Water knows that their mentor and apprentice must have a lot to say, and he doesn't want to hinder them here. He turns to visit his sister.

When he left, Ye Hao carefully looked at Huangfu. "Master, how come you are here? I have never heard you say this place before? How can you know about water? This China and... What is the relationship?"

Huangfu looked at her with a grin. "Hey, you asked so many questions at once, how can I answer you?"

"You answer one by one." Ye Hao looked serious. She felt that the problem was very serious and she had to ask him clearly.

"I am familiar with the water, I heard that his sister is ill, so he came to Nanzhou, this Chinese country..." Huangfu smiled. "I used to think that you can't come here, so there is no need to follow. You mentioned, I am very surprised to see you today."

Ye Hao looked up at his jade-like face. "Here is... where are you retiring?"

The emperor dynasty gave Jingguo a go out, Jingguo was divided into five, but no one knew where the descendants of the emperor dynasty went. Only the emperor who appeared in Jinguo let them believe that they did not disappear by the air, but now this Is Huaguo the so-called peach blossom source?

"This matter will be told to you later." Huangfu said softly, "It is you... what happened, how come here?"

It takes at least a few months from Jinguo to go here, not to mention that if there is no accurate route, no one will come to China, otherwise it will not let the people of the Central Plains know that there is such a place for so many years.

Ye Hao sighed. "This is going to be long. It will not be finished in a minute and a half. It is better to talk about things in front of us."

When Huangfu heard him say this, the worries in his eyes could not help but deepen. "You and Azhan are all right? Your child?"

"Nothing, the child is in Zhaoyang...that is my mother... I will take them over to see you later." When she talked about her child, her mouth curled up.

Looking at her like this, it seems that there is no problem with Murong Zhan. Huangfu’s heart is full of doubts, but since she said that she couldn’t say it for a while, she would ask later, “How is the disease of Miao Miao?”

"Master and the water home seem to be very familiar?" They have already called the name of the girl directly, it seems that it should be frequent.

Huangfu shook his head and smiled. "It is a friend."

He did not say that he and water had known each other since childhood.

"Water girl's disease is caused by evil in the body. Originally, acupuncture can be much better. However, she can't be acupuncture now." Ye Hao said helplessly about the condition of the water seedlings. "You can only cure her body first." It’s evil.”

"Can't acupuncture?" In the eyes of Huangfu, there was a doubt in his eyes. Why can't he give Miao acupuncture?

Ye Hao did not explain the reason to him, but told him about the changes in the condition after the water seedlings had been drunk. "...I can't just get better at once, I can only recover slowly. As for when I can get better, I can't determine."

Huangfu gently nodded and came to the yard of Shui Miao Miao with Ye Hao. When he saw the girl sitting next to the water, he was stunned.

Although the seedlings in memory are rounded, they are definitely not the same as today. He can't recognize it.

If it weren't for the gentle look on the face of the water, he wouldn't really think that this fat and indescribable girl was a seedling.

"Miao Miao, who are you looking at?" Water smiled and said to the water seedlings.

The seedlings that failed to eat the roast chicken had already felt that there was no love. At the moment, the joy in the tone of the elder brother was not infected at all. "Unless it is a roast chicken... otherwise I am not interested at all."

Ye Hao, who is outside the door, looks at the black line, watching the water seedlings like this, can't live without burning chicken?

"Who wouldn't let you eat roast chicken?" Huangfu laughed and walked in slowly from the outside.

The water seedlings looked back in surprise, "Hey brother! You... how come you?"

Hey brother? Ye Hao’s eyes were pumped a few times and walked silently behind the emperor.

"Just arrived, listen to Ah Yi said that you are sick, so come and see you." Huangfu has collected all the shock, look down as usual, eyes look at the water seedlings.

The water seedlings said wrongly, "I am just as hungry."

The emperor's coveted, has become like this, certainly not only easy to be hungry, although there is no pulse, he already feels that the judgment is correct, "Since you can cure your illness, you will listen to her. if."

"Hey brother, do you know her?" Miao Miaomiao was surprised to point at Ye Hao.

"Oh is... my..." Huangfu hesitated and didn't know how to introduce him. He didn't really want her to continue to call him Master.

Water has already answered, "Ye girl is an aunt's apprentice."

"What?" The seedling nursed up, and immediately took the case. "Hey brother, she won't give me a roast chicken, you marry her."

Ye Hao glanced at the water seedlings with a faint eyebrow and decided to let her go ten more laps tomorrow.

Huangfu said with a smile, "I don't want you to eat chicken, it is for you."

"You take a look at Miao Miao." Water said to Huangfu, he thought that since Huangfu is the apprentice of Ye Hao, the medical skills must be above her, and maybe the seedlings can be cured faster.

"The doctor's medical skills are above me. Since she already knows how to cure the seedlings, it is definitely no problem." Huangfu looked at the water and said, since he knew that Ye Hao had cured Murong's viciousness, he It is clear that her medical skills are not comparable to anyone in the world.

The water's deep eyelids flashed a bit of surprise, and he did not expect Huangfu to look at the woman so high. "Are you not her master?"

"I teach you Buddhism, her medical skills have long been unparalleled in the world." Huangfu said.

"That is to say, I still can't eat roast chicken." The seedling nurse cried.

Ye Hao looked at her, "Yes."

"Auntie, I have seen your medical skills. I have not seen it since you have seen it." The water whispered.

The words have already said that this is the case, Huangfu had to take the pulse for the seedlings. His judgment is still the same as that of Ye Hao. Even without her preciseness, Yi Tong finally believes that Ye Hao is really treating his sister. It is.

He turned to look at Ye Hao, "Ye girl..."

"Since even my Master said so, should you be able to believe me?" Ye Hao said with a sarcasm, "Can that put Zhao Tianxi out?"

"Have you caught a small day?" Huangfu asked.

Water looked at him, "Do you still know Zhao Tianyi?"

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