As night falls, the lights begin to rise.

Lu Shuanger’s Qiankun Palace can’t be said to be a lantern, but the lights are bright and white, and the empresses of the palaces have come to the banquet. Their hearts are actually both envious and envious. What does the emperor let Lu Guizhen host this banquet for Ninggong? ? Wouldn't it be to remember Princess Ning in the name of Lu Guifei?

The women in the palace know that in the past ten years, the emperor has not let any scorpion regenerate the scorpion. Every servant’s scorpion will eat the scorpion soup afterwards. Except for Deyi, there is no scorpion that has sons. The queen gave birth. The big princess, but died more than a decade ago, the emperor is so fond of Lu Guifei, maybe he really wants to let Princess Ning remember her name, although it is only a princess, but it is better than nothing.

Lu Shuanger didn't think these people were complicated. She knew Zhao Wei more than them. Zhao Wei wouldn't think about her later, let her banquet just because she was doing it easily.

She doesn't care about being jealous, not to worry about how Zhao used her. She is now only worried about whether another person in the palace will take her favor.

How did the Liu Guiren still not appear? The emperor took her back to the palace for so long, she has been hiding in the Chuxiu Palace, and has not come to her to ask for security, although she knows that because the emperor is fond of her results every day, she is very clear that after she was lucky, she Still want to know who this Liu Guiren is.

"The noble lady, I heard that the emperor had a beautiful woman a few days ago. How long has it been? How can I not even see the personal image? She won’t come to see a few of our sisters. "Wang Guiren in the palace said to Lu Shuanger.

Lu Shuanger looked at her. "Liu Guiren has to wait for the emperor every night, maybe it is too tired."

Wang Guiren snorted. "Even so, it is too unfair."

The German who sat on the side looked soft and weak, and he said, "Ning Princess is the protagonist today, don't say these words, lest the emperor hear it."

"Yeah, we have no German goddess to understand the emperor's preferences, not all of them have to stop." Zhuang Huiyi smiled and smiled at Wang Guiren.

Lu Shuanger looked at the sky outside, "Let's say a few words."

She doesn't like these women in the palace. If she changed her mind in Jinguo, she had already thought of ways to clean them up, but here is Qi, the man they are waiting for is Zhao Wei, the kind of life is not as good as death. It’s enough once in a favor, every day, it’s better to die. I thought she didn’t love Zhao Wei. She didn’t care if he would go to favor a woman. She only needed Zhao’s status, but now Zhao Weizhen To pamper others, she still feels uncomfortable.

"The big princess and Princess Ning are coming." There is a palace lady coming in to talk.

"Please invite the two princesses to come in." Lu Shuanger's face showed a gentle smile, watching Zhao Wei and Zhao Ning come in together.

Sitting on the side, Deyi looked up and looked at Zhao Wei, then lowered his head again. Every time on such an occasion, she seemed to have no sense of existence. Especially when there is a big princess, she is even more reluctant to speak. .

"I have seen the noble lady, and the mothers are well." Zhao Xiao smiled and bowed.

Zhao Ning followed her and saw what she did and what she did.

"Everyone is waiting for you." Lu Shuanger said with a smile, his eyes fell on Zhao Ning's body. "We are a little dressed up as a national beauty, and it is not inferior to the big princess."

"The noble lady is laughing, how can I compare it with my older sister?" Zhao Ning replied in fear, nervously looking at Zhao Wei.

Zhao Yan smiled and took her hand. "Aining is the daughter of the father. It must be the national color, and the father's daughter may not look good."

She said it was true and sincere, so that Zhao Ning listened to the warmth of her heart, and even secretly marveled, Zhao Wei is really a very good person, no matter who is facing her, she seems to be able to cope with it.

Lu Shuanger was smashed by Lu Hao. Anyone in the palace can be offended. Don’t offend the big princess. "The big princess really loves her sister. The little mouth is too talkative. You should sit down soon, and the emperor should soon It’s coming."

Zhao Ning became really nervous now. Did she finally see her own biological father?

I don't know what kind of talents make my mother love life for a lifetime.

"Right, how have the other princesses yet to come?" Lu Shuanger asked in confusion.

Zhao Wei said, "Xin Er and Xiang Er will come soon. As for Laner... I am not sure."

Dean was busy saying, "Lan's suffering from the cold, the royal doctor just prescribed medicine for her, but it will not come tonight, if it is sick... it will be bad."

Is this woman who speaks Zhao Lan’s mother-in-law? Zhao Ning looked at her in surprise. It didn't look like it at all. It was such a delicate and timid look that it didn't really match the identity of Deyi. She thought that being a Deyi person would be a great means. Very powerful.

But... is it her illusion, how does she feel that Deyi looks a little afraid of Zhao Wei?

Zhao Wei did not pick up the words of Deyi. She went to her position and sat down, not even looking at Dean.

The presence of the cricket seems to be accustomed to Zhao’s attitude. Deyi just embarrassedly bowed his head and did not say anything else.

The only Zhao Ning who is not clear about the grievance between Deyi and Zhao Wei is shocked. How can Deyi be considered as an elder, can Zhao Wei not put her in her eyes?

Lu Shuanger said with a smile, "Since Princess Lan is unwell, let her rest."

Deyi looked up and glanced at Lu Shuanger.

As I said, the words of the second princess came from outside.

Zhao Ning finally saw the second princess Zhao Xiang. It looked like a very gentle and gentle person. After seeing the ceremony with Lu Shuanger, he came to Zhao Wei and sat down, "big sister."

"Come on, have you gone to the bookstore to copy the book?" Zhao Wei whispered. "It’s all the time. You can’t put down those books. When you talk to your father, I will give you the book as a dowry."

"Big sister, you are teasing me again." Zhao Xiang said with a smile, his eyes looked at Zhao Ning. "This is Ning sister. I want to go to you in these few days. I am too busy to forget, Ning sister." Blame me."

Zhao Wei said, "Anning does not forgive her. In addition to the book, she is a book, and she has a book in her hand. She must have forgotten everything, and even her sister will not be in her heart."

"Second sister is good." Zhao Ning said with a smile, she can see that the relationship between Zhao Wei and Zhao Xiang is really close. This kind of intimacy is not comparable to Zhao Xin. She saw Zhao Xiang more, and her second sister. It is not very amazing, but the whole body has a soft and comfortable temperament, which makes people want to be close to her.

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