Zhao Wei looked at his daughter silently. He hoped that his daughter would ask him a little. Among the many daughters, the most owed to him was Zhao Ning. He had never known that he still had a daughter outside. If he knew, he must Will let people pick up their mother and daughter.

"Have you and your mother have a good time in Huajia Village?" Zhao Wei did not continue to talk about giving marriage, but to talk about her mother.

Zhao Ning stunned, how did she suddenly mention her mother, "Does the father want me to say good or not?"

This tone sounds like resentment. It has been calm before, and it is mentioned that her mother has a little emotion. This makes Zhao Wei finally have a sense of realizing her daughter. "You sound like you are suffering." Wronged."

"Not that I have aggrieved, it is my mother..." Zhao Ning has complaints in her heart, but not for herself, but her mother. "My mother is waiting for you in this life. She will wait for you at the lake tomorrow, you said I will pick her up, day after day, year after year, and wait until she has white hair, she has not waited for you, she is only in her twenties... but she looks like an old woman, so, the father, Did you say that I should say good or not?"

Zhao Wei listened in silence, and he whispered, "When I was killed by someone, I was saved by your mother. After leaving Huajia Village, for the stability of the Qi State regime, I have no time to pick her up throughout the year. When I was going to pick her up, I didn’t know how to enter Huajia Village..."

This is an excuse! If you want to enter Huajia Village, you can't find it. It's just that the father didn't care much about his mother at that time.

"Mother let me find you before dying, so I think the mother should still not hate you." Zhao Ning whispered.

Zhao sighed a little, and he sighed. "The owe to your mother and daughter, the Emperor of the Kingdom of Korea must have you marry in Jinguo. If you don't want it, you can reject him."

"No..." Zhao Ning shook his head gently. "I am willing."

"Ann, you have to know that if you become the nobles of Murong Cham, he will not necessarily love you, you may not have your own children." This is very detrimental to a woman.

He is a man himself, and he is an emperor. It is very clear that the woman in the palace has no children and no pets.

"If I don't marry the country, then the two countries can't join the alliance..." Zhao Ning looked up at Zhao Wei. "At least I still have some use, not a princess, no?"

Zhao Yan frowned. "Any, I don't want to grieve you."

They have been wronged for more than ten years. Why do you want to compensate again at this time? If I really don't want to grieve her, I won't think of marrying her to Anning Hou. "I don't feel wronged, my father, I won't suffer in Jinguo. Anyway, I have saved Murong Cham." ”

Zhao Wei was silent for a while. He knew that this was already the last choice. Dong Qingguo had already begun to send troops. He could not let the North Hall grow stronger.

"You can rest assured that you will not let you be wronged in Jinguo. As long as there is a day of sorrow, Murong Zhan will not dare to grieve you, but you must also respect you, and Lu Hao is no longer waiting for you to give birth. Child, I will find a way to let Murong Zhan seal you as a queen." Zhao Wei said with a low voice.

Zhao Ning lived. "Father, you said that Lu Hao is no longer there. What does this mean?"

Zhao Wei remembered that Lu Xun’s news had not yet reached Zhao Ning’s ear. “The news of Jin Guo’s side, Lu Yu’s dying dying, has been taken away by Ye Yiqing, and her whereabouts are still unknown. Living, that should be overseas, so no one in the palace will dare to grieve you."

"What... dying?" Zhao Ning changed her face. Why didn't she hear about this? How can the Queen's maiden be difficult to produce? Her medical skills are so good. "No, no, I don't believe that the Queen's maiden is so good, it doesn't look like it would be difficult to produce..."

"In any case, she is not really in Jinguo." Zhao Wei whispered, "Go back, the next thing, the father will arrange for you."

Zhao Ning also wants to know more about Lu Hao's news, but she looks at Zhao Wei's face, it seems that it is not like saying more, it seems that I can only ask for it.

How is it possible... That is Lu Hao, that is the queen of the world, how could it be like this...

She would not believe it, she would rather believe that this is a mischief of Lu Hao.

Zhao Ning returned to the Sufang Palace from the dry palace and saw Zhao Wei and Zhao Xin outside the door.

"Ann, what's wrong? The face is so bad?" Zhao Wei walked up and saw Zhao Ning's face was wrong, thinking that she was shocked by the news of the marriage.

"I..." Zhao Ning was still immersed in the news of Lu Yan’s death. When she saw Zhao Wei, she remembered another thing. Yes, Zhao Wei, they must all expect her to be married and peaceful. News, if they know that she is going to marry Jinguo, what do they think?

Zhao Xin had a schadenfreude in his eyes. "Is it really shocked by good news?"

"The father said, I want to arrange a marriage for me..." Zhao Ning bowed his head and whispered.

"Yes? What marriage?" Zhao said with a smile, and he was very determined about what he had arranged.

Zhao Ning looked up at her and smiled at the corner of her mouth. "The ambassador of the Jin Dynasty came to raise the family and appointed me to go to Jinguo. The father has already promised."

"What?" Zhao Xin screamed, "How is it possible!"

"Yeah, I also feel very strange, but the ambassador of the Jin State is so demanding, the father can not help, and promised to come down." Zhao Ning sighed, she originally wanted to look at Zhao Wei proudly, but I do not know why, Some of her dare not look directly at Zhao Wei’s eyes at this time.

It seems that there is a bit of momentum like Zhao Wei.

"The father wants you and kisses Jinguo?" Zhao Ran was very slow and asked almost word by word.

"Yes." Zhao Ning nodded.

Zhao Wei’s eyes flashed a slap in the face, and she looked at Zhao Ning. “Why did the father and the emperor let you and kiss the country?”

"The father said that it is the request of the kingdom of the country. I... I don't know." Zhao Ning pretended to be innocent. If she said that she was very happy to be with her, Zhao Wei would definitely see the problem.

"Don't Jin Guo ask us to listen to it?" Zhao asked in anger, all her arrangements were destroyed because of Jin Guo's request.

Zhao Ning was shocked by her anger. "Big sister, I... I don't know, this is the meaning of the father."

She knew that this was the meaning of the father, so she felt angry. She even suspected that the father was seeing her intentions, so she wanted to deliberately marry Zhao Ning to Jin.

No, impossible! She is so concealed, how can she let the father see it, not to mention that she just wants Zhao Ning to marry Anning Hou, and does not make other things that make her father unhappy, the father can not be directed at her.

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