Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1265: Willing to do it for you

Huang Fu’s gaze is as gentle and clean as ever. He actually understands that Murong Zhan’s practice of placing him in Chengde Mountain Villa is too fearful to be lost, so he will protect her by any means, even forgetting that she needs more than just protection.

He also knows Ye Yiqing too. He is different from the man at this time. If the guess in his heart is correct, Ye Yiqing and Qi Yuling should be from the same place, otherwise Ye Yiqing can understand those strange words. The whole family of the Huangfu family could not understand. Only Ye Yiqing could write and translate. He had previously suspected that Qi Qiling was somewhat different from this world, and Ye Yiqing was different.

"Hey, you have a knot." Huangfu asked in a low voice.

Ye Hao slightly stunned, heart knot?

"You don't like to stay in Chengde Mountain Villa. Is it because there is a knot in your heart?" Seeing Ye Hao did not speak, Huangfu sighed again. When she first met her, he already felt that she had a very serious knot. Just don't know what it is because of what.

"Maybe..." Ye Hao smiled, even if he was born again on Lu Yi, but it was too deep in the two years of Qin Wangfu. At that time, loneliness and helplessness, even if it was different from Chengde Mountain Villa, She still feels that she can't stand it.

"Because your sister?" Huangfu asked in a low voice.

Ye Hao looked at him differently, how did he guess it?

"When I mentioned Ye Hao, there was always a heavy sadness in your eyes." Huangfu said, "She is her, you are you, you are different. Azhan was previously deceived. Now he is With all your heart and soul, you don't have to worry that you will become Ye Hao."

How could it be different? She was originally Ye Hao.

"Master, I know what you mean." Ye Hao smiled. "I know that Azhan is good to me. You are right. I do have a knot that cannot be solved. If I can't solve the knot, even if I return. Azhan’s side, I will still be unable to tolerate the life in the palace because of this knot. I will try to understand the happy knot.”

When Huangfu heard her say this, she sighed helplessly. "Well, then I will send you back to Jinguo."

"Master, you haven't answered me yet. Is this China, is it the place that Qi Ruoshui once asked you to say? The people here are all related to the previous imperial dynasty?" Ye Hao asked, this is her best. Odd things.

"Qi Ruoshui does not know the existence of China." Huangfu whispered, "This Chinese country is indeed related to my grandmother. Qi is the descendant of her and her grandfather. No one knows that she was still alive in the sea." After a son, she and Huangfu Xiu stayed in China for a long time and founded Huaguo. The descendants of the family were with her surname. In fact, Huaguo was still small before, and there is no scale today. The earthquake has gradually turned into such a big country, which is even bigger than the Central Plains."

Ye Hao was surprised to know what she was saying. She thought that China was a small country at most, how could she think that it would be so strong.

"If you have time, you can go to other parts of China to see it. It won't be worse than Jinguo." Huangfu said with a smile.

"I am doing this." Ye Hao said with a smile, just heard that Huangfu said that China is bigger than the Central Plains, she thought about walking around in China.

Huangfu shook his head and said, "I am not letting you go this time."

Ye Hao smiled. "Of course, at least the disease of the water seedlings should be cured."

"Oh..." He didn't mean this, but said that she could come to China with Murong Zhan.

"Master, I know what you mean." Ye Hao said, "I know my own problem. You said that I am different from Ye Hao. That is, you don't know what Ye Hao had experienced. In fact, it is the same. I love Azhan. I love you so much that I can't see myself. For him, I changed my temper, and the end is not very good. I don't want to change myself for him. I want to let him know. Even if he is not with me, I can still protect myself. I don't need to hide in Chengde Mountain Villa. I don't need to hide behind him. It is not what I want."

This is what he said, people's three views are different, barely together will only be more tired, she is looking for two people to get along with each other for a long time, or she changes, or Murong Cham changes.

When Huangfu was thinking about what he was saying, listening to what she said, how did she feel that she was Ye Hao, did she feel that she had experienced everything she had experienced?

"Hey?" Huangfu frowned.

"Master, you should not persuade me, now even if I want to go back, I will cure the water seedlings first." Ye Hao said with a smile.

Huangfu shook his head and sighed. "Ye Daren will definitely not let people spread the news with Azhan. I am going to talk to Azhan."

"Thank you Master." Ye Xiao smiled and nodded.

Why do you feel very sympathetic to Murong Cham? It is not an easy thing to have a father-in-law like Ye Yiqing. See what kind of temper he has taught him.

In the evening, Ye Yiqing came back from the outside. He looked like he was in a good mood. When he saw the emperor in the hall, he flashed a surprise in his eyes, but he did not feel very surprised. It just proved his previous guess. Hua Guo really is related to Qi Yuling.

"Ye Daren." Huangfu stood up and prayed politely.

Ye Yiqing smiled back to the ceremony. "Mr. Huangfu, I haven't seen you for a long time, don't you come innocent?"

"It’s not as good as Ye Daren." Huangfu looked at him. "You seemed to tell me that those travel notes haven’t been seen."

"I didn't really see it that year." It was just a translation and it was written. It was later seen. "When did you come? How do you know that we are here?"

Wouldn't that even Murong Zhan know their whereabouts?

Ye Hao smiled and explained, "Master and water are old knowledge, and it is also very good."

"It is very clever." Ye Yiqing nodded faintly.

Huangfu smiled and looked at him. "Isn't Ye Daren planning to go back after going through the entire Western Ocean?"

"There is indeed this plan." Ye Yiqing nodded. "Why, do you want to be with us?"

"Is it with two children floating together at sea?" The beautiful eyebrows of Huangfu have been wrinkled into a Sichuan word. Listening to Ye Yiqing means that there is no intention to return to Jinguo. "If Ye Daren has no time." In the next willingness to do the work, **** and two children back to the country."

Ye Yiqing still smiled at Wenrun Junya. When he was about to refuse, the eye was aiming at Zhaoyang and staring at him. He laughed twice. "Well, if you want to go back, you will bother Mr. Huang."

Ye Hao, who was on the side, whispered, "I don't want to go back now."

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