Ye Hao entered the port after they disembarked. This place should be the border of this country. Just because of the offshore, the port was established. I don’t know how big the country will be. Maybe it is another continent.

"Hey, don't you think it's like...Jinkou City?" Ye Hao said quietly to Ye Yiqing.

“It’s really like.” Ye Yiqing nodded. Although the scale here is not as good as that of Jinkou City, there is no such imposing manner as Kyoto, but it has a unique urban charm, which is filled with modern houses. In the lush greenery of the Bauhinia and the banyan tree, the harbor under the sun is filled with the atmosphere of the ocean. The exotic atmosphere, the harbor sails like a weaving, and the banks are innumerable. It looks very lively.

Ye Hao said, "Hey, it seems to be a trading company. We used to look at it."

I am really curious about how big the country is. Who built this port? Ye Hao remembered that Qi Ruoshui insisted that the people of the Huangfu family had hidden power. At that time, Huangfu had already vetoed it, but now she saw this scene, and she did not know why she remembered the imperial dynasty.

"First find a hotel to stay." Ye Yiqing said that they came along this road, although there are many people with different skins, but the total is still more Han people, if not guessed, these people should be immigrants here. Come to the founding of the country.

"I am more curious, who will be the emperor here." Zhaoyang whispered.

The leaves are slightly convergent, and Qi Ruoshui once thought about it in her mind. This place is too much like Qi Ruoshui mentioned, but she still hasn't figured out the truth, so she dare not make a conclusion.

"First look for the inn to settle down, let's go to the business bank and have a look." Ye Hao said.

They found a nice looking inn nearby, just someone checked out, they had two rooms to stay, or I might have to go somewhere else to find a place to live.

Ye Hao wants to feed two children and change diapers for them. It will take a while to get busy.

Ye Yiqing took advantage of this time to inquire about the news under the inn.

This country is not a Rover country. The small island country and Feiquan Mountain, once called the Luofu country, have disappeared. Today, this country is called Huaguo. There are fifty-one cities in their country. Nanzhou is only one of them.

Their emperor surnamed Qi, named Qi Qi, is the second king of their country. Not only young and handsome, but also the love of their Chinese people, their country is also more and more prosperous under his leadership.

Huaguo? Qi Wei?

Ye Yiqing is interested in these two names. It seems that this country is more interesting than he imagined.

"Uncle, do you think there is a problem in China?" Ye Yidong whispered Ye Yiqing.

"There is no problem." Ye Yiqing shook his head. "If there is a chance, I really want to see this Qi."

Ye Hao just took Mingxi down and heard Ye Yiqing's words. She asked questioningly, "Who is Qi Qi?"

"The emperor of Huaguo." Ye Yidong replied, "We just inquired from the innkeeper of the inn, most of them are Han people."

Ye Weiyi, "Here is the Chinese country? The emperor called Qi Qi?"

Ye Yiqing smiled and looked at her. "Do you feel familiar?"

"I thought it should be Jingguo." Ye Hao shook his head and smiled. It seems to be the shadow of Jinguo everywhere, and in fact, many things in Jinguo are passed down from Jingguo.

"There are 13th Streets, all of which are trade shops. If we want to trade goods with them, we have to find a business." Ye Yiqing said.

Ye Hao nodded, she had long wanted to go and see the shops here.

"Hey, this country..." Ye Hao whispered to Ye Yiqing, "Do you think anything related to the Emperor's dynasty?"

It does not necessarily have anything to do with the Emperor's reign, but it is definitely related to Qi Yuling.

"When the royal family took the initiative to abdicate, this country already existed. When Qi Qiling went out to sea, it must have passed through here. Maybe she just wanted to leave a place for her descendants." Ye Yiqing said, "Of course, this is just speculation. If this is not the case, then it is not known."

When they came to the 13th Street, they found that it was more lively than they thought. In addition to the main street, there are thirteen streets and direct access to the port road. Each street is very wide, but there are many pedestrians, and many of them are in the field. Businessman coming.

"Hey, they also have silk tea here." Ye Hao said to Ye Yiqing whisperly, there is no difference here from Jinguojinkou City.

The traders here seem to have standardized, but the items are still not as much as there are in the city of Jinkou, but there is such a port trade at sea, which is a miraculous existence for Ye Hao.

"What are those people watching?" Zhaoyang pointed to a crowd of people not far away, as if something had happened.

Ye Hao took the line of sight back from those commodities and looked forward to Zhaoyang’s fingers. Sure enough, in the position of the cross street, a group of people did not know what to drink, listening to the vaguely heard voice, as if they were selling something. .

"What is selling Dingxi?" Ye Hao said, and did not have an interest in the past.

The shopkeeper's shopkeeper just heard Ye Hao's words. When they knew that they were merchants from other places, they laughed. "We have an auction every time in the first nine days. Today is exactly the first nine, and the auction just started."

“With so many businesses, do you still need an auction?” Ye Yiqing asked faintly.

"The auction can sell anything, and the business can not sell slaves." The shopkeeper said with a smile.

Ye Yiqing frowned, "Slave?"

"Yeah, this is the first auctioneer, everyone is rushing to see the fun." The shopkeeper said with a smile.

For the first time, Ye Hao heard that people can auction, she turned to look at Ye Yiqing, "Hey, let's go see it."

"Auctioner? Is it a slave?" Ye Yiqing asked.

The treasurer said, "We also heard for the first time that it seems to be offending the water house. Even the ship has been detained. Now I am afraid that I will be sold as a slave by the water house."

"Can you just buckle the boat?" Ye Hao asked in surprise.

"No one wants to offend the water house." The treasurer seemed to realize that he had said something wrong, vaguely said the past, turned around and did not intend to continue.

"Hey, let's go check it out." Ye Hao wanted to see what the auction was like here, and actually buckled the merchant's boat. The water house is not more prestige than their emperor.

“Yeah.” After Yi Yiqing had just learned about China, he thought that it should be a management model that was ahead of modern times. When he heard that some auctions were made by slaves, some of the atmosphere presented by this country was not in line with it.

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