Ye Hao had already endured a day and night in the house, and Ye Yiqing was flustered in the courtyard.

"What about your emperor? Why haven't you come yet?" He grabbed Xue Lin's hand and his voice was already angry.

Xue Lin is more worried than Ye Yiqing. If the goddess has something long and short... he can’t imagine the consequences.

"Ye Daren, the emperor... The emperor is coming soon, already on the road." Xue Lin stuttered.

If Murong Cham is in Kyoto, it will be less than two hours before arriving at Chengde Mountain Villa. If it has not come for so long, it proves that he is not in Kyoto, but he is going to Qiguo to kiss him!

Ye Yiqing is so angry that he wants to swear. His daughter is so painful that she wants to die for the sake of Murong Zhansheng, but Murong Zhan is going to ask for a woman who is going to ask for another woman. If it is not forgive at this time, he is sure. Will not let Ye Hao stay here again.

In the house, Ye Hao clung tightly to the hands of two ankle rings. She never knew that it was so painful to have a child. She couldn’t stand it anymore. Why did she suffer here, and Murong Cham wanted to marry the Qi Princess? She should not give him a baby.

"I don't want to be born... It hurts..." Ye Hao cried out and cried.

"Mother, add some strength." Li Wei cried anxiously, and finally helped to strengthen the fetal position. If you don't hurry to give birth, both mother and child are difficult.

Ye Hao had no strength at all. She shook her head. "I can't live, I don't know."

When he heard this, he cried out. "What are you talking about? It’s already this time, can you still be born?"

"I don't live, I don't live." Ye Hao cried, "Let Murong Chan find another woman to give him a baby."

"You still have the strength to say this, why don't you have the strength to have children, you don't want to be for others, but also for yourself, for the children..." He has tears, she is distressed by her daughter, seeing her daughter suffer so much more than anyone else. Uncomfortable, but the emperor is not in Kyoto at this time, even if the emperor comes back, it will take time.

Ye Hao cried, the most hated person in the heart is Murong Cham, even if it was moved by the words of the fire phoenix, it was also hurt at this time.

"Odd girl, take a break, we will work harder for a while." Qi medical officer whispered.

"Okay." Ye Hao actually had numbness. She closed her eyes and wanted to sleep. Her consciousness came into the space.

How is this going?

Ye Hao looked at her space in surprise, why is the whole space red, as if it were going to catch fire?

"Little bird, isn't you?" Ye Hao asked loudly, she didn't feel the heat, but she thought the space was unusual.

Is it that with the rebirth of the fire phoenix, so the space has to disappear? No, the little bird didn’t say that that day, is it... because the little bird is in danger?

Ye Hao also looked at her stomach because of the reasons for her dystocia? If she can't live, is it that the fire phoenix can't be born again?

"The maiden...the maiden..." Ye Hao heard someone calling her, her consciousness wanted to leave the space, only to find that she could not retreat.

"The maiden is falling!"


"God, goddess, wake up, goddess..."

Hong Ling, what are they crying, she is not good? Ye Hao shook her head, is it too tired, so she can't retreat?

"Smelly head, this great **** has become your son, you must serve this great god." In the red space, a huge fire phoenix burning all over the body appeared, although it was only the god, it still made people feel Deep shock.

It turns out that this is what the little bird really looks like... No wonder it says that he is an ancient god. She calls it a bird on weekdays. It’s really...

"Wait a minute, I can't get out of space." Ye Hao cried, watching the huge flame phoenix struggling in the air, it couldn't hear what she said.

Ye Yiqing completely stunned when he heard the **** death of the maiden. He heard the sound of crying in the ring, and the scream of the scream, he... Did you lose your daughter again?

Xue Lin and Wu Chongxi were outside the Dahua Garden. They looked at each other and had a feeling of falling.

"Qi medical officer, what happened?" Ye Yiqing forced himself to calm down. He did not believe that there would be an accident.

Qi Qi is full of blood and walked out of the delivery room, his eyes filled with tears, "Ye Daren, Niang Niang she ... she is difficult to produce blood stasis ... has no gas ..."

Ye Yiqing was black in front of him, and he took a few steps. "You mean, marry her..."

"Hey, you can't die, how can you die like this! Hey..." The scream of crying from the clan came out from inside, and then her voice stopped.

"Mrs. Lu!"

"Fast, lift Mrs. Lu."

The mess in the delivery room.

Queen Empress is dead?

Everyone in the Daohuayuan was stunned, and everyone could not believe that there would be such a thing.

Ye Yiqing did not speak. He slowly walked into the delivery room and saw the leafhopper lying on the bed at a glance. The room was full of **** smell. The mattress was wet with her blood. Her face was pale and almost transparent. So quietly and sweetly asleep, it seems that there is no competition in the world, no one can disturb her.

He struggled to the bed and reached out to test the pulse of Ye Hao.

There is no longer any beating...

"Hong Ling..." Ye Yiqing’s voice was heavy and hoarse. "Change a clean dress for your girl."

"Master?" Hong Ling couldn't help but cry out.

Ye Yiqing whispered, "I am waiting outside, and I am called to change it."

When he walked out of the delivery room, he found that Xue Lin, who was still here, was gone. He had a chill in his eyes. At this time, even if Murong Chan came back, he would not leave behind.

Even if you die... you have to leave here.

Red Ling and Hung Hom replaced the **** clothes for Ye Hao. They didn't know what Ye Yiqing was going to do. However, those who loved the cleanliness of the goddess certainly did not like to wear such dirty clothes.

"Anniling..." Hung Hom holds Ye Hao’s hand. Why does she feel as if she is dreaming, how could the goddess leave? How could she die?

Ye Yiqing walked in and held Ye Hao in his arms. "You two are going with you."

"Ye Daren, what are you doing?" Wu Chong saw Ye Yiqing coming out and hurried forward to ask, did he want to take the Queen Empress?

"If you ask the emperor, he will tell him that my daughter will not be buried in his royal tomb again." Ye Yiqing said coldly, he would not forgive Mo Rongzhan again.

Wu Chong did not dare to leave Ye Yiqing, "Ye Daren, you can not take the Queen Empress."

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