Baoxiangguo, the palace.

Ye Hao gave Delo Wang a pulse diagnosis. She already had a lot of thoughts about his illness, but the medicine she needed at this time had not been sent, and here she could not go to the space to take the medicine out, so she had to take one. The pill water was given to the Dai Luo Wang first, so that he did not wait until Ye Yiqing sent the medicine and died.

"Ye girl, what do you drink for the king?" asked the whisper.

"The fairy water." Ye Hao did not want to say, "It is not easy for your king to live until now. It is all supported by one breath. Are there no doctors on your island?"

"The doctors are all coming out of the temple. The king's illness has always been treated by the national teacher." Yan said.

Ye Hao was speechless for a while. "You actually let a **** stick to cure you, and your heart is really big."

"Can you cure the king's illness?" Yan Man has already begun to doubt the national teacher. At this time, he naturally feels that the national teacher is not right.

"I don't know." Ye Hao didn't want to say too much. "When my father took the medicine back, he cured his infectious disease first, and then tried to detoxify."

He stunned a bit, "Detoxification? Dawang poisoned?"

“Can you eat poison without poisoning?” Ye Hao said softly. “You still have to let people get these remedies away.”

"I have already let people stare at the national teacher." Yan looked at the king of Dylo. He couldn't think of why the national teacher should do this. If there is no king, the treasure country will definitely be chaotic.

Ye Hao didn't talk anymore. Anyway, Bao Xiangguo didn't have much to do with her. She could leave the hospital if she cured the disease.

"Hey, look at the other side, it seems to be Chinese characters." Ye Yidong pointed to a calligraphy on the center wall, which said Yunxiao, Lulu, Ruiqixiang Yanshengbaoguo, and a row of densely packed at the bottom. The small word, Ye Hao does not see what it is writing.

"Who is this left?" asked Ye Hao.

Yan Mang is telling his subordinates about the matter and hearing Ye Xun’s question. He said, “This is a long time ago. I heard that it was given to the ancestral king by the prospective queen.”

Sure enough, Qi Qiling left behind! Ye Hao’s eyes flashed a bit of surprise, no wonder she thought these words looked familiar.

"Is this the text of your treasure country?" Ye Hao asked at the bottom of the font.

Yan Man shook his head. "We don't know what it is written. This word has been hanging here for many years."

"Oh." Ye Hao gently decapitated, eyes looked at the king of Dylo, seeing his face is not as green and gray as before, only to relax in the heart, not to be saved.

"Ye girl, there are ten people who have been sick in the palace, and they have already sent it to the Temple of Heaven," he said.

Ye Hao said, "You have to arrange for some people to cook medicine and disinfect them. It is best to choose some physically stronger ones so that they are not easily infected."

"Okay." Yan Man immediately agreed, and he turned to his head and said, "Let Af go to arrange some people to go to the Temple of Heaven, and then listen to orders to do things."

"Why haven't I come yet? Can the gods and the national divisions not be chaotic?" Ye Hao thinks that the national teacher may have two hearts. It is difficult to say if he wants to be a bite. She still hopes that he will not do anything for the time being. When they leave the country, they do what they love to do.

Ye Hao was finished speaking. Someone outside came in with Ye Yiqing. He still had a medicine box in his hand, and he followed his subordinates with a medicine box.

"I will prescribe medicine for your king, then go to the Temple of Heaven, when will your king wake up and let people call me." Ye Hao said.

"Okay." He nodded abruptly. The illness of the king is very important, but... the diseases of the people must be cured quickly. Otherwise, as Ye girl said, it will infect the entire Baoxiang country.

Ye Hao has already fed the medicine of Lingquan to the king of Dylo. She asked her to arrange a house for her. She would not let anyone in. She went to the space and said that the lack of medicines was taken out and loaded. A bottle of Lingquan was placed on the body. After the medicine was cooked, it was given to the cockroach. After he had two times, he cooked again. After three bowls of medicine, Dailuo Wang should wake up.

When he was unable to leave the palace, he let his confidant take the leaves and they went to the Temple of Heaven.

The Temple of Heavenly Scorpio is much larger than the imagination of Ye Hao, and it looks sacred and solemn, but it is somewhat worn out. It seems that it has not been repaired for many years. Ye Hao is not free to care about this Tianzhu Temple. She has to give it back to everyone. After diagnosis, the medicine can be prescribed, but there are too many people who are sick. She can't come one by one. "Who is here to take care of them?"

"It's me." A woman came over from behind. When she saw Ye Hao, she flashed a stunned look. "Are you the doctor who said it? My name is Afu, I am so savage." Ours."

Ye Hao looked at this woman named Afu. She had a pair of blue eyes like sea. The skin was white and snowy. Although she was not particularly beautiful, she looked particularly conspicuous because of her eyes and facial features. Is this the demon woman that the **** stick teacher said to be executed? Just because her eyes are blue?

"Do you also speak Chinese?" Ye Hao said with a smile.

Afu said, "I am very good at teaching me."

Ye Hao smiled. "It has already been said very well."

"That... what are we going to do next?" Afu looked around and she could hardly believe that this delicate woman would cure so many people. She even suspected that Baoxiang was not because she encountered it. The current bad luck.

"Is their illness the same?" Ye Hao asked, while he tied the sputum, and said to Ye Yiqing and Ye Yudong behind him, "Hey, my brother, have you just given your medicine?"

When she was in the palace, she used Lingquan to cook the medicine for Ye Yiqing, and they were afraid that they would be infected with the disease in the Baoxiang Congress.

Afu said, "It's all the same. The ten people just sent from the palace are just feverish, and the condition looks lighter, so I placed them in another temple."

Ye Hao looked at her and said, "Do well."

For the next half day, Ye Hao began to diagnose the disease, separated the disease more seriously, and then prescribe the right medicine. When she was in Huaijiang, she and Huangfu treated the plague, so she had experience this time. Soon the patient was divided.

"You have to prepare a few big pots." Ye Hao said, "The medicines have already been brought, let everyone take the medicine down..."

Ye Yiqing whispered, "Hey, I took a few people to disinfect everywhere."

If you don't do the disinfection work, the virus will spread faster and faster.

"Good." Ye Hao smiled at Ye Yiqing.

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