Ye Hao did not let people tell Murong Zhan about today's events. She knew that Xue Lin would definitely pass this back to the palace. They didn't know that Zhao Zhongshen had been there. She didn't plan to say anything, wait for Murong Chan. Come and talk to him again.

If Zhao Zhongshen is not a Qi Wangye, she would like to heal his illness. Is this the neurological pain sequelae mentioned in Qi’s medical classics? Today, the pill she gave is only a panacea added with Lingquan. It is not the right medicine at all. It is estimated that it will not last long, but the man is too arrogant and he is not willing to heal.

"Anniling, Xiao Wang Ye is coming." Hong Ling came in and whispered.

Ye Hao’s eyes flashed a touch of joy. “When did Auntie come back? Let him come in.”

"Queen's nephew!" Her words were just finished, and there was a scream of ink from the outside, and soon he saw him appear outside the door of the Dahuayuan.

"Shey Monkey." Ye Hao said with a smile, "When is it coming back?"

Inkor’s way to Chengde Mountain Villa is very worrying. I want to see how the Queen’s nephew feels sad and sad. How can he persuade her, if the emperor is really cold, what should he do? Thinking for a long time, the more he wants to get more entangled, there is no way.

However, I saw that the Queen’s nephew still smiled brightly and beautifully, and it seemed that there was no sadness.

"I just arrived in Kyoto yesterday, knowing that you are not in the palace, I asked the emperor for permission. I came here to see you." Murong smiled and said, his eyes have been looking at Ye Hao, for fear that she is smiling.

I must have heard the rumors of Kyoto just after I came back, so I am anxious to see her! The smile in Ye Hao’s eyes is more prosperous. “Come in, this road is tired and hungry.”

"It's really hungry." Murong nodded and followed Ye Hao to the hall. "Queen's nephew, how come you came here, isn't it a good thing in the palace?"

Ye Hao smiled. "Where did you hear that I was not in the palace?"

Murong looked around and looked at it. It seems that the empress is not like a pet. "I heard that there is a lady in the palace, thinking that it is the emperor... but I asked him, but he has nothing. tell me."

Of course, you can't tell him where there is a thing that Wang Ye intervenes in the harem. "You shouldn't use it if you don't know it. Listen to the emperor and say that you went to Nanyue to do a bad job. How is the errand done? Only you come back alone?"

She heard that Murong Yu followed him to South Vietnam, and did not know if he was coming back.

If Murong Yu heard about Hu Yueer's affairs, he should know that this is not true. She is worried that he will go to Chengde Villa to find her.

Murong said, "The water in the south of Vietnam is too deep. The six brothers still stay there and find a way to find out who is covering the sky. I am back on the road and I have been chased all the way. God can't bear to die, I won't come back to see you."

"Are you injured?" Ye Hao was shocked. Is it so dangerous in South Vietnam?

"It’s a little hurt, it doesn’t matter, it’s already bandaged. Have you ever given me some medicine before? I’m staying on the body.” Murong smiled and said, he also moved the injured arm. “Look, they both No pain."

Ye Hao frowned and said, "There are many businessmen in the South Vietnam, what is the danger?"

"You don't know, there is a serious tax evasion over there. There are also merchants who sell salt to the sea. The six brothers suspect that someone is opening a salt field privately. This is a big crime of copying the family, but it has been reported by no one for so many years. Someone has covered everything in the court, and the emperor has been enthroned for so many years. The South Vietnamese side dares to do so, showing how strong their power is." Murong whispered, "I hope that the six brothers and Lu Xiang are there. Danger."

Ye Hao believes in Murong's ability. If he is in South Vietnam, he will definitely not let Lu Xiangzhi do anything. However, she did not expect that the problem of South Vietnam will be so serious. "So, are you still going to South Vietnam?"

"The emperor said that he would not let me go." Murong was a little depressed. "He said that I will only hinder my sixth brother."

"..." Ye Hao whispered, "Why are you back to Kyoto this time?"

Murong said, "The six brothers let me send those debts back."

Oh, it was originally opened by Murong Yu. It seems that Murong’s stay in South Vietnam is really likely to hinder what Murong Yu wants to do. “The emperor will not let you go to South Vietnam, there must be other errands. Command you."

"You really know the emperor, the emperor said so." Murong said.

Ye Hao smiled, because it was because Murong Zhan didn't want him to go to South Vietnam leisurely. "Then you still have time to run here?"

"I am worried about you, in case you are here every day with tears and no one knows what to do?" Murong sighed, I was all for you to come, "Queen of the Emperor, that Shu in the end Anyone, can you still let the emperor seal her? You can rest assured that even if she gives birth to a prince, I will stand on your side as always, and I have a clear stand."

It does not make sense! Ye Hao couldn't help but smile. "You don't listen to the nonsense outside. The real truth is how you know it later."

At this time, Hong Ling came in with two bowls of beef noodles, and a few dishes with side dishes. "Yiang Niang, you haven't eaten anything today, and Xiaoran gave you a bowl of noodles."

Ye Hao smiled and nodded. "Let it down."

Murong was really hungry. He took a large bowl of noodles in three or two, and also ate a large plate of beef. "Comfortable."

Probably chatting with Murong for a while, Ye Hao was in a better mood, ate a large bowl of noodles, and it was really impossible to let people go down.

"How long have you been hungry?" Ye Hao asked with a funny smile.

Ink said, "This is delicious."

"That is, Xiaoran's beef noodles can't match the royal dining room." Ye Hao smiled and nodded.

"Xunzi, you don't really want to go back to the palace?" Murong asked.

Ye Hao said faintly, "When will the emperor let me go back, I will not go back."

It sounds a bit angry, and Murong asked carefully, "Is the emperor irritating you?"

"Don't ask so much, go back to the city when you are full, in case your emperor is looking for you?" Ye Hao said with no anger.

Murong yelled, "Hello, let me rest for a while, I will go back tomorrow morning."

Ye Hao smiled. "You are lazy here."

"I almost lost my life. It’s not too lazy to be lazy." Murong said of course, "The Queen’s nephew, I went to the East Park, so I could get a good night’s sleep and go back to the palace tomorrow morning. I am relieved to see you well."

"I am very good, you don't have to worry." Ye Hao shook his head and said to Hung Hom, "Let Dongyuan wait for the little prince."

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