When Ye Hao had nothing to do on the boat, she wrote two basic medical books. She wrote a book and took a medical book that she had hidden in her space. She sent a few copies to Afu, she did not. Will force the people of Baoxiang to study medicine, but still explain some basic knowledge outside the Temple of Heaven in the free time, teach some common sense of prevention, and pay attention to the habits of each person, so as to prevent diseases. And the plague.

When she was explaining, Afu was translated next to her. Many people were skeptical. As more and more people went out from the Temple of Heaven, they were all believed to be dead. Then they gradually realized that what Ye Hao said was true.

After living in Baoxiang for five days, the infectious diseases were basically controlled. The people who treated the temple in Tianzhu Temple confirmed that they did not return to the disease in Ye Hao. They had no incense and the temple of Tianzhu. At the beginning, there were believers who came to Shangxiang to pray.

Ye Hao gave the rest to Afu and began to detoxify the king of Dylo in the palace. Fortunately, the medicinal herbs he had eaten were not particularly large, so it is not difficult to solve the erysipelas of the body. In a few days, Ye Hao also knows more about the customs of this island country.

"After the medicinal herbs don't eat, it can't make you immortal, it will only make your body become worse and worse." Ye Hao said to the king of Dailuo.

"I won't eat any more." said the king of Dylo. After the national division, he did not intend to enshrine the national division again.

Ye Hao smiled. "Do you speak Chinese, is it a general?"

"I always want to go to your country. Many of your things are lacking, but the road is too far away, and I don't agree with me to go out to sea." King Deloi said helplessly.

"When you are stronger, you can go." Ye Yan said with a smile. "Well, I have given you medicine, it has been allocated, and you can drink it for another ten days."

Said the king of Dylo, "Ye girl, you are my savior."

Ye Hao chuckled, "Yeah, but I don't need to be with me."

"Is it awkward?" Princess Dylo snorted. He didn't seem to understand the meaning of this. He looked up at Ye Hao. "I heard that Ye girl had two children a few days ago. It was your child. ?"

"Yes, I just want a full moon." Ye Hao said with a smile.

King Dylo looked at her strangely. "You...have a baby at sea?"

"Yeah." Ye Hao didn't see Mingyu for two days. I missed it very much. I wanted to go to the boat and look for them immediately. She went to the side to wash her hands and took a drink from the tea given by the attendant. She was really affected. Unlike the tea of ​​Baoxiangguo, unlike the tea she used to drink, the tea here is actually sweet.

"That...the father of the child?" asked the king of Dylo in a puzzled way. For so many days, he did not seem to see Ye's husband, only his father and one of the five brothers, if her husband was there, I will definitely be by her side.

The father of the child... Ye Hao’s look is awkward, I don’t know what Murong Chan is doing at this time.

When Dai Luo saw the look of Ye Hao, he thought that he had asked what he should not ask, is it... Is her husband already gone? It must be like this, otherwise, how can she go out with two children who have not yet had a full moon?

"Ye girl, please sorrow and change." Daluo Wang accented a bit bluntly, as if this is to comfort the Chinese who lost their loved ones, although he does not quite understand the meaning.

"What?" Ye Hao suddenly raised her head. What did she just hear?

King Dylo thought she didn't hear it and said another sentence, "Please mourn the change. It is very pitiful for the child to have no father. But there is a mother like Yeh, they will have a good life."


Ye Hao almost sprayed the tea out of the mouth. "Do you see me like a widow?"

King Dylo looked at her. He had never seen a woman who was as beautiful as the Ye girl. No matter how she looked, Ye girl should not be a widow. Who would give such a woman a lonely life.

"In fact, it is no problem to marry again." King Delo stuttered and thought that this was comfort.

"..." Ye Hao looked at Dai Luo Wang silently. Although this boy is the king of the treasure country, he is still young and his thoughts are really cute.

Just, what point does she look like a widow... Murong Chong heard that he could not be mad.

"It seems that I haven't seen Ye Daren recently." Asked the king of Dylo, he heard that everyone else called Ye's father, so he also called it.

Ye Hao said, "The savage adult sent some food to us, and my father was busy on the boat."

In fact, Ye Yiqing has been on the ship since he got the calligraphy and painting. He seems to think that there is something secret in the calligraphy and painting. Ye Hao smiles and looks at the place where the calligraphy and painting is hanging. Now the words above are written by her. .

Raise the spirit of Haoran, build the industry of the emperor.

King Dylo knew that it was impossible to keep Ye Hao, and he looked at him. "Give me what I wrote to Ye Girl."

Ye Hao raised her eyebrows in confusion, what else should she give to her?

"Ye girl, this is the descendant of our treasure country." Yan Man handed a golden book in his hand to Ye Hao.

"Ah?" This is the turn of Ye Hao, shocked, why should she drop her book?

Said the king of Dylo, "Ye girl is the patron saint of our treasure country, regardless of the future ... you will come to our treasure country again, as long as there is anything we need to do, we are all ... do everything we can."

Ye Hao was amazed. She was too aware of the importance of this downfall. Is this... is the king of Dailu a country that she can completely control?

"Da Wang, do you want to know clearly? Do you know what this means?" Ye Hao asked indefinitely.

King Dylo said with a smile, "Know, Ye girl accepts it, this is the only thing I think of that can express gratitude to you."

"You are too grateful to be grateful." Ye Hao said, "I am too embarrassed to accept."

Yan Man said, "Ye girl, although our treasure is not strong, it is still useful."

"I don't mean this. You are of course powerful." Ye Hao said, Bao Xiangguo does not say that their maritime combat capability is definitely not weak. Otherwise, those pirates have long been embezzling here. "I am treating everyone, not for the sake of This drop table."

"I know, Ye girl, this is just my heart." Dai Luo Wang said with a smile, "Please be sure to accept it."

Ye Hao thought for a moment, and it would not necessarily be necessary to accept it anyway. In the future, I don’t know if there is any chance to come back to Baoxiang. "Well, thank you Dawang."

When Dai Luo Wang saw Ye Hao, he was willing to laugh, and he smiled happily. "Now everyone thinks of you as a **** of heaven. This is not a bad thing."

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