Ye Yiqing has done something in Nanzhou recently. Someone will pass it to the ear of water. He always thought that Ye Yiqing was just an ordinary merchant. After observing it in the past few days, he discovered that he was not just a merchant.

Not to mention that Ye Yiqing does not have the temperament of a businessman. The people around him are called adults, and their merchant ships. The ship is stronger and stronger than his fleet, and there are still some people he has never seen before. The device that has passed, he has not seen what it is, if it is just an ordinary merchant, there will be so many martial artists around him? He is so stunned outside, if he doesn't even have this eyesight, would he still want to rule the entire southern state?

"I am just very curious, how can you come here from Jin Guo." Water asked.

Ye Haoqing's strange eyes fell on the seedlings of the water, and the expression looked very soft. When she thought that she would tell the reason, she bent her lips and bent a curve. "What are you doing!"

The water looked a little deep, and his eyes stared at Ye Hao.

At this moment, a small donkey came over and said respectfully to the water. "Grandfather, there are guests in front to ask for it."

"Who?" The water was not happy, even the guests were reluctant.

"He said that you invited him to come, it seems to be from the North City." The next person said.

The gloomy face of the water eased, and there was a light smile in the eyes that said it was unclear. "Well, please ask him to drink tea in the hall."

Ye Hao thinks that this man is just like the chameleon he saw in the Baoxiang country. The speed of changing his face is almost unparalleled.

"Ye girl, I will leave in the first place." Water looked at her and said.

"Don't send it." Ye Hao didn't even look at him.

The water has a grin and a smile. "Maybe wait for a surprise to the girl."

Ye Hao's face is light, but his heart is disdainful. It is not bad for him to scare her.

"" The water seedlings gasped, and she felt that she was flying to the sky. "Today, after so many circles, I will definitely lose weight."

"What is your fantasy?" Ye Hao really couldn't bear to poke her hopes. If she walked a few laps, she would lose weight and let others live.

The seedlings suffered a bitter face. "Without ten pounds, is there at least eight pounds?"

Looking at her face, Ye Hao had to softly deceive her. "Go in and sit down, I will let you lick the medicine, soak for half an hour."

"..." Miao Miaomiao looked at Ye Xie with tears. "You are actually sent to heaven to torture me?"

Ye Hao smiled and said sweetly, "I am here to help you."

After about an hour, the seedlings were finally put on clean clothes and sat down on the bed. She felt that she was so hungry that she could swallow a cow. "A silver, go help me with two roast chickens."

The silver ring called A Yin stood still, but looked at Ye Hao.

Shui Miao Miao said seriously to Ye Hao, "I originally wanted to eat four chickens, but now I only eat two."

"You don't want to eat a chicken wing." Ye Hao said faintly.

"Ye Dafu, you are trying to force me to die!" Shui Miaomiao yelled, "You don't let me eat roast chicken, what is the meaning of my life?"

Ye Hao nodded to the ring next to him, and the ring turned to bring in a food box.

"I told you that you can't eat meat these few days. What do you eat when I do?" Ye Hao said faintly.

The water seedling cried, "I am not sick, I am starved to death."

Ye Hao is too lazy to argue with the water seedlings to eat, there is no way to meet a sick food.

"Stare at your girl, and then give her a pill after dinner." Ye Hao told the ring in the room, "Who would dare to give her meat as before, her condition worsened, can your grandfather be able to Let's talk about your life."

"Yes, Dr. Ye." A few scorpions in the house were numb, reminding me of the warning of the uncle that day.

The water seedlings forcefully bite the vegetarian rolls in their mouths. Although these are delicious, they are not the taste of meat. She wants to eat chicken! Roast chicken!

Ye Hao came out of the house and didn't see two children for a long time. She missed her heart very much. The child didn't have a hundred days. It was already a day. Mingxi also smiled at her this morning. The smile was so beautiful. The heart has to be changed.


Ye Hao just walked out of the yard of the water seedlings, was immersed in the various cute smiles of the two children, suddenly heard a familiar voice ringing, she thought it was her own auditory hallucinations, then heard someone calling her .

Now she had completely heard who was calling her name. She looked up in shock and looked at the path next to her.

The gentleman is unparalleled, and the stranger is like jade.

The man standing under the cherry tree is in white, face like the Mid-Autumn Festival, the posture is like Yushu, a pair of narrow eyes with a shallow smile, Lang Yan is absolutely unique, the world is no exception, except for Huangfu, but also Who?

Ye Hao has not returned to God for a long time, she is dreaming? Still dreaming?

Huangfu also did not expect to see him here. He blinked and determined that the person in front of him was really a little girl who was dreaming of his dreams. The smile in his eyes became more embarrassing like a star. "Hey, how are you going to Here?"

At that time, I was in a city in Yucheng. He thought that this life and her no longer met, how could she appear in China, and... her children? When he left, she already had the pregnancy of Murong Cham, but she looked like... you are a young girl, not like a child.

"Master..." Ye Hao struggled to find her voice. She looked at the emperor and looked at it. It was only a few pokes. She was not her illusion. "How come you are here?"

Huangfu sneered out, "I... just pass, I will see a friend."

Ye Hao mechanically looked at the water, he knows Huangfu? Is this the surprise he just said?

It’s really... surprise!

“I heard that Ye girl is your apprentice?” The water looked at Huangfu with a smile.

Huangfu looked down at Ye Hao deeply. "Yes."

"That's a coincidence. Ye girl is treating the seedlings. Now you are here too. You and the men and women will definitely be able to cure the disease of Miao Miao." Water smiled and said.

Ye Hao had a lot of questions in her heart at this time, but she couldn't ask a word because the water was here.

"Hey, who are you with?" Huangfu asked in a low voice. Could it be that he came with Murong Cham? It is unlikely that there is a war period, how can he go, why is she here?

"I came with me." Ye Hao said to Huangfu, "Master, I... I have something to ask you."

Huangfu looked at the water and looked at it. "Let's go over there."

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