
Ye Hao stepped back a few steps and looked at the musket in his hand in surprise. The power of this musket is so big? She was shocked to see Ye Yiqing next to him. "Hey, how is this...?"

what is this! In order to worry about the historical progress of this era, he has not researched a more light-weight machine gun. Now he only uses a musket, but he has improved it. This musket can fire several shots, which is more than a real traditional musket. Use some.

"What people do can only be used at sea, and they will be destroyed when going back and forth." If it was not to ensure that the pirates would be able to retreat when they encountered the sea, Ye Yiqing did not think about making the guns.

Ye Hao heard this and looked down at the musket in his hand. "Hey, since you can make this kind of musket, why don't you let people do more? If this is used on the battlefield, then it is invincible. The North Ming Kingdom is not at all. Opponent."

"Do you think that any emperor who gets this thing will be willing to win only one war? When he beats the foreign enemies and wants to invade others, hey, the ambitions of the people are endless, and they want more, when The world is in chaos and the people are displaced. This situation cannot be avoided." Ye Yiqing whispered, "So, the methods of making these muskets and cannons were all ruined by me, and no one can make the same thing again."

"Those blacksmiths and people who make guns... Will you write down the method?" Ye Hao asked, looking down at the musket in her hand. Although she was not an emperor, she also understood that once the gun fell into the ink In the hands of Zhan or Zhao Wei, it will definitely get the most use. At that time, it is not the invasion of Qi State by the Jin State, but the Qi State’s campaign for the Jin State. The ultimate involvement is the innocent people.

She understands Ye Yiqing's painstaking efforts, and does not want him to make things that will eventually become the culprit of the people.

Ye Yiqing said with a smile, "This musket is complicated in structure. Several parts are made by different people. They don't know each other's existence. Even if they do it, they don't know what to use. Don't worry."

It turns out that you are already prepared.

Ye Hao assured, "That's good, hey, you teach me how to use this musket, how can you get the red heart, how can I not hit it."

"There are still differences between muskets and archery." Ye Yiqing said with a smile, "Hands should be lifted up, eyes looked at here..."

"Your father and daughter are really enough." Zhaoyang came out of the cabin and saw that the father and daughter were having fun on the ship's board. It was so angry and funny. "Hey, you still remember that you are sitting." Month?"

Ye Hao haha ​​laughed twice. "I remember, how can I not remember, Ming Xi and Ming Yu woke up?"

"I just woke up, I was crying, and my breast-feeding mother couldn’t do it. Since I was hugged by you and fed a few times, I don’t even want to have a milkmaid." Zhaoyang said with no anger.

"I went to see them." Ye Hao said with a smile, put the gun at the waist, she felt that this gun is much better than the sleeve arrow.

Since she knew that her space was free to come and go, Lingquan also began to recover. She would feed two little guys to drink a little every day. She was still worried about the reaction of Mingxi’s drink, in case he stimulated him to think of his past life. It’s not good for a small bird. However, it seems that everything is quite normal. Mingxi is still Mingxi. Apart from being quieter than Mingyu, there is no strange performance.

After a few days, their ship finally arrived in Baoxiang.

Baoxiang is the first country to the Atlantic Ocean. Because the sea is not far away from the sea, some merchants will still go to Jinguo or Qiguo to do business. It only takes too long to go back and forth, and the weather in Shanghai is very varied. Sometimes, going out doesn't necessarily come back, so not many people are willing to leave their country.

Probably there are very few foreign ships. There are almost no docks on the coast of Baoxiang. They can only find a beach where no one is going to stop.

"Uncle, we have to change some food, so we can be more abundant at sea." Ye Yidong said.

"I am going with you." Ye Yiqing nodded. "Hey, you stay on board."

Ye Hao immediately disagreed. "That must not work. I finally came to Baoxiang. How can I wait on the boat?"

"Do you still want to go to the city with two children?" Zhaoyang asked her.

"Is there anything wrong?" Ye Hao laughed. "I have seen travel notes. There are many foreigners in Baoxiang, and their service is different from ours. Women will have to cover their faces. We will even count. Walking on the road can not attract others' attention."

Ye Yiqing laughed. "Don't let her go to the city, she will definitely sneak into it. Others left to look at the boat, we went in."

What he can follow with Ye Yiqing is what he believes. He knows the ability of these people and will definitely protect the ship.

In this way, Ye Yiqing took Ye Hao and Zhao Yang, the two children were held in the arms by Hong Ling, and Ye Yudong followed Cao Yu. In addition, they called two martial arts better to protect the two children all the way.

When I got on the shore, I could see the arable land with a stranger, the flowing water, and then I went to a big city with a large pillar. The gate was a vaulted door carved with a large yellow pillar. It is the city gate. In fact, it is completely different from the gates of Jin Guo. There is no such sacred and solemn feeling. There are two soldiers wearing white rags outside the gate. It looks like a soldier and has a spear in his hand. of.

There are many people coming and going. Their dresses are very different from those of Jinguo. However, there are other people who dress up and should be passing through here.

"Advanced city to see." Ye Yiqing said.

They went out to the sea as merchants in the hands of thousands of merchants, and there were signs of identity proof in their hands, so they did not get in the way of entering the city. They just took a look and asked them a few words to let them in.

"Hey, can you still speak their language?" Ye Hao asked Ye Yiqing in surprise.

The question of the two soldiers just apparently is not the official language they usually use. How can Ye Yiqing understand what they are saying?

Ye Yiqing said with a smile, "They are also speaking in a dialect."

He can understand a few words in the world language. The language of Baoxiangguo sounds like a proverb in Europe. He just knows something.

"A lot of people." Ye Hao said with amazement, "Is this their king?"

"Baoxiangguo is actually just a small island. Do you think it is like Jinguo?" Ye Yiqing said with a smile. "There are shops on the other side. Let's take a look at the past."

(This article's story of the sea and some countries' names refer to "Zheng He Xia Xi Yang". If there is similarity, then it is correct.)

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