Ye Hao cleaned her little buttocks for Mingxi and put on her diaper again. She squeezed her son's cheek. "You said who you are studying, isn't the angry mother not accompanying you these days?"

Mingxi put on a clean diaper, and it was refreshing. There was a small bubble in the corner of his mouth. His eyes looked at Ye Hao, although he could not speak, but he could still see that he was in a good mood at this time.

"This child is simply fine." Zhao Yang looked straight and smiled. "He also knows how to laugh at you. How big is this."

Ye Hao cried, "That was born to me, of course smart."

Zhaoyang rolled his eyes. "Do you praise him or praise yourself?"

"To praise him is to praise myself." Ye Yan said with a smile.

"Yeah, you are his mother." Zhaoyang smiled and sat down next to him. "They are full moon, what are your plans?"

Ye Hao thought about this, "Yes, the two little guys will have a full moon, what about the full moon ceremony?"

"In any case, it is the full moon of the day after tomorrow. If you have to go through the full moon ceremony and leave here first." Although Zhaoyang wants to go, it seems that it is not very good to have a full moon on the boat. It is just the plague of the treasure country. They can get off the boat to get something ready.

"Good." Ye Hao also thinks this is the best.

Before the night, Ye Yiqing took the family to the palace, while others stayed on the boat. The king of Dylo sent people a lot of wine and food. After all, the ship was still at sea, and it was impossible for everyone to go to the palace.

The banquet of the palace is very big, and the king of Dailuo also called all the other courtiers. Now the people of the whole treasure country have regarded Ye Hao as a **** of heaven. They just saw the emergence of Ye Hao, except for the king of Dailuo. Stand up and give her a bow down ceremony, or Ye Hao stopped and did not fall.

The song and dance of Baoxiangguo is very special. Ye Hao looked at the music. Dai Luowang raised his glass and said, "Ye girl, I decided to have a thing after deliberation with several ministers. Over the years, we have always been a treasure country. I am self-sufficient and have never seen the world outside. If you agree, I want you to let the people accompany you to the sea. In addition to protecting you, you can bring more useful knowledge back to our country."

Ye stunned a bit, she looked back at Ye Yiqing, the meaning of the king of Dailuo, is to want to let Yan Man go with them to the sea?

"Da Wang, we don't know where to go when we go out to sea. I don't know where I will go. There are too many risks at sea. I am afraid that your ship will not come back." Ye Yiqing directly refused for Ye Hao.

He does not believe in outsiders, although they are now treated like a patron saint, and no one can expect anything to happen at sea in the future.

King Dylo gave a slight glimpse, and he looked at Ye Hao.

Ye Hao said, "Da Wang, I think it is not the time now, the infectious disease has just been suppressed. You only have the savage and Afu in your country can understand Chinese characters. The medical books I left are not included in Afu. Others can learn, if they follow me to the sea, then the efforts made before will be in vain, not as good, and wait a little longer, when I return, I will go to your country, and now you are still today's idea, I You can take them back to the Central Plains, and no matter what you want to learn, that's fine."

When Dai Luo was indulged for a moment, his proposal for Ye Hao was obviously more tempting. If he had to go out to sea, it would have been a big adventure. However, if he could go to the Central Plains in the future, it would be different, even though Jing Guo is no longer there. But isn't there another Jinguo and Qiguo?

"The King, the God of Heaven said that it makes sense." An old man sitting at the top of the opposite side, after hearing the translation of the person next to him, whispered to the king of Dylo, "We still listen to the arrangement of God of Heaven."

King Dylo nodded heavily. "That's alright."

Ye Hao smiled faintly. "The day I expect to see you again."

After the banquet, King Dylo knew that Ye Hao planned to give the two children a full moon ceremony. He immediately came to Ye Hao personally and said that he would ask the oldest person in Baoxiang’s country to bless her children in their treasure country. The children who have passed the full moon ceremony can get the blessings of all the long-lived old people, and the children will continue to grow up to the old age without disaster and disease.

When I heard the words of Dai Luo, Ye Hao immediately moved.

As a mother, who does not want children to grow up peacefully and joyfully, it is best to get more blessings.

Ye Yiqing did not have any opinions after he knew it. He also felt that the full moon ceremony could not be too simple.

After two days, it was the full moon ceremony of Mingxi and Mingyu. The king of Dylo gave the longevity of the whole country a blessing to the two children with the prince’s ritual. Their blessing is very simple, that is, take a long one. The red rope is hung on the child. Each old man goes forward to say a blessing, and then binds a copper coin on the red line. This copper money is the blessing of the treasures of the country. The more copper coins on the red rope, the blessings the children receive. more.

Mingxi and Mingyu have woke up, I don’t know if it’s rare to see such a lively, even the most loved crying Mingyu is just looking at the surrounding with a pair of bright, gem-like eyes, as if it’s very curious, as for Mingxi That is as lazy as ever, which makes Ye Hao always think of small birds.

It’s really... not the **** of the little bird, even the posture is so similar.

"Tomorrow will start." Ye Yiqing smiled and watched the two grandsons get more and more blessings, and said in a good mood with Ye Hao.

"Okay." Ye Hao nodded. "Hey, do you know where to go next place? How do you know where Qi Qiling will hide the route map?"

"We walked on the original line, and we can find the fate." Ye Yiqing said that he did not go to the sea for the treasure map, but he felt that there was something better, and he did not have to deliberately search for it. The meaning was different.

Ye Hao said with a smile, "Okay."

She is actually this idea, everything goes with the flow, and she also wants to spread medical skills to a place like Baoying, which is backward in feudalism, so that her rebirth is more meaningful.

"In the Baoxiang country, it became a **** of heaven, and will not become a **** in the future?" Ye Yiqing looked around and he did not know how his daughter flicked them. She really regarded her as a **** of heaven.

Ye Xiao smiled. "If you don't say that at the time, they are not so easy to believe. Thanks to the travel notes left behind."

"Those travel notes?" At the beginning, he was forgotten to take the travel notes in the study room of the hot spring resort. Lu home did not throw it away. Perhaps this is also his own fate.

"At Chengde Mountain Villa..." Ye Hao said, it should be taken up.

Ye Yiqing blinked slightly, and at Chengde Mountain Villa, that Murong Cham should have seen it.

Will you guess their travel route?

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