When Murong Zhan was in Jiangzhou, he felt that his heart was uneasy. This road flew back to Kyoto, for fear that someone would leak his news of leaving the palace to Ye Hao, even more afraid that she was thinking about it, he wanted to go back to her soon. Explained.

He knows that he likes to occupy him. He doesn't like him to touch other women, let alone a Qi Princess. So when he doesn't get a solution, he doesn't want to worry, so he won't think about it.

"...The Queen Empress is determined to see Shu Shu. If she does not bring Shu Shu to the Villa, the Queen will go to the Imperial Palace in person. We really have no way... The Niangniang saw Shu Shu and soon moved her tires and gave birth to three days. I didn’t give birth to the three nights, I was always called the emperor, and then I fell asleep. Fortunately, Ye Daren came, the goddess...woke up...but it didn’t take long for the bleeding to collapse...” Xue Lin’s more and more The horrible eyes are stuttering and will be said.

Murong Chong only felt that his eyes were black and he almost fell off the horse.

What is blood stasis? What is dying?

"What do you say? You dare to curse the Queen..." Murong Chong kicked Xue Lin out, and he remembered the face like Qiuyue. How can she believe that she left him like this?

Xue Lin was kicked out and spit out a blood. He didn't dare to raise his head on the ground. "Emperor, go back soon, Ye Daren wants to take the Queen Empress..."

Murong Cham did not seem to hear Xue Lin’s words. His heart was empty, and he did not want to believe that his embarrassment left.

how is this possible……

She always likes to hook his fingers, and softly said that she wants to grow old with him. How can she leave him like this?

Murong Zhan felt that his heart was like a piece of meat that had been dug by his life. He could not even feel the pain.

"Emperor, the emperor!" Tang Yan shouted loudly. When he heard the dystocia, he had already suffered from heartache. When he saw the emperor, he knew that the emperor must be more afraid than him, and even more sad.

When I heard the voice of Tang Yin, Murong Zhan was sobered up, and a sweet scent poured into his throat. He swallowed his life and said, "Hey, he will go back."

He didn't believe that he would leave like this. She loves him so much, how can she be willing to leave him?

Murong Zhan beat the horse hard and returned to Chengde Villa in one go.

Just entering the rice flower garden, I heard the sound of crying and crying. The heart of Murong Zhan sank and strode into the delivery room.

A pungent sweet smell spread throughout the house.

"The emperor..." Qi Yu discovered the ink-filled Zhan, and hurriedly bowed down.

Murong Zhan’s eyes looked straight at the blood on the bed. “What? Where is she?”

"The emperor?" Yu’s head lifted from grief and finally saw that Murong Chong came back. The sad mood of losing her loved daughter made her forget all the humiliation. She stood up suddenly and slaps heavily. On the face of Murong Cham, "How come you come back now, how come you come back! How can you be so confronted, knowing that she is already in production, you... you know that she is so delicate, how do you still Can you marry someone at this time, it is you who killed her, you killed her!"

"Bold!" The dark guard behind the ink-filled Zhan Zhan replied to the clan.

Murong Zhan stood still, his eyes staring at the bed and blood.

So small, so delicate, can you live with so much blood?

When she cried, her daughter, her daughter, was so dead, she still managed to be bold and not bold. "God, take my life and change it, I want my daughter." ......"

"Qi medical officer." Murong Zhan looked hard at Qi Qi, "Queen she..."

His voice was hoarse and sullen, with heavy and sorrow that he did not find.

Qi Yan with tears bowed his head. "The niece is pregnant with twins. The fetal position is not dystocia. It was affected by the AIDS, and it was not long before the blood collapsed. It is the incompetence of the lower official."

"The emperor, Ye Daren took the Queen Empress, we want to..."

When Murong Zhan turned and walked out, he re-appeared on the horse with a blank expression and whispered, "Lead the way."

Oh... his jealousy...

Tang Yan looked worriedly at the front of Murong Cham. He knew best how many days the emperor had not rested. At this time, he heard the news that the Queen's maiden had passed away, but he calmly seemed to have never happened.

How did the emperor and the monk come to today, Tang Yan knows best in his heart, even he can't accept such news, how can the emperor calmly face it?

He is really worried about the emperor...

Not long after they came out of Chengde Mountain Villa, they met the people sent by Wu Chong. They learned that Ye Yiqing went to the direction of Lijiang with Ye Hao, and Murong Chong went on with him.

At this time, Ye Yiqing, who had arrived at the Luohe Wharf, was stopped by Wu Chong.

"Ye Daren, even if you want to leave, you should let the emperor see the Queen Empress." Wu Chong called, he must not let Ye Yiqing get on the boat, he knows that Ye Yiqing has always been in the direction of the Weihe River, there is definitely a problem. In addition to a large ship, there are no other ships here. If Ye Yiqing got on the boat, they would not be able to chase them.

This is Ye Yiqing's early preparations. Even if the Queen's Empress does not have an accident, he may leave with the Empress.

"Adult, you go to the boat first." A dozen people who have been following Ye Yiqing are in front of Wu Chong, swearing to protect Ye Yiqing.

Ye Yiqing glanced at them. "I owe you, I will definitely remember it."

Taking advantage of the people who blocked Wu Chong, Ye Hao took Ye Hao on the boat and immediately ordered to leave the boat.

"Ye Daren!" Wu Chong yelled, and told the people behind him, "Come and find a boat."

This ship was originally arranged by Ye Yiqing. The hull is not big, but it is suitable for running in the river, and the speed is faster than that of the cargo ship. The Weihe River is not as big as the big river. This kind of boat is the most suitable. There is only one ship left. Naturally, Ye Yiqing has been arranged on the road early in the morning.

He won't let Murong Zhan have a chance to catch up.

The ship quickly arrived at the center of the river, and Ye Yiqing handed Ye Hao to Hung Hom and let her in.

He stood on the ship's board and saw that those who blocked Wu Chong were killed. Those who were following him from Dongqing State, for his thoroughness, sacrificed his life to protect him, he would remember them. They will never be ill-treated to their families.

In the twilight, he saw a horse appear like a lightning, and Ye Yiqing’s twilight became cold and sharp, and he looked at the man who came to the pier with anger.

Murong Chong’s eyes looked at the boat that was drifting away. He saw Ye Yiqing and the murderousness in his eyes.


"Don Juan." Murong Zhan whispered, "Go to Jinkou City."

He knows that Ye Yiqing will definitely take the trip to Jinkou City. Otherwise, he will not choose to take the waterway.

Tang Zhen was about to agree, and he saw that Murong Chan fell straight down from the horse.

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