Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1178: Leave the disease

When Song Hongzhen saw such a Zhao, he immediately realized that he was ill again. He did not feel worried before. He had seen the normal emperor for a few days. At this time, he was extremely worried about the illness of Zhao Wei. This strange disease was the first time. I saw that I have never heard of it before.

Lu Hao can actually see it at a glance. I don't know if Duanmu Gu can cure the emperor's disease. If not, they are afraid to return to Lu Hao.

"Song Shizi, what happened to Shen Wangye?" Murong looked at Zhao Wei, who suddenly returned to the carriage, and asked Song Hongyu doubtfully.

Song Hongyi smiled faintly. "Nothing, our prince probably misses Liu girl."

"..." Inkor blushes for a while.

"Little prince, our princess will ask you on this road." Song Hongyu said, "Wang Ye also has a confidante in Montenegro, we have to go to Montenegro first."

Hearing this, Murong Yu is really full of black lines, this Shen Wangye really does not converge at all, this road is inseparable from the squad every day, even if it is halfway to find other women... ...

Song Hongjun knows what Murong is thinking, he can't explain it, he can only know it.

He quickly arranged everything, and also acquainted with Zhao Xin and Zhao Ning.

Zhao Xin said with dissatisfaction, "Wang Shu was ordered to **** us. Now he is not happy for us."

"Wang Shu has his own affairs, and we have other people who send the same." Zhao Ning looked at Zhao Xin and couldn't understand how Zhao Xin could disrespect Wang Shu, although Wang Shu did not seem to adjust. But in the end is their elders.

Song Hongyi looked at Zhao Ning, this Princess Ning really knows how to behave better than Zhao Xin. "Wang Ye will leave other messengers and guards. Jin Guo Xiao Wang Ye will also **** you to the border. You don't have to worry about safety."

Zhao Xin snorted and glanced at the ink to look at the ink, not far from the face, his face was only slightly eased, but his heart was thinking about waiting to return to Jinguo, she must complain with the father, and can not be important things in the future. Handed over to Wang Shu, there is no adjustment at all.

After the arrangement, Song Hongyi and Zhao Wei left before the dark.

Murong looked at their backs and thought that the king of Qi was really capricious. If he dared to do this, the emperor would definitely not let him go.

When Zhao Wei left, Zhao Xin prepared a carriage again. "The whole car is full of fish, and the princess can't stand it."

Zhao Ning's face rose red. She knew that Zhao Xin was satirizing her identity in the fishing village. Usually they had a quarrel. Now Zhao Xin said that she was in front of everyone, and she was deliberately humiliating her.

"Does your nose be a dog's nose? You can smell it without smelling it?" Zhao Ning asked Zhao Xin.

Zhao Xin pointed to Zhao Ning and said, "Do you dare to marry me as a dog?"

Ink Murray walked over from the front. He just saw Zhao Xin and Zhao Ning bickering, thinking that they are two sisters. They should just be playing small, but listening to Zhao Xin’s words, he thinks that Zhao Ning will return. When I arrived in Qi, it is estimated that the days are very difficult.

"Ning Princess." Murong did not look at Zhao Xin, but walked to Zhao Ning. "The front is the shack, we have to check in before the dark, watching the weather, it may still rain tonight."

"Okay." Zhao Ning was very annoying to Murong, but he always helped her, but also took the jade gift, she was forgiven for forgive him, but looked at Zhao Xin all the way to pay attention to the ink She felt very unsightly.

This Zhao Xin really didn't know what was going on. She thought that she grew up in the palace and knew the book. At least as a princess, she should have the princess's manner and restraint. But Zhao Xin is really acting...

However, she also heard that Qi Guo’s style of work was open, and some princesses and women married three husbands. Zhao Xin was probably raised.

When they arrived at the pavilion, it was still early, and the street was very lively. Unlike Kyoto, Jiangzhou is close to Qi, so the clothes of the people seem to have a taste of Qi.

When Zhao Xin arrived at the museum, he just got off the carriage and went to the front of Murong Yu. "Little lord, I want to go out and walk, can you accompany me?"

Ink has stunned. "Princess, here is not familiar with life, or be cautious."

"Just to be careful, let you follow me out." Zhao Xin said with a smile. "Are you not escorting us? If I have something outside, you are not good enough to go back and explain, isn't it?"

This is to force the ink to ask me to go out with her.

There is something disappointing in the heart of Murong. "The king still has a lot to do. If the princess wants to go out, the king can send people to follow you."

Zhao Xin stared straight at Murong, "I want you to accompany you."

Zhao Ning on the side couldn't stand it anymore. She came over. "If this is the case, it is better for me to follow you. I just saw that there is a temple meeting outside. I remember that this is a fast mid-autumn, and it should be fun." ”

Who wants to go out with her! Zhao Xin looked at Zhao Ning with a look of iron and blue. "You don't need to follow."

Zhao Ning sighed in disappointment. "That's it."

Inkor smiled and said, "This king will go to arrange other things first."

Zhao Xin stunned Zhao Ning and took his own ring and guard to leave the museum.

"Ning Princess, thank you for making a clearance for me." Murong smiled and said to Zhao Ning.

"Who wants to help you." Zhao Ning whispered, "When you were a hero to save the United States, why didn't you think that there would be today."

Inkor smiled bitterly. "At the time, I only wanted to save people. I thought so much."

If she knew that Zhao Xin would have let her entangle him, he would not be saved.

Zhao Ning was originally in a bad mood. The closer she was to Qi, the more she felt in her heart that she didn’t know where to start. Whether she left Huajia Village to recognize her own biological father is a good thing or a bad thing. She seems to be from the beginning. Just thinking about things is too simple.

A Zhao Xin has made her upset, let alone Qi Guo and three princesses.

I heard that the princess is especially worthy of being looked down upon by the father. Because of what she said, the father would agree.

If the princess really wants her to marry that peace, what?

Zhao Ning’s expectation of returning to Qi is even worse.

"Princess, it seems very live outside, do you want to go out and go." Zi Yan saw Zhao Ning has been depressed for a few days, today happened to meet the Jiangzhou Temple Fair, go out and maybe the mood can be better.

"Then go out and go." Zhao Ning said, she is no longer worried about how dry it is now.

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