Although the Jiangzhou Temple Fair is lively, it is not as good as Kyoto and the Imperial Capital. However, Zhao Ning, who grew up in a fishing village, is already very lively. She walked around with a purple sable, and she was in a good mood. My heart is not so worried about returning to Qi.

"Princess, you haven't eaten anything for a long time. At this time, it is too late to go back to the museum. There is a restaurant there. Can you go there to eat something?" Zi Yan asked Zhao Ning.

Zhao Ning nodded. "Let's go, it's just right to see the garden party upstairs."

The three masters and servants passed through the crowd, and finally came to the restaurant next to the street. It was already full of people. There was no room upstairs that could be provided to Zhao Ning. Zhao Ning had to wait for a while in the lobby downstairs. She looked up. A look upstairs, but suddenly found a familiar figure into one of the rooms.

Isn't that Zhao Xin? Why is she here?

Zhao Ning was puzzled. Zhao Xin was out with his own ring. Who else is waiting for her in the restaurant?

"You are waiting for me here." Zhao Ning whispered to the purple, and went upstairs.

There are people everywhere tonight, and no one noticed Zhao Ning. She came to the room where Zhao Xin had just entered. She was dressed tonight. When she saw her, she thought it was just a ring. She stood on the outside of the door and listened. With.

The voice inside was faintly passed out.

"It’s the big sister who let you come. Is there anything wrong with the emperor?" Zhao Xin’s tone sounded a bit different when it was peaceful, but Zhao Ning couldn’t say where it was different.

Then came the voice of a man. "The four princesses, the big princess has been secretly operating. I intend to wait for Princess Ning to return to Kyoto, and let the ministers play. Please ask Princess Ning to marry Anning Hou, so that you can also make some preparations in advance."

Zhao Xin whispered, "Zhao Ning is not as simple as we thought before. I have already written a letter to tell the big princess. The princess still insists on marrying Zhao Ning to Anning Hou?"

"Since the big princess did this, she naturally had her plans." The man said.

"I know." The big princess didn't want the three princesses to ask for the father. If the peaceful princess smashed the three princesses, then the great emperor would get the help of Anning Hou. Regardless of the consideration of the father, he should agree. Zhao Ning, who has no mother, marries An Ning Hou.

The man whispered again, "Four princesses, you and Shen Wang walked along the way, can you find him different?"

Zhao Xin was silent for a while. "I have only heard of this uncle Wang. I have never seen this. I have seen him for the first time in Jinguo. It looks like a father, but the facial features are slightly different. ... It’s a waste. It’s only indulging in wine all day long, and I’m not even talking about the marriage with Qi.”

"How do I hear that Shen Wang is not in the library?" the man asked.

Zhao Xin said with dissatisfaction, "I heard that I went to Montenegro, and there is a confidante who is waiting for him there. Really, how did the father and the emperor let him come to Jinguo? Zhao Ning took him as one thing, and I thought I could count on him as a backer."

The man didn't talk for a long time, and after a while, "The four princesses, I have to go back to the big princess to return to life, I will leave, you must be careful."

"Well, Xu Daren, you can let the big princess rest assured, I will listen to her instructions." Zhao Xin said with a smile, she does not like Zhao Ning, so I don't care if Zhao Ning will be killed by Anning Houke in the future.

She only knows that if she does not listen to the big princess, her future days will not be better.

The man said, "Okay."

Zhao Ning was shocked in the heart of the door. She hurriedly went to the corner of the entrance hall. She watched a middle-aged man come out of the wing and soon disappeared into the crowd.

Zhao Xin said that it is true to marry her to Anning Hou!

Has she returned to the Imperial Capital before, has she been counted for the rest of her life?

Zhao Ning’s heart is both angry and aggrieved, but she has nothing to do. She has no power and no power, and she has nothing to rely on. What can she do besides being played by the big princess and Zhao Xin as fools?

Where did she block the big princesses, why should she calculate her like this?

"Are you okay?" Suddenly, a voice came from him, scared Zhao Ning almost hurriedly turned back.

"What are you doing here?" Zhao Ning turned to talk to the person who spoke, only to know that it was Murong, she felt that his appearance looked a little fuzzy, only to find that she did not know when she was full of tears, she wiped away tears I don't want to let people see her vulnerability.

Murong whispered, "I have asked you this question, what did you hear from Zhao Xin?"

"You...had you heard it?" Zhao Ning looked back. No one noticed them. She took Murong and went to the other side. "What do you want to do?"

"I know Anning Hou, that is the general of Qi State..." Murong said, looking at Zhao Ning, he did not understand what she was crying.

Zhao Ning only felt embarrassed. She didn't want to lose face in front of Murong. As a princess, she even counted her own lifelong events, and she was as self-righteous as she was before him. In fact, she is like Zhao Xin. Said, she is just a fisherwoman, even if she wears gorgeous clothes, she can't change the essence.

"Whatever you are, you don't need to worry about me!" Zhao Ning pushed the ink to force it, and turned and ran away.

In the downstairs waiting for her purple eyes to see Zhao Ning's red eyes, his face changed, "Princess, what's wrong with you?"

Zhao Ning shook his head. "Nothing, let's go."

"We just saw the four princesses, but she did not find us." Zi Yan rushed out behind Zhao Ning, "Princess, is the four princess bullying you?"

"No." Zhao Ning said with a low head. She also thought that Zhao Xin was able to bully her. She only said a few words in her words. Now she knows that Zhao Xin wants to bully her. She is not relying on embarrassment. Her life.

Zi Yan and Li Wei looked at each other and they didn't know what happened to Zhao Ning.

Zhao Ning is very eager to find someone to talk to, but she found that she is now looking for someone to listen to her. There are only two rings from Jin Guo that she can believe.

"When you go to the emperor, you are only afraid to follow me." Zhao Ning whispered to the purple pipa.

Zi Yan looked at Zhao Ning in amazement. "Princess, what happened?"

"Zhao Xin and the big princess want to join me to marry Anning Hou, huh, I haven't returned to Qi. They have long wanted to deal with me. When I got to Qi, I have a good time. ?"

"What? They are also princesses, how can you do your thing?" Ziyan asked in surprise.

Zhao Ning closed his eyes. "Qi is not as simple as I thought..."

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