Ye Hao can't give water seedlings acupuncture, she can only adjust her body by prescribing medicine, and then force the water seedlings out to walk outside. The seedlings are covered by leaves, although they have the heart to let themselves have dignity, but she stands up In less than a few steps, I feel that my body is weak, my sweat is full, and I am not willing to walk anymore.

"How do you exercise like this in less than a few steps a day?" Ye Hao said with a sigh of relief. "If you don't lose your body, how can I mention your acupuncture?"

The water seedlings almost cried and shouted, "You let me die."

"Help her to continue." Ye Hao said to the two women who were sturdy and sturdy. These two powerful women were still looking for water. Otherwise, they could not afford the ten rings. Water seedlings.

"I don't want to, I am hungry, I want to eat!" Shui Miaomiao yelled.

Ye Hao turned a deaf ear, "Take the lap in the garden, and let your girl go back to rest after the walk."

When the water seedlings heard that they had to walk ten laps, they suddenly felt that their eyes were black. When she finished ten laps, she must be exhausted.

"Is forcing her to walk to cure her illness?" Zhaoyang did not know when he came to Ye Hao, frowning at the seedlings who were forced to walk, and once again sighed in the heart how someone would eat themselves. In this way.

Ye Hao automatically shields the screams of water seedlings. "If she keeps lying in the house, it will not cure any more medicine."

"There are strange diseases in this road." Zhaoyang reluctantly sighed. "How much do you have to cure the water girl?"

"I don't know..." Ye Hao looked bitter. She could know how much the other diseases were. Only the seedlings made her feel very tricky. I didn't know if I could cure it well. The invasion, coupled with the meat that had been eaten before, prevented her from acupuncture, and it was really difficult to rely on drugs alone.

She doesn't even dare to use Lingquan. If Lingquan makes her absorb better, then it is not fatter.

Zhaoyang glanced at Ye Hao deeply. "If it is not cured, then she..."

"I can't live for a long time." Ye Hao whispered, "So try to cure it."

"Whether you can cure the seedlings, after this incident, you will go back to Mo Rongzhan." Zhaoyang whispered, "The two children are growing up, they can't grow up in the future." Who is your father?"

Ye squinted at the front of the water seedlings, thinking that there would be sorrow in the eyes of the ink-filled eyes, and she felt a pain in her heart. "That... first cure the seedlings and say it."

To say that she does not want to remember that Murong Zhan is definitely a fake, she thinks about him every day, just thinking of going back to Jin Guo and being locked up in the palace or Chengde Mountain Villa, she is born with tiredness, she does not want to and Murong Zhan is so reluctant to get along.

Zhaoyang didn't know Ye Hao's heart knot. He heard her say so, thinking that he was tempted to go back, and his face was a little more joyful. "You continue to watch here, I will go see two children."

"Good." Ye Hao nodded and watched Zhaoyang leave from here.

The seedlings were drove for ten laps, and the whole body looked like it was fished out of the water. She almost screamed at the leaves, "Ye, I... I owe you in my life." You abuse me so much, I hate you."

Ye Hao chuckled, "You can't help me hate me. Who makes you have so much meat on your body."

" must have been sent to harm me, I want to tell my brother, let him drive you away." The water Miao Miao Mouth flat, like to burst into tears.

In fact, the seedlings grow very well, and the skin is smooth and tender, and her eyes are as blue as the water. It looks beautiful and beautiful, and the mouth is small. If it is too big, definitely It is a beautiful woman.

"Hurry up and drive us away. If it is not because of Zhao Tianqi, I will not be here. Do you think that I am blowing hot air here every day?" Ye Hao asked a white eye and said that the weather here is completely opposite to Jin Guo. At this time, Jin Guo should be a cold winter, and the sun is still fierce here, so she can't stand it.

When I heard the name of Zhao Tianqi, the seedlings nursed up, as if all the arrogance disappeared at once, "Zhao Tianyi...he...he is still in Nanzhou?"

Ye Hao looked at her differently. "You don't know? Your brother grabbed Zhao Tianqi and buckled his boat. How did he get there?"

"My brother detained Zhao Tianqi's boat?" The seedling nursery rounded his eyes.

I thought that the water seedlings would blame the water. Who knows that she immediately smiled at her eyes. "I am deducting well. Zhao Tianyi does not like me. I want him to like it."

"..." Ye Hao looked at her silently. "First, you have to lose weight and cure your illness. Otherwise, you will crush Zhao Tianxi."

The seedlings of the water seedlings stared at Ye Hao, and the half-sounded face was flushed. "Ye doctor, how can you think of it there!"

Ye Hao snorted, I don't know what this means, she wants to go there? It’s not that she is too big, she can’t walk after a few steps, and when she walks with Zhao Tianqi, can’t she crush him at any time?

"If I lose weight, will Zhao Tianyi like me?" asked Miao Miaomiao in a low voice.

"You look so good, don't like you, you must be blind." Ye Hao said decisively.

The water seedlings immediately nodded with confidence. "Yes, I must have Zhao Tianyi like me! I will go ten laps! I must cure the disease, I must slim down!"

Ye Hao was shocked by the self-encouragement ability of the water seedlings.

“Miao Miao is willing to walk?” When the water came to the garden, he saw his sister holding the two rings and struggling to walk. His eyes were a firm look. He looked at Ye Hao with amazement. How do you persuade her?"

"I didn't persuade her." Ye Hao said faintly, "It is Zhao Tianqi's presence that encouraged him."

There was no speech when the water was heard.

"Now I can only restrain her appetite and use medicine to discharge the evil spirits in her body." Ye Hao said softly, "It is impossible for people to sit in the house all day, and definitely have to come out and walk, you pamper. Sister, you should also know how to pity."

"You are teaching me how to be a brother?" Water asked, and he asked.

Ye Hao smiled faintly. "I am full."

A glimpse of water was stagnation by her words. "Who are you? Your father can't just be a merchant, you can't just be a doctor."

“Is our identity important?” Ye Hao asked.

There have been three or four days in the water house. The water has not restricted their freedom. Ye Yiqing went to the traders every day to talk about trading goods. He completely regarded himself as a merchant, probably because they lived in the water house, no matter Talking about everything is very smooth, but it saves a lot of trouble.

A glimpse of water also shows their identity in their words and deeds.

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