Mo Rong looked at Zhao Ning who was leaving the restaurant quickly. He was very puzzled. He just heard Zhao Xin talking to others. Although he was calculating Zhao Ning, it should be that Qi Guoda’s emperor and the second emperor were competing for Anning Hou. General, he heard the emperor said the situation of Qi. Although Anning Hou is the princess of the big princess, he has never been close to the princess. He has not been swayed by the two emperors. Now he sees that the emperor and the second emperor are old. Gradually, no matter who they are, if they can get to Anning Hou, they will have great benefits for their future.

In this way, in order to prevent the second emperor from marrying his sister to Anning Hou, she could only choose between the four princesses and Zhao Ning. The big princess certainly did not believe in the four princesses, so she chose Zhao Ning because Zhao Ning arrived. Qi is absolutely helpless. Now Zhao Xin is ridiculed to bully Zhao Ning all the way. After Qi Guo, the big princess is better for her. Zhao Ning will definitely rely on the big princess.

The princess's heart is really not deep.

Murong has some sympathy for Zhao Ning.

He followed the restaurant and saw Zhao Ning's carriage leave.

"Little prince, there is an urgent letter from the emperor." Murong is about to launch, and the emperor sent him to protect his dark guard and whispered to him.

The ink is dark and whispered, "What about the letter?"

Sun Jun took the letter from his arms and handed it to Murong Yu. He looked around with a vigilant look.

"Go back." Murong quickly looked at the letter and knew that Dong Qingguo had betrayed Jin Guo. He was heavy in his heart and he quickly returned to the pavilion.

Zhao Ning has already returned to the house, and Murong met Zhao Xin outside the gate of the museum.

"Little prince, how come you and Zhao Ning back and forth?" Zhao Xin looked at Murong with a burning gaze, and he was always so patient with Zhao Ning, but he even refused to see her.

Ink Murray said as usual, "This king heard that there was a muddy collapse in the official road. I went to look at it. We are only afraid to stay in the museum for two days to go back."

Zhao Xin heard the words change. She also thought about returning to Qi State earlier. She could set Zhao Ning and Anning Hou’s relatives. "Is there no other way to go?"

"There is nothing. If the princess is not afraid to spend the night in the mountains, if it encounters rainy days, it may be necessary to find a temple or a cave. This king does not matter. It is just the body of a princess. I am afraid that I will not get used to it. There are still a lot of snake worms, and this king is also just in case." Murong said as usual.

"What?" Zhao Xin's face changed again. She thought about staying in the mountains for a night, and there was a snake worm. She felt that the goose bumps all over her body. "That... then wait another two days."

Inkor said with a smile, "Then the grievance princess."

Zhao Xin glanced at him. "If these two **** want to go somewhere, will Xiao Wang be with you?"

"That depends on where the princess went," said Murong.

"Are you sure you kissed?" Zhao Xin suddenly asked again.

Murong snorted and coughed. "Princess, is there a dear parent in this king... It doesn't matter to this?"

Zhao Xin looked at him. He should be 15 or 6 years old. As usual, even ordinary people have already decided to kiss. He is the prince of Jin Guo and the younger brother of the emperor. It is to know that her two emperors are married at the age of thirteen or four.

"I will ask, is this a secret that can't be sue?" Zhao Xin asked with an eyebrow.

This is naturally not a secret. Murong just feels that there is no need to tell her. "Nature is not a secret."

Zhao Xin smiled and asked, "I guess it should be yet."

Inkor faint smiles, "Princess, it is not early, or go back to rest earlier."

"Okay." Zhao Xin returned to the ceremony, and he left with a ring.

Sun Jun went to the side of Murong Yu, "Little Wang, what is the muddy collapse?"

Murong whispered, "The emperor is already on the road, and Dongqing is a country of the North Ming State. Jin and Qi must have an alliance."

"Isn't want to marry the Princess of Qi?" Sun Jun was taken aback and looked at the direction that Zhao Xin had left. If the princess became a nobleman, then the Jinguo harem would be restless.

"When the emperor arrives, I know." Murong whispered, "You have to arrange the mountain mud collapse."

Sun Jun nodded gently. "Go here."

At this time, Zhao Wei, who had not yet arrived in Montenegro, had heard about Dong Qingguo. He was already upset and worried. Hearing this incident, he felt that there was an anger in the whole body that would explode.

"Li Wei did not have Ye Yiqing as a prime minister, so he started doing this kind of brainless thing." Song Hongyi said with a frown, Dongqingguo can support today, and it is all because Ye Yiqing.

"This is also more proof of the importance of Ye Yiqing." Zhao Yan's eyes flashed a sharp, will Ye Yiqing return to the Jin State? If this is the case, then Murong Cham is even more powerful.

Song Hongyu said, "In this way, Jin Guo is in trouble. If you don't join us in the alliance, Ye Haonan is in danger in the cold."

"If Ye Xiaonan is dead, do you say that Ye Yiqing will help Murong Zhan?" Zhao Wei suddenly said with a smile.

"The emperor wants to provoke the relationship between Ye Yiqing and Murong Zhan? Don't forget, if Ye Xiaonan is defeated in Xiliang, Qi will not be good, and... Lu Hao is Ye Qingqing's biological daughter." Song Hongyu reminded Zhao Wei not to lose because of the small.

Zhao Wei picked up his eyebrows. It seems that it is not feasible to use Ye Yannan to provoke their relationship with Weng, "Li Wei is a turtle grandson!"

Song Hongyu said, "Is Murong Zhan really going to Qi to personally kiss him? If he does not come, is it... the alliance?"

"No matter what, you can't let the North Ming Kingdom grow up." Zhao Wei only felt that his brain hurts. If it was before, he wouldn't care if Murong Chan would come to raise a relative, but now he thinks about what Lu Hao said, he If the body is really sick, how long can the disease last?

Although Lu Yan did not say it clearly, he still felt vaguely, and his body was being hollowed out because of this disease.

"Let people go to Jinguo to inquire, if Murong Zhan wants the alliance, then set the affair between the two countries, we immediately send troops." Zhao Yu said.

Song Hongyi did not expect that Zhao Wei would change his mind, "Imperial?"

"I am afraid that there is not much time, at least when I can still fight, let Qi can be peaceful." Zhao Wei whispered.

"The emperor, you can see the Duanmugu master in two days, you will be fine." Song Hongzhen was shocked. "Even if there is no way for Duanmugu, is there still Luyi?"

"Are you going to catch Lu Hao?" Zhao asked with a smile.

Song Hongqi clenched his fists. "What's the matter?"

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