Ye Hao spent two days in the Baoxiang country. It was confirmed that the people who had been infected had already stabilized the disease. The infectious disease of Dailuo Wang was also a few percent. She washed her body all over and changed her clothes and returned to the boat. Visit two little guys.

"I really want to die for me." Ye Hao held Ming Yu and Ming Xi a few times. "I don't think it is around me every day. I miss them especially after two days."

Zhaoyang gave her a look. "You are still very embarrassed to say that you will not be here when you know it. When you are on the island, we are always worried."

"Isn't that the way to the sea?" Ye Hao fed two children to feed milk. "It is an adventure to go out to sea. If you go out to sea and have no danger at all, how can you call it out?"

"You still have an excuse!" Zhaoyang gasped her forehead. "If you come back, don't go back. Let's leave, the national teacher can see that I am afraid, I don't want to stay here for a moment."

Ye Hao looked at the greedy little guy who was eating milk. In order to fear that they were not strong enough, she left Lingquan and let Zhaoyang feed them a little bit every day. It’s really gratifying to see them in a spirited manner. .

When he heard Zhaoyang’s words, Ye Hao immediately said, “That’s not the case. The poison on the king of Dylo has not been completely relieved. The patients in the Temple of Heaven’s Temple are not all good, at least they are all good.”

"You **** this heart!" Zhaoyang yelled at her. "They still want to catch Mingyu. Is it dangerous to stay?"

"People who want to catch Mingyu have been arrested. It is also difficult to think of death. What's more, the Dailuo Wang is good. You see, we definitely need to supply this way to the sea. It is better to make a good relationship with others, and then say, I learned a medical technique and opened a medical clinic in Jinguo. Isn't it just trying to save more people? The people of Jinguo are human beings. Isn't Baoxiangguo not? I can survive... It’s in my heart. Grateful, so I want to do more good things, it is for these two guys."

She doesn't have the ability to hang the pot, but she has learned so many medicines. Wouldn't it be better if she could teach more people to heal?

This is also the day she has figured out in the treasure country. When they go out to sea, they will certainly encounter a lot of situations like this. She wants to carry the medical skills overseas and let more people get treatment and benefits. Regardless of whether others would appreciate her, she felt that this is a meaning of life.

Zhaoyang snorted, "What is your truth."

"Well, these two little piglets, sleep when they are full, if everyone is as simple as they are." Ye Hao looked at his son and daughter, and his heart was slowly increased by a sense of happiness.

"You will take them out to sea. I don't know when to go back. If Murong Chan thinks that you are not there, I don't know how to be sad." Zhaoyang said helplessly, in the future, Ye Hao will go back, in case Murong Cham another What should I do if I am a queen? If there is no other emperor, he knows that Ye Hao’s heart is more valued in the sea, will he feel that he has not been taken care of?

Ye stunned. "Are you not sending someone a letter?"

"Oh, then you don't worry about him being angry?" Zhao Yang asked.

"He must be angry." But Murong Chan must have been reluctant to breathe for too long. She went to the sea for a year, and went back a year later.

Zhaoyang sighed in her heart, only she knew that Ye Yiqing did not intend to let the truth go back to tell Murong Zhan.

"Okay." Ye Hao will give Ming Xi to Zhaoyang, "Let them sleep."

"You are going to the island?" Zhao Yang asked strangely.

Ye Hao looked down at the bright jade in her arms. It was really a pink jade. It was so cute that she wanted to kiss her. This little face can easily pour out water. How can it be so tender?

"You said that I have more skills, how can I make them so cute?" Ye Yan said to Zhaoyang with a smile.

Zhaoyang gave her a sigh of relief. "Yes, you have the ability, so these two children are so cute."

"Mu Rongzhan must have praised me when he saw it." Ye Hao proudly said that if Murong Chan saw these two children, he would definitely like them.

"That's the time to see him," Zhaoyang said.

Ye Hao said with a smile, "I will see it sooner or later."

"When are you going back to the island?" Zhao Yang asked.

"When I wait, I will go back. There are still some patients who have to look at it tonight. As long as there is no fever tonight, I will be completely relieved tomorrow." Ye Hao said.

Zhao Yang asked, "What about the national teacher?"

"I was locked up in the dungeon, and his temple was closed. Those who followed him to lead the troubles were arrested. Baoxiangguo is safe now, but because the infectious diseases have not been completely cured, you are temporarily Don't go to the island, wait a few days and go." Ye Hao said.

"That's fine." Zhaoyang snorted.

Ye Hao looked at the two children again. "Then I will go first, they will hand it over to you."

"They are my grandchildren, of course I will take care of them." Zhaoyang laughed.

"Speak up..." Ye Hao looked at Zhaoyang with a smile. "I have to call you a mother, but I can't call it."

Zhaoyang pinched her face. "You can't listen to it when you call me. Anyway, you said that you can just call it, how do we get along with each other."

Ye Hao leaned on Zhaoyang’s shoulder. “You are so good.”

"Go ahead, don't be dark for a while." Zhaoyang said.

"Okay." Ye Hao smiled. "Then I will go first."

When he arrived at the palace, Ye Hao heard Ye Yiqing’s voice coming out of the temple.

"...If the king paints this word for me, I will let my daughter write you a hundred new ones."

what? Ye stunned, she didn't get it wrong? Is she so arrogant? Her one hundred paintings will be replaced by a pair of spirits? Wait, her calligraphy and painting is not worth much.

Ye Hao also thought that Dai Luowang would not agree. He wanted to go in and interrupted. He heard that Dai Luo Wang said with a smile. "One hundred is not needed. Ye girl is sent by God to save us. She is us. The patron saint, it is ok to give the calligraphy and painting to her."

"Thank you for the king." Ye Yiqing said unceremoniously.

Ye Hao went straight into the black line and went in. "Da Wang, I can't write a hundred calligraphy and paintings."

The king of Dailu laughed. "The medical books that Ye girl gave us have already benefited our children and grandchildren."

Ye Yiqing nodded. "Yes, a medical book can be used without digital painting."

"Go and take the picture and drop it down to Mr. Ye." Dai Luo Wang told the man.

"Yes, Dawang." Yan nodded and nodded and took the picture and handed it to Ye Yiqing.

Ye Yiqing took the calligraphy and painting in his hand and knew that his guess was correct. There are other things in this calligraphy.

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