Huangfu knew that Zhao Tianqi was under house arrest and knew the beginning and end of the matter. He looked up at the water seedlings. "How do you know Zhao Tianqi?"

"I know in the port." Miao Miaomiao said with a low head.

"Would you like him to come see you?" Huangfu asked again.

The seedlings of the seedlings shook their heads whitishly. "No, I don't want to see him now."

“How did you know Zhao Tianqi?” Water asked, looking at Huangfu, it was too coincidental that he was actually a person he knew.

Huangfu sighed helplessly, his eyes glanced at Ye Hao's face. "My former wife was Zhaojiadao. Zhao Tianyi will come here. I should have seen the route map I accidentally left."

Water picked up his eyebrows. "Since it is known, it is better to talk. You go to Zhao Tianqi and say that as long as he is drowning, he can do anything."

Ye Hao’s eyes looked coldly at the water, and the pink lips were tied into a line.

"Marriage is a big thing, can you force it?" Huangfu looked at him unpleasantly.

"I will not force Zhao Tianqi." Shui Miaomiao whispered, "Brother, let him go."

A glimpse of water was only a slight eyebrow, and did not agree to water seedlings.

Ye Hao thinks that since Huangfu is already here, Zhao Tianyi should not be in danger. She does not have to argue with the water about whether or not to put Zhao Tianyi.

"I want to see Xiaotian." Huangfu said to the water.

"Let him go to see you later." After a while, the water still promised.

Huangfu still has a lot to say to Ye Hao. The water seedlings have gone too far because of today, and their faces are also tired. When the water let her go to rest first, they left with Huangfu.

"I still got a glimpse of the door, her father's business... no one can take it, I want to go to the port and see him." Water looked at Ye Hao thoughtfully, and some surprised their father and daughter. How can I get it, I can take so many things from Baoxiang, and now the merchants in Nanzhou are staring at Ye Yiqing’s cargoes, but because the price is too high, no one can talk about it.

He originally thought that Ye Yiqing was not a business person. He did not expect that he would be able to squander those goods to the sky.

He looked down on the father and daughter.

Ye Hao facelessly coveted, she knows that she is doing business, Nanzhou should be the most prosperous port in the West, they also brought a few ships of goods, although given some in the treasure country, but Bao The return of more things in the country is a rare treasure. Few people can get these things from the treasure country, so they become very precious in Nanzhou. They just take out a few boxes and they are enough to shake. The entire South State.

"Okay." Huangfu nodded gently. Regarding Zhao Tianqi, he talked to the water later.

Only they were mentoring, and Huangfu looked down at Ye Hao. "Hey, now you can talk about what happened to you."

Ye Hao smiled, "Okay."

They first went back to the yard where they lived. Zhaoyang was teasing with two children in the courtyard pavilion. When she saw Ye Hao coming back, she smiled and said hello, and then found the emperor behind her. "Hey, Mr. Huangfu... is it here?"

When Huangfu saw Zhaoyang, his eyes flashed strangely. This reminded me of the relationship between Zhaoyang and Ye Yiqing. He slightly bowed his head.

“Is there any ambiguity between my Xiao Mingxi and Xiao Mingyu today?” Ye Hao’s eyes lit up when he saw the two children, holding both children in his arms and watching their little faces , showing off the general smile to the emperor, "Master, you see, this is my son and daughter, is it beautiful?"

A pair of dragons and babies! The warm and soft eyes of Huangfu fall on the faces of the two children in Ye Xiu's arms. Both of them have a pair of black and clear eyes. Although they are dragons and phoenixes, they are not very similar in appearance. It can be seen at a glance that the boy looks more like a boy. Murong Zhan, whether it is the nose or the mouth, knows that this is his son, the little girl is like a beggar, the facial features are as delicate as the carvings, and it is definitely a beauty when grown up.

"You took these two children... came here from Jinguo?" Huangfu said after half a sigh.

Ye Hao smiled. "They were born at sea."

Huangfu screamed and screamed. "Hey, what happened?"

Zhaoyang knows that their masters and apprentices have a lot to say, maybe the emperor can bring the donkey back to the country. "I take two children and they should be hungry."

"Good." Ye Hao looked at the two children with reluctance, kissed their cheeks, and then handed the child to Zhaoyang.

She and Huangfu entered the hall to talk, and the red dragonfly sent the ring inside, and kept it outside the door to keep anyone from approaching.

Ye Hao took a sip of tea and told him everything in the solemn eyes of Huangfu.

"After you were in Yucheng, we went to Anhe City. Azhan was killed by Lu Yizhi... He lost his memory..." Too much to say, Ye Hao said from Anhecheng When she was placed in Chengde Mountain Villa, her tone was still dark. "I don't believe that Azhan will marry the Princess of Qi, so I will produce it in advance. In fact, it has nothing to do with him, not because of Azhan. It is my own problem that is difficult to produce."

Huangfu listened silently. When she heard about everything about Chengde Mountain Villa, she obviously resisted. It seems that she really didn't like that period. "Azhan knows you are still alive?"

"I asked him to send him a letter, he should know." Ye Hao said.

I definitely don't know! Ye Yiqing would never have been so kind to let Murong Zhan know about it. Huangfu had some sympathy for him. "So you are not going to go back?"

"Of course, go back." Ye Hao smiled. "Just... not now, I don't want to go back now."

"Azhan will be very sad." Huangfu whispered, "If you don't go back, he will probably not be jealous again for life."

Ye Hao slightly stunned.

"After curing the disease of Miao Miao, I will go back with you." Huang Fu's tone is unquestionable.

"Master..." Ye Hao whispered, "I still want to go to many places."

Huangfu looked at her faintly. "Can't you go with Azhan later? Do you want Azhan to be sad in Jinguo?"

"I will go back... He will still raise me like a golden bird, and I will blame him in the future." She didn't want to go with him.

"When you leave, you are not afraid of him complaining about you?" Huangfu whispered, "I can't help you if you like him,"

"Master, how can you help him?" Ye Hao whispered.

Huangfu said softly, "I am not talking to Azhan, but standing on his side, I will be very sad and worried about you."

Ye Hao was silent.

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