Ye Yiqing asked the two rings to take the children back to the inn. The people here are too noisy and too bad for the children. The two little guys need more sleep to grow faster.

Zhaoyang said, "I go back to see two children, your father and daughter go shopping."

Probably because of her own miscarriage, Zhaoyang especially likes children. She wants to accompany her two little grandsons instead of watching the fun outside.

"Give them a lady back to the inn." Ye Yiqing told his men, for the sake of safety, he will arrange a few people around Zhaoyang and Xiaowaisun, so as not to encounter the perverts like Bao Guoguo.

After Zhaoyang left with two little guys, Ye Yiqing and Ye Hao went to the auction place. Because there were too many people, they could not see what the auction was like.

Ye Yiqing kept Ye Hao around and slowly walked from the crowd to the front, only to find that the auction was not open in the street.

“Auction house?” Ye Wei looked at the plaque in front of the gate, with the three characters of the dragon and the phoenix dance, the auction house.

"It seems that not everyone can go in." Ye Yiqing whispered, otherwise the door will not be surrounded by so many people and can not enter.

Ye Hao walked up and was stopped by two men who seemed to be powerful at the door. "Girl, is there an invitation?"

"Invitation post?" Ye Hao raised an eyebrow. "Can't you go in without an invitation?"

"There are no invitations for those people. Can you see if they can go in?" asked the guard at the crowd behind him.

Ye Hao did not look back. "How can I get an invitation?"

"The ones who can get in here are those who have heads and faces in Nanzhou. You should be here for the first time. If you don't receive the invitation from our husband, you have to pay a deposit of 50,000 yuan. If you leak the auction house, In the destruction of the inside, the five thousand two will be returned to the auction house." Inside the auction house, a middle-aged man dressed in gray and straight, seems to be the management of the auction house.

Five thousand two? Ye Hao looked back at Ye Yiqing, this is not a gift of silver, but who will walk on the street with 50,000, isn't that a fool?

"Fifty thousand two silver?" Ye Hao looked at the manager and asked with a smile.

The management is a faint smile. "Without silver, things of the same price can be used."

What is the price of the same price? Ye Hao recalled that there would be something worth 50,000 in his own body, and it seemed that the valuables were not brought out.

"Girl, it is one person five thousand two." Manager smiled and reminded Ye Hao, but my heart was puzzled. Where did this beautiful woman come from, wouldn't she go out to play alone? That courage is really big.

"How much is this thousand vanilla?" Ye Yiqing asked a jade in his hand to ask the manager.

"What?" The management thing stunned, thousand vanilla? They actually have such treasures. Isn't this the national treasure that the Kingdom of Baoxiang never circulated?

Ye Hao did not expect that he would bring this to his body. The king of Deluo gave them several thousand vanillas. Can this value be 100,000?

The embarrassment on the face of the matter quickly covered up. "Two are invited."

Although others don't give in, it's not bad to let them both go in.

Ye Yiqing handed the thousand vanilla in his hand to the manager, covered the fingerprints with the documents, and they walked into the real auction house.

Great auction house!

Ye Hao did not see the auction house, but it was the first time I saw it.

The auction floor is semi-circular and carved with huge stones. There are dozens of round tables in front and the wing rooms on the second floor, but the scene of the auction floor can be seen more clearly. Ye Yiqing was invited to the second floor. Cabin.

It seems that there are arrangements at the location of the auction house, not where to sit where you want to sit.

"Hey, what will be this auction, it seems very mysterious." Ye Hao asked Ye Yiqing doubtfully.

Ye Yiqing picked up a golden list from the table. "It seems to be a treasure of all countries."

"There are these above?" Ye Hao walked over and glanced at it. He saw a blank on the list. "What does this blank mean?"

"People." Ye Yiqing's eyes fell on the seal of the list.

water? It seems that this water home is very powerful in Nanzhou. This auction is not something that can be afforded by anyone. It has the right to have money and it has money. It seems that no matter where it is, power is the thing that can control everything.

Ye Hao is not interested in the auction, she just came to see the excitement, "Hey, let's go there and sit down and see."

"Yeah." Ye Yiqing sat down at the Taishi chair by the window, just to see the situation on the auction floor.

"Well, if the emperors of the Chinese state are really descendants of the emperor's family, will they return to the Central Plains one day in the future?" Ye Hao looked at the people below, each face is strange, but looks very good. Familiar, they are all Han Chinese. If their ship is not walking on the sea for so long, she should think that she is returning to Jinguo.

A small donkey came in to give Ye Yiqing a snack and tea, and a brand. If you want to buy the goods you want, you can bid.

"How did your goods come?" Ye Hao asked curiously.

Xiao Yan reverently returned, "Some foreign businessmen are at sea, or if the business fails and they need the principal, they will come to us to help us."

"Water Master?" Ye Hao picked up his eyebrows. "So, the goods that are auctioned are brought to you by others... that waterlord?"

"There are no deadlines for goods that have not been redeemed," he said.

Ye Hao nodded and nodded. "Understood."

The auction downstairs has already begun, and the auctions are really rare treasures, but Ye Hao is not interested in these treasures. Instead, she is very curious about those who are competing for bidding. Some of them look like foreign businessmen, some are local. It seems to be very interested in those goods.

After spending such a long time at sea, I felt this atmosphere again, and she felt that she still missed it.

Ye Yiqing's attention is not on those goods and people. He is looking at the most middle wing of the auction house. It is different from other rooms. The room has a black curtain to cover, and it is impossible to see who is sitting inside. He just saw that the management that stopped them outside the door appeared there.

The owner of the auction is there.

Suddenly, the next loud voice of the building, the original has reached the most critical time, the first appearance of the auction will come out.

Because they have never auctioned people, everyone is curious.

Ye Hao will be transferred to the auction floor, and she also wants to know who will be auctioned as a commodity.

When two black men pulled a man tied by a chain, Ye Hao rounded his eyes, didn't he?

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