Ye Wei’s delivery room is in the west side courtyard. She personally selected it. The sun is abundant. The house is very bright and breathable. Recently, the weather is very good. Hongling took the other people together and basking in the yard. Even the little emperor wore it. The clothes are all taken out and basking in the sun.

The days of Ye Hao’s production are just a few days away. Although Ye Hao has not felt any discomfort, she recently insisted on going to the rice flower garden for an hour. She wants to have two children. If the strength is not enough, It is difficult to support.

Since a few days ago, Murong Zhan left Chengde Mountain Villa, she never heard any news from Kyoto. Even she wanted to ask for a visit.

She faintly guessed what, but did not want to be sure, the bottom of her heart precipitated sadness that could not be ignored.

He...has already set off to go to Qiguo.

Even if he is not willing, he still has to use this method to go with the Qi State League. If it is her, this time, in addition to this method, she does not know what else can be done to deal with the North Ming Kingdom and Dong Qingguo.

She was just a little sad, and Li Wei’s life was saved by her.

I don't know if you know that there is no such thing. Dongqingguo does not have a prime minister. It is almost broken.

"Animal, Jing Ning Hou sent his wife to Chengde Villa." Hung Hom came in happily. "And Yu and Hou Shizi also came."

Ye Hao remembered that she wanted to know how the medical clinic was doing now. People asked Hou Peidong and Yi, but there was no news. She thought they could not come. I didn’t expect to come together today.

"Let Hou Shizi wait in the hall first, and this palace wants to see Jing Ninghou." Ye Hao whispered.

Hong Ling should have a voice.

Ye Hao helped the red dragonfly's hand to stand up, first went to the office to see Tang Yan.

In the past few days, he has been busy with Lu Xiang’s dear, and it’s hard to decide on his own. This is the day when Ye Hao wants to have a baby. She has come to Chengde Villa without stopping.

However, this time the mood is somewhat different from before. She saw her daughter walk slowly with her big belly, and her heart was sour and her eyes could not help but turn red.

"Mrs. Lu..." Tang Yin whispered her.

"Hou Ye rest assured, I still know the weight." Yan said coldly, then walked up with a smile.

Ye Hao saw that Shi was also a grin. "Mom, you are finally here, I can miss you."

He touched her stomach and was worried. "Is it over?"

"Which can eat and make up, even the meat does not dare to eat more." Ye Yan said with a smile, she did not tell Yu, this is two inside.

Tang Yan silently performed a ceremony, "Chen Chen has seen the Empress."

Ye Hao looked up at him. "There was a lawyer who sent me to my house."

The outside of the villa must be strictly guarded, otherwise how do you need Tang Yan to personally send you over?

"The maiden is polite, and the minister has retired. Then I will leave." Tang Hao almost did not dare to look at Ye Hao. He knew that she was definitely suspecting something.

Ye Hao smiled lightly. "Mother, you should go to Dahuayuan first. I have a few words to say with Jing Ninghou."

He told her with a sigh of relief and said, "Okay."

"Mother, I don't know what else you are commanding?" Tang Yan asked with a low head.

"The last time the emperor left in a hurry, is there something wrong?" Ye Hao looked at Tang Yan, he did not dare to look at her, because of guilty conscience, or afraid she knew what?

Tang Yan smiled, "the niece is more worried..."

"Is this house too much? Why is the emperor not coming?" If Murong Cham is in Kyoto at this time, he will definitely come with her, he promised her, she will be there when she has children.

"The emperor has been busy recently. After two days, he will come to find the goddess." Tang Yan looked up and said Ye Hao.

Ye Hao smiled faintly. "Is it? Can this palace believe you?"

Tang Zhen remembered the words that the emperor once explained, and he nodded gently. "The goddess, the minister does not dare to lie to you."

"Then I will believe you." Ye Hao whispered, she did not want to believe that Murong Cham would personally go to Qiguo to kiss her, would not let her care, no matter what he thought in his heart, do not love not to touch the Princess of Qi, As long as he personally went to raise a relative, her queen would be very wrong.

"The niece, that minister first retired." Tang Yan did not dare to say that the emperor had left Kyoto this morning, although he did not go to Qiguo to raise relatives, but ... is almost the same, but in this case he can not say or dare to say, just let Inciting the tires, he will not forgive himself in this life.

He wanted to discourage the emperor, but he knew very well that there was no way.

"Jing Ninghou, how many years have you met Lu Yuzhi?" Ye Hao suddenly asked Tang Yan and asked.

Tang Zhen did not expect that she would ask Lu Yizhi, he whispered, "should be more than ten years."

"So, you know very well about Lu Yizhi." Ye Hao stood a little tired and slowly walked over and sat down. "Before, did you listen to Lu Yizhi’s mention of Qi Guo? Did he go? Passing the country?"

"Lu Jia was going to go to the north and the north before becoming a royal businessman. Qi Guo should have been there. He just didn't listen to Lu Hao's mention. Mother, why do you ask this?" Tang Yan asked, he used to think that he was very Knowing Lu Yizhi, and after so many things, he discovered that the understanding of Lu Yizhi is not as deep as he thought.

Ye Hao gently shook her head. She asked Lu Yizhi to inquire about Lu's previous affairs. She has not responded so far. Every time she thinks about Lu Shuanger in Qi State, she feels that Lu Hao must have a secret power in Qi State long ago.

"Lu Yizhi... is still alive." Tang Yan looked at Ye Hao and said in a low voice.

"Is still alive?" Ye Hao looked up at him. "Where?"

Tang Yan looked heavy. "I can only tell that he was seriously injured, but saved his life. As for where he is, he has not inquired."

"Oh." Ye Hao's fingers gently touched the edge of the cup. "Alive."

She always wanted to kill him personally.

"Yiang Niang, if there is anything that needs to be investigated, please let me know," Tang said.

Ye Hao said, "I may not be able to find out if I want to check it. Lu Yizhi is still seriously injured and can still live. It is definitely not good luck. Who knows who saved him?"

"I don't know if the goddess can hear the spring breeze medicine valley?" Tang Yu asked.

“Spring Wind Cliff?” Ye Hao shook his head. “Where is it?”

Tang Wei said, "If anyone in this world can save Lu Yu, except for the Niangniang, it may be Duanmu Ya."

"It seems that Lu Yizhi is really a big life." Ye Hao sneered at a smile, but remembered the spring breeze in her heart, and she would not let go of any of the clues.

"The goddess does not have to put him in his heart, he will retribute." Tang Yan whispered that the emperor would certainly not let him go.

Ye Hao smiled lightly. "Thank you for telling me this, Big Brother Tang."

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