Ye Yiqing hit the leaf squatting, the clothes on her body were replaced, and her body was pure, which made her face paler. Not long ago, she was still beautiful and bright, but now she has nothing to breathe. People can't believe it at all.

Even so, they knew that Ye Yiqing was the national man, and he did not dare to let him leave with the Queen.

"Today, I must leave with my daughter. You want to stop, even if you come." Ye Yiqing looked coldly at Wu Chong who was in front of him. When he arrived at Chengde Villa, he was ready. Now that he is dead, he has no need to be jealous.

"Ye Daren, please don't let us do it hard, Queen Empress... must wait for the emperor to come back." Wu Chong whispered, if the emperor came back and didn't even see the last side of the maiden, he really couldn't imagine what the emperor would be. Feel.

Ye Yiqing’s mouth floated with a sneer. “You have a new noble in the emperor, and naturally you will not care about a dead queen.”

Wu Chong step by step, "Ye Daren, please stay."

"Roll!" Ye Yiqing spit out a word on his lips.

At this time, there were several ordinary men dressed around, and they quickly came to Ye Yiqing’s side, "Adult."

"It’s hard for you." Ye Yiqing glanced at them, a little embarrassed, only to have a bad fight to leave from here.

"Adult, take the girl away, hand it over to us." The leader said.

Wu Chong was taken aback. When did these people enter the villa?

Ye Yiqing, holding Ye Hao step by step out of the Dahua Garden, Wu Chong could not order to forcefully stop, they can not hurt the emperor's jade body, and can not really kill Ye Yiqing.

Outside the Dahua Garden, Ye Yiqing’s carriage is still here.

"Block!" Wu Chong had no choice but to order.

Ye Yiqing hugged Ye Hao, and kicked out those who had to rush up. Hung Hom also joined the guard. "Master, you must take the maiden to the carriage."

"If you want to forcibly steal my daughter, it will only hurt both sides, telling Murong Zhan, we don't want to see him again." Ye Yiqing hugged Ye Hao on the carriage and looked at Wu Chong coldly.

Outside the Daohuayuan is the dark guard arranged by Mo Rongzhan. It is not difficult for them to leave Ye Yiqing, but they dare not use a strong method to deal with Ye Yiqing, in case of hurting the Empress?

Wu Chong decided not to deal with Ye Yiqing hard, he told him, "Let Ye Daren leave."

Tang Zhen and Xue Lin have already gone to the emperor. I believe that the emperor will soon know the news of the Queen Empress. He followed Ye Yiqing all the way, and waited until the emperor chased him up. Ye Yiqing could not still rob the empress of the empress.

"Go." Ye Yiqing knows what Wu Chong is thinking. He doesn't want to say more at this time. Since he can reduce casualties, he is naturally happy to see it. As for Wu Chong can't track him, then look at these secret guards. The ability.

Hong Ling and Hung Hom got on the carriage. They still couldn't believe that the Queen Empress had passed away. Looking at Ye Hao, who was held in his arms by Ye Yiqing, Hong Ling also screamed softly, "The Bride..."

Ye Yiqing endured the grief in his heart and gently placed Ye Hao on the couch. "What the **** is going on? Your maiden didn't know if his fetal position was wrong before he was born?"

"The niece has always said that it will be smooth. I have never mentioned that the fetal position is not correct. It was only a few days before I was born. Today, if it is not the Hu Yueer, the maiden will not move the tire." Hong Ling is now hating Hu Yueer. .

"Who is Hu Yueer?" Ye Yiqing asked coldly, his eyes fixed on Ye Hao.

"It is the Shu Shu in the palace, the emperor was recently sealed." Hung Ho said.

Ye Yiqing’s twilight is a little cold. “What did she say to her?”

"When she was in the house, the goddess sent us all out. The slaves only heard that she said that the emperor was not in Kyoto. The goddess never knew about it, and it must have been stimulated because of this incident." Red Ling said that he would drop his tears.

"What about Hu Yueer?" Ye Yiqing whispered, he just did not seem to see other women in the rice garden.

Hung Hom said, "The niece said not to kill her, let the slaves send her back to the palace."

Ye Yiqing did not ask again, the carriage has quickly left Chengde Villa, Wu Chong and others have been riding behind the horse.

"Oh..." Ye Yiqing's hand gently supported Ye Hao's hair. "You can survive that time, this time you can also come over, you know, hehe."

Ye Hao's skin is still warm, and her hands are not stiff. Except for her poor complexion and her breathing heartbeat, she looks like she is asleep, not like... dead.

Ye Yiqing is the only one who knows that Ye Hao has a space secret. He does not believe that Ye Hao will be so easy to smother, how many people have saved the Lingquan, can they not save themselves?

He does not believe... there must be miracles.

"The carriage doesn't stop. When you get to the next place, you change horses." Ye Yiqing whispered, "After two days, people will lead the people behind."

"Master, where are you going to take the maiden?" Red Ling couldn't help but ask.

Ye Yiqing said faintly, "If she is still alive, she will never return to Kyoto. If she is dead... then she will be buried in the sea. Murong Chong will not see her again in this life, let alone her grave. repent."

He is now very regrettable and promised that Ye Hao would marry again to Murong Zhan. He knew that an emperor always had a lot of last resort. Murong Chan now uses his incessant to hurt Ye Hao.

Hong Ling gently buried his face in Ye Hao’s hand. “The slaves really hope to replace the maiden with such sins. The slaves would rather die than themselves...”

"I don't believe that the goddess will be like this... go," Red whispered.

The sky gradually darkened, and their carriage had left Kyoto very far. Ye Yiqing did not let the carriage stop, but walked south along the official road.

In the back of Wu Chong's heart, he was more and more anxious. He didn't know when the emperor could arrive. He couldn't guess where Ye Yiqing wanted to go.

"Wu Daren, then to the front is the Weihe River, Ye Yiqing will not want to take the waterway?" Someone worried about Wu Chong.

Wu Chong’s face changed. “You quickly pass the news back. Ye Daren wants to leave the waterway.”

"I will go right away," the man whispered.

On the other hand, after a day of rushing, Xue Lin finally met Murong Cham in two hundred miles from Kyoto.

"The emperor, the Queen's maiden moved the dystocia, has been ... already ..." Xue Lin mouth dying, how can not say the word.

Murong Zhan immediately picked him up. "What happened to the Queen?"

Xue Lin’s gums bite and bleed. “The emperor, the maiden has passed away.”

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