that it was not so easy to be injured, but look at this injury, this is a arrow injury, is it? Is it being concealed?

Zhao Wei touched his chin. "I remember you said that Lu Hao’s archery is good?"

Song Hongyi rounded his eyes. "You were injured by Lu Hao? The emperor, what did you do to her?"

"You are asking questions?" Zhao Wei gave him a faint look.

"The emperor, the minister is not the meaning, just... how did Lu Yan hurt you?" Song Hongzhen was shocked. He did not see that Lu Hao would martial arts.

Zhao Wei said, "Why didn't you hear that she would ride a shot and have a sleeve arrow?"

"..." Song Hongyi wants to say that he can't find someone else to inquire about Lu Hao every day, will Murong Chong let him go? "Even if Lu Hao has a sleeved arrow, it will not hurt you. What have you done?"

It won't be the color of the heart after seeing Lu Hao, and then there is no vigilance?

Zhao Yi saw what Song Hongzhen was thinking at a glance. He smashed the past and said, "Nothing is done!"

Song Hongyu didn't believe his face. If he didn't do anything, would it be counted by Lu Hao? Then what did he do with martial arts? "The emperor, you restrained some, Lu Yan is the Queen of the Republic of Korea, even if you want Murong Zhan to abolish her, should not use this method, her stomach is still so big..."

"Shut up!" Zhao Wei said uncomfortably. "Is it a beast?"

"That..." Song Hongyi wanted to believe that he was not so beautiful, but it was a little difficult.

Zhao Wei blinked slightly, and the voice said coldly. "She said that she is sick."

Merry is also a disease.

"I also gave a pill." Zhao Wei touched his chest. He didn't think about it at first, but now he feels strange. How can she have medicine on her body? Can her medicine cure any disease?

It is impossible for Lu Hao to know that he went to Chengde Mountain Villa today. He can only say that... Her medicine has the effect of treating all diseases?

Song Hongzhen was shocked. "Emperor, have you taken her medicine?"

"Eat!" Zhao said, frowning. "Go to bring Liuqiao."

He doesn't have the urge to vent now, in case there is a problem with Lu's medicine, turn him into a liar to lie to him? He likes to find a woman to vent how is a disease?

I knew it should be clear, Mom, actually let a little girl give it a play!

Song Hongwei cleaned the wounds of Zhao Wei. This injury is not very serious. It can be done with the medicine. However, what happened to the emperor at this time? Did Lu Hao give him the aphrodisiac?

"The emperor, do you want to rest and look for Liu girl?" Song Hongyi asked, did you need to take a break?

Zhao Wei gave him a faint look. "Don't talk nonsense, bring people."

Song Hongyi said in his heart, "Yes, the emperor." He couldn't help but ask, "What kind of medicine did Lu Hao give you?"

"What do you say?" Zhao said with a smile.

It seems that the emperor is definitely doing something at Chengde Mountain Villa. Song Hongyi knows that if he asks again, he will definitely make Zhao Wei angry. He has to bring Liu Qiaoer over.

In the house, self-sufficiency for a long time, Liu Qiaoer's face was ruddy and charming, and she saw Zhao Wei in the door. She smiled and gave a good ceremony. The body of the water snake had been wrapped around Zhao Wei.

"Yeah, I miss you all the time." Liu Qiaoer sat in Zhao's thigh, and seemed to have teased him.

Zhao Hao soon responded, but he did not immediately press Liu Qiaoer under him. He was thinking about what Lu Hao said.

If it was changed, he had already pressed Liu Qiaoer under his body. Now his body is responsive, but he is not as violent as he used to be and only wants to find a vent. Is Lu Lu’s words true? He does not need a woman himself, but he... is sick?

Liu Qiaoer tempered for a long time and did not feel that Zhao Wei had an action. She looked up in amazement. "Ye, what are you thinking?"

Zhao Yan frowned. He had not controlled his own desire before. Once he had no woman venting for two days, he would feel headache and irritate and want to kill. Today he does not have such violent anger.

Is Lu’s medicine useful to him?

"Go down." Zhao Wei whispered.

Liu Qiaoer looked at him blankly, "Ye?"

"Go out, Lord has something else to do." Zhao said coldly.

Liu Qiaoer was in the Qinglou for many years. She learned to look at her face early. She didn't dare to hesitate. She immediately put away her seductive gesture and lowered her head to the room.

Song Hong, who was outside, saw that she was still smashing, and the emperor was so fast...

"Come in." Zhao Wei’s voice came out coldly.

Song Hongyi walked in with his head down and found that Zhao Wei did not do anything. He was even more surprised. "Im, what do you have to tell?"

"I want to see the end of the wood valley." Zhao Wei's voice is very cold, let him wait for the emperor to wait. ”

"The emperor, are you okay?" Song Hongyi asked worriedly.

Zhao Wei touched the silver arrow in his hand. "How likely is it after the ink is burned?"

"Almost no." Song Hongyi did not want to answer.

"If you change it... you don't want it." Zhao Wei thinks of Lu Hao, his mouth is floating with a faint smile. "Lu Yan is the only life gate of Murong Chong. If you want to deal with the North China Kingdom with the Jin Guo Alliance. It must be suppressed, and ink capacity will become unbearable in the future."

Song Hongzhen looked at him in surprise. "What is the emperor planning to do?"

Lu Hao is not a simple woman, she has the cost of the world, let alone her medical skills are amazing, if she can leave her and Murong Cham, it is equal to defeating Murong Zhan three points.

"Let the ink-capped Zhanqi Qiguo princess be a noble man." Zhao Wei whispered that with Lu's cleverness, she would not want to have a strong motherly woman into the palace, especially her child was born.

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