This drop table is really not very meaningful for Ye Hao, but it is the mind of Dai Luo Wang. Ye Hao thought about the future that Murong Chan might have to dominate the world. Maybe this table is still useful to him. It.

Ye Hao took the drop table back to the boat, just to see Ye Yiqing still studying the route map of the ship board, holding a telescope in his hand.

Yes, she was the first time I saw the telescope, but my father said that it appeared many years ago, but it was useless in general, so everyone didn't care.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Ye Hao helped Ye Xiaodong's hand on the boat and smiled and came to Ye Yiqing.

"You see, this is left by Qi Yuling." Ye Yiqing took a route map to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao glanced. "What is this? It looks like a route map, but why not?"

"Because there is only one corner of the road map." Ye Yiqing smiled faintly. "Qi Yuling has been sailing for ten years. I don't know how many precious treasures I get. I am hiding in an island on the sea. She leaves clues in every country. Who can When the route map of the treasure map is found, we can find her things."

"..." Ye Hao was speechless for a while, "Qi Lingling still doing such a thing?"

Ye Yiqing laughed. "She is also a strange woman, and she is very strange. It is normal to think of such unreliable things."

"You sound very much appreciate Qi Qiling." Zhao Yang walked out in the cabin behind, and heard Ye Yiqing praise Qi Qiling, she raised her eyebrows like a smile.

"Cough." Ye Yiqing smiled. "It’s nothing to appreciate a ancestor, right?"

Ye Hao smiled and looked down at the route map. "Hey, you said she will put something on the island?"

"Not necessarily an island, are you interested in finding it?" Ye Yiqing asked.

"Go." Ye Hao's eyes sparkled, she wants to go! Going to see how the legend of Qi Lingling came out, I want to know what treasure she got at this sea.

Ye Yiqing laughed, and he knew that his daughter would definitely go.

Zhaoyang looked at the father and the daughter with a helpless look. Really, these two people have been like Sashuai since they went out to sea. It is just like a duck.

"So, are we able to leave now?" Zhaoyang asked.

"Deluo Wang wants to host a banquet and asks us to go to the palace. We will leave after we have attended the banquet." Ye Hao said to Ye Yiqing.

Ye Yiqing said, "Is their condition controlled?"

"It's almost the same, people go door-to-door to check, and no other people are found." Ye Hao said.

"That's good. After the banquet tonight, we will leave tomorrow." Ye Yiqing said.

Ye Hao saw the falling table in her hand, she handed it to Ye Yiqing. "Hey, look at this."

"What is this?" Ye Yiqing glanced at her daughter and found that she smiled and said that the ancient spirit was strange. She took a look and smiled. He stopped, "down the table?"

"Deluo gave it to me. He said that I am the patron saint of their treasure country. So I will give this down to me. In the future, no matter what happens to me, I can find them." Ye Yan said with a smile. Isn’t the drop-down table a country that is stronger than itself? The king of Dylo actually gave me the drop table.”

That generation of Luo Wang is really... Ye Yiqing simply does not know what to say, although the treasure country is not a big country, but can drop the table to Ye Hao, it must be true that Ye Hao as the patron saint of their country.

"You have a good watch to drop the watch, and there is still some use in the future." Ye Yiqing said.

Ye Hao smiled and nodded. "It should be of little use to me. However, it will definitely be of great use to me."

Murong Cham? Suddenly mentioning Murong Zhan, Ye Yiqing was inexplicably guilty. He didn't let people talk to Murong Zhan about what he had already woken up. Maybe the stinky boy decided that he was dead.

"Well, what to do to him, keep it, who knows what will happen in the future." Ye Yiqing said faintly.

Zhaoyang gave him a sneak peek, waiting for his daughter to complain later!

"I went to see two grandchildren." Ye Yiqing said with a smile, and gave the map of his hand to Ye Hao. "Let's study it carefully and see if this route is our current route."

Ye Hao holds a map with only one corner. How can this be seen? I can't see it at all.

"Do you really believe this is a treasure map?" Zhao Yang asked.

"I believe." Ye Hao nodded. "Jing Guo gave the dynasty to the Mohist family. The emperor's group disappeared. So where is a country that is huge, where are their treasures? And those forces that have been hidden in the legend. I don’t think it’s just a legend."

Although Huangfu said that it has not existed for a long time, those people only thought about the dull days, then they would not let go of their strength. Qi Qiling would definitely leave a lot of gold and silver treasures. Anyway, they went out to sea, and they went looking for it. what relationship?

Zhaoyang naturally heard of Qi Lingling, but it is only a legendary figure. Is there really a place for treasure?

She was about to persuade Ye Hao not to hold too much expectation, and she heard the cry of Ming Yu.

"Ming Yu woke up." Ye Hao immediately flew into the cabin.

In the room, Hung Hom and Hong Ling are changing diapers for Ming Yu. The two cymbals have been used to look after the children. Now they are becoming more and more skilled. They will not be nervous because of Mingyu’s crying. Why is the child crying?

"What's wrong?" Ye Hao came in and asked.

Hung Hom said, "The niece is a little princess who has stinked and has changed her diaper."

Mingyu is a child who loves to clean. Every time she urinates or pulls it, she will cry and let her put on a clean diaper. Otherwise, she will always cry and change the clean dishes to stop.

Ye Hao embraced Ming Yu and looked at the pink and lovely daughter. Her heart was soft and dripping out of water. "I will cry when I smell it, so I love it clean."

"Mingyu is a little princess, of course, love clean." Zhaoyang stood by the door and smiled. He looked at Mingxi on the small bed. Mingxi glared at a pair of black eyes, as if watching the surroundings. The child is too well-behaved."

"When my brother's well-behaved is better." Ye Hao took Mingyu to Zhaoyang and walked over to hold Mingxi in his arms. Suddenly, a strange smell spread out in her hands, she stunned. Looking down at her hand, the golden object appeared blatantly in her palm.

She looked at Ming Xi with her eyes round, and this boy still looked calm, as if he had nothing to do with him. Is this what he pulled?

Hong Ling said with a smile, "The little prince is like this every time. If we don't check it often, we don't know that the little prince needs to change diapers."

"In the end who learned ... ... this temper is not suffocating." Ye Hao did not say good.

"Isn't that the same as the emperor?" Hong Ling smiled.

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