The Chinese teacher saw Ye Hao’s heavy expression and kept frowning and didn’t talk. She thought she didn’t know how to heal the disease. His eyes flashed a smug sigh. “This is the punishment of God on the treasure country. The children who are sent are sacrificed, and then Af is executed. Our treasure is saved."

Ye Yiqing looked at the national teacher and walked toward Ye Hao, fearing that these people would be hurt by Ye Guo by the national teacher.

"Don't come over!" Ye Hao called out to Ye Yiqing. "Everyone is going back, and the disease is contagious."

I looked at Ye Hao with a puzzled look. "Girl, what does this mean?"

Ye Hao took out a slap and tied it to his face, explaining that "this is a disease similar to typhoid fever. It is not dangerous because of typhoid fever, but it will be transmitted through saliva. If I have not guessed wrong, the most sir is sick. It is the close waiter around your king, and they are transmitted to these people. If they are not stopped in time, then your entire treasure country will get sick."

The young woman could understand Ye Hao’s words, and she told these people to those people.

The people were scared to kneel down, and they didn’t know what to say to the sky and the national teacher. It seemed that they should be asking for help.

The national teacher snorted. "Tell so much, can you cure them?"

"If I want to cure them, it is conditional." Ye Hao said faintly, she looked at the national teacher and said, "Is the national teacher himself infected?"

"I am a child of God, I will not get sick!" the national teacher shouted in anger.

Ye Hao smiled a bit, she turned to savage, "Do you have a herb on the island?"

"I don't know what medicine is needed?" He asked, and he heard that Ye Hao could cure the disease, and his expression was bright.

"Musk, Campanulaceae, Forsythia, Su Ye..." Ye Yan read a few names of medicinal herbs. Looking at the savage face, she knew that the island had not only medical knowledge, but even medicine. Very few.

The national teacher laughed. "These are things that our treasure elephants don't have. How can we save them? This is God is punishing the treasure country!"

Ye glared at him. "What you don't have doesn't mean I don't have it. I said it. To cure your illness, you have to talk about the conditions first."

“What do you want?” he asked quietly.

"My medicines are all on board, I stay here, let me take the children back first, then send the medicine on our boat, when will I cure your illness, I will leave." Ye Hao said lightly. "I said it, I am sent by God Scorpio to save you. You believe that the National Teacher abandoned the God of Heaven, but God of Heaven still guards you silently."

The country’s teacher screamed in anger, “absurd! Nonsense!”

"When I cure your illness, you not only want to let us go, but also give us food and water. Of course, in exchange, I can give you the seeds of medicinal herbs so that you can have herbs to cure them later." Said with a smile.

Anyway, there are a lot of medicines in her space, and the seeds are also catching a lot.

"Good!" I feel that there is no reason to reject such conditions. The most important thing is to cure the king's illness first.

"Oh, you will be angry with God, God will not let you go!" Guo Shi screamed.

He said coldly, "Come to punish me."

Ye Hao turned and said to Ye Yiqing, "Hey, you take the child back first, and all the medicine boxes in my room are coming."

"Oh..." Zhaoyang wants to come over, how can she rest assured that she will stay alone here, "I will stay with you."

"Don't approach me." Ye Hao said quickly. "Zhaoyang, Mingyu and Mingxi still need your care. These infections are too powerful. After you go back, take a shower and burn your clothes. Don't come here in the next few days. It is."

Ye Yiqing knows the meaning of Ye Hao. "Reassure, the children will take care of them. I will send them back and send the medicine."

"Okay." Ye Hao laughed. Only knowing her secrets, it is not difficult for her to cure the disease here.

"No, this child can't go!" the national teacher immediately called. "If you can't cure the king's disease?"

Ye Hao just looked coldly and sullenly, without saying a word.

Yan Man ordered, "Let them go, they are not the people of our treasure country, we can't keep them strong, not to mention, if God of Heaven really has spirit, she will save us."

When the people heard the swearing words, they all let a road open. They could not believe the words of savage, but the gods of heaven...that is the patron saint of their treasure country, and certainly would not agree to God to punish them.

"No!" Guoshi yelled. He didn't want anyone to cure the king. He only had the last moment. As long as the king died, he would be able to obey God's will to become the new king of the treasure country. By then, he would naturally If you want to cure these people's diseases, if you send all the sick people out of the sea, everything will be fine, but today they are outsiders who are unexpected to him.

I thought I could use their children to inspire public anger, who knows this is the result! I knew they would let them go.

"National teacher, don't you want to cure the king's illness?" he asked coldly. "Or do you think that killing those babies can cure? If there is another way, why not try? If you want to kill people, you have to sacrifice. Can you do what you want?"

"You..." The National Teacher was stunned. "I am for the King."

Speaking faintly, "The king said that he can't kill an innocent baby. Since this girl is sent by Goddess of God, we would rather believe that this is the guide of God."

"I believe in God!" the young woman cried.

"Scorpio God!"

"Scorpio God..."

Everyone shouted at Ye Hao and actually regarded her as a god.

This is really something that Ye Hao did not expect.

Ye Yiqing looked back at Ye Hao, leaving Ye Weidong and Hung Hom, and then they left Zhaoyang with them.

The country’s teacher’s face turned white and white, and he snorted. He left with his people. He said viciously before leaving. “You will let Baoxiangguo get retribution.”

Everyone was quiet, with a look of fear on his face.

"Girl, I don't know your surname?" asked Yan Ye.

"My surname is Ye, you can rest assured that since I know that people here have this disease, I will definitely not leave." Ye Hao whispered. "But you have to listen to my arrangement, otherwise I will have the ability." There is no way to heal them."

I almost nodded, "You said."

"Since this disease is contagious, in order not to infect more people, find a place to put all the sick people together first, you still need to find some people to help me, register how many people are sick." Said.

"I will arrange this, but ... please ask your advanced palace to cure our king."

Ye Hao nodded. "Good."

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