Finally, a person who seems to have a bit of power came out. Ye Hao looked at this person faintly. His facial features were deep and his eyes were brown. At first glance, he was a treasurer. His clothes were different from ordinary soldiers. It still looks like an armor, it looks like a mighty, should it be a general of the treasure country? It seems that even the national teacher is somewhat jealous of him.

"At least it is more effective than taking a child to be a sacrifice." Ye Hao said with a blank expression.

The national teacher came over with a cane. "Oh, what do you mean by this?"

"You have been worshipping the sky many times. The king's illness has not improved. Now he is still unconscious. Since she is sent by Goddess of God, let her try." Yan looked at the national teacher and said softly.

"Are you questioning me?" asked the national teacher. "I saved the king. That is the meaning of heaven. Now everything I do is instructed by the king. Do you want to oppose the king?"

蚩 眸 眸 looked at the national teacher, "The king just woke up, ordered me to send all the babies in the palace back, if God really wants to punish the king, really want to punish the treasure country, then punish it, These children are the future of the treasure country. They must not be sacrifices. This is the original words of the king. If the national teacher does not believe it, he can ask other people who were present at the time."

Ye Yiqing glanced at him with a slight squint and translated his words to Ye Wei.

In this way, the king of Baoxiang is not very cold-blooded.

"Even if I can't cure the king, do you think this woman can cure the king?" The national teacher looked at the man with arrogance and arrogance. "The king is punished by heaven. If the sinner is killed at the time, there will be no today." If you no longer have a mystery, it will be the treasure country in the future."

The savage face became very ugly, and the eyes looked coldly at the national division.

Ye Hao felt confused, how suddenly she pulled another person, and she asked the young woman standing next to her, "Who is Afu?"

"It is a woman who was saved from the sea by the savage adult. The Chinese teacher said that she is a demon girl. She wants to kill her. The king did not agree. She will also marry A Fu to the savage adult. The national teacher said that he would get a squad... It’s not long before the king is really sick. The treasure country is full of people everywhere, and the national teacher’s sacrifice is better.” The young woman whispered.

Ye Hao never believed in any sacredness. This country teacher clearly has problems.

"Can't let God punish our treasure country..."

"A lot of people have died, no more people can die!"

The people around me were a little excited, and some people even angered and yelled at them.

The national teacher's walking stick pointed to Ye Hao. "Only when these people are executed, they will take Afu out. With this child to sacrifice the heavens, God will recover the anger, and will let our treasure country regain its peaceful life."

"Far fart!" Ye Yiqing sighed coldly. "Don't you hear that God has a good life? If God wants to sacrifice the heavens, why did God send someone to save you that day?"

"The **** of heaven has long ignored us." Guoshi angered, "We now believe in God."

Ye Hao is cold and cold. "If you are in Baoxiang, God does not protect you. Isn't there a lot of people sick? You bring the sick person. If I can judge what disease he is, then you let I am going to save your king, how?"

Qi Qiling’s travel notes have written about the worship and worship of the people of Baoxiang, who have always believed that the **** of heaven is the patron saint. What is the **** of the country’s teacher, she is not quite sure. However, it seems that there has never been a mention of a treasure like a state-owned teacher in the travel notes.

Yan Man looked deeply at Ye Hao, and he was more willing to believe the woman’s words than the national teacher.

"You found that no, she looks like a **** of heaven." An old man suddenly shouted.

Everyone's eyes turned to Ye Hao, and they were surprised and unbelievable. After watching it for a while, they regressed two steps in awe.

The national teacher frowned, his eyes gloomy and coldly looked at Ye Hao. He felt a bad feeling in his heart. This woman didn't seem to be very good at dealing with it. It was just trying to provoke the people's grievances against the king. Is it going to be awkward?

Then everything that he worked hard to do was in vain.

Yan looked at the national teacher and said to Ye Hao, "Well, I believe in you." He turned his head and told the people around him, "Go with a sick person."

Ye Hao whispered to Ye Yiqing, "Hey, if you are sick at the same time, I am afraid that it will be contagious. You should not come close, let me go, especially the children..."

"Okay." If it is other aspects, Ye Yiqing is naturally not at ease, but the only person who knows that his daughter has a space in the spring, even if there is an infectious disease, there is also a Lingquan body, but the child's immunity is relatively low. He can't let two children take risks.

"You too, don't be close to someone who is sick." Ye Hao said to Zhaoyang in a low voice.

She walked to Mingyu and Mingxi. Xiaomingyu cried for a while, probably crying tired. She had already fallen asleep in Zhaoyang’s arms. Mingxi was squinting from start to finish. He was the old god. Nothing is noisy.

"Hey, you are also careful." Zhaoyang said.

Ye Hao smiled. "Don't worry, I'm fine. They are afraid that they will soon be hungry. Let's take the children back to the boat."

Zhaoyang looked at the national teacher and Yan Man. "Will they let us go?"

"I will be willing to wait," said Ye Hao.

Soon, two soldiers carried a teenager about fifteen or six years old. The teenager looked like an ordinary person, but he was unconscious and looked uncomfortable and frowned.

Ye Hao let people put him down and check the pulse for him.

"At first I felt a headache, my whole body was feverish, and after drinking the medicine of the National Teacher, I began to stun and I didn't wake up." Yan said next to him.

Ye Hao did not look up, and when she heard the swearing words, the look in her eyes was more dignified.

The national teacher clasped his cane in his hand and looked at Ye Hao with a gloomy look.

This disease...

Ye Hao looked at them and looked at them. "When did you find someone sick?"

“When the king came back from the sea, he began to feel uncomfortable. Later, more and more people fell ill.” Yan said quietly.

"This is an infectious disease, which can be transmitted by saliva." Ye Xiaomei said, "It should be infected from other places and then brought to your treasure country."

She has seen in the medical classics written by Qi Yuling that some infectious diseases require a kind of vaccine to suppress, and she has been studying the vaccine for the rest of her life, but the effect does not seem to be very good.

The symptom of this person today is one of several infectious diseases listed by Qi Yuling.

She remembers Qi Qiling’s name for this type of illness.

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