Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1268: Write down this account

When Zhao Wei learned that Zhao Ning was not a nobleman, it was already a daylily, and Zhao Ning had already been a king. He even had to object to being angry.

"Imperial, what does Murong Chan mean?" Song Hongyi looked up at Zhao Wei, were they being crushed by Murong Zhan?

"Mo Rong Chan..." Zhao Yu’s gloomy face reveals Sen’s cold smile. “He dared to count!”

"How can Princess Ning promise to marry Murong? Is it that Murong Zhan forced her?" Song Hongyi thought that Zhao Ning in Jinguo could not help but feel a bit sympathy, thinking that she was threatened before she married in Kyoto. Ink 沂.

Zhao Wei whispered, "It is not necessarily forced. This matter is too negligent."

He is too self-righteous, thinking that Murong Zhan will definitely compromise him in the face of the difficulties of the North Ming Kingdom. He still looks at the person of Murong Cham. If it is not Dong Qingguo, he suddenly becomes a member of the North Ming Kingdom. Zhan probably won't be in alliance with Qi.

The man is too proud, so he won't easily bow to anyone.

"The emperor, what should I do next?" Is it because the Princess Ning changed from the noble to the king?

Zhao Yujun’s eyebrows are slightly embarrassing. He is also thinking about what to do. He just let go of Murong Zhan. He is not reconciled. He can’t let Cheng Hao retreat from Xiliang. Even if he is not working with Jinguo, he can’t look at the north. The imperial concubine in the Xiliang and Dongqing countries, can not let the North Hall continue to sit up.

"No hurry..." Zhao said coldly. "First deal with the troubles in front of you, and remember the account of ink-filled Zhan."

"That... what should I do to explain to the courtiers? Everyone thinks that Princess Ning is going to be a nobleman." Song Hongyu said.

Zhao Yu color condensation, even if he does not disclose this matter, Qi will still know sooner or later, and now can only find a reason to cover up his negligence, Murong Zhan actually dared to use his previous words and marriage books to confuse, He will not let go of this bastard.

With a sigh of relief, Zhao said in a cold voice, "It is said that Princess Ning and Murong Yu had long been angry with each other. Murong Chong had to fulfill his own brother and marry Zhao Ning to him as Wang Hao."

Song Hongyi stood underneath and felt that there was a strong sorrow. The emperor was a big gas. Now, not only can he not take the ink, but he has to explain it to him in Qi’s side. A good reputation as a Princess of Quanning, otherwise... the ridiculous is the Princess Ning.

The emperor seems to feel that there is something wrong with Princess Ning, otherwise it will definitely not be done.

"Take the purpose to Cheng Hao, let him not let Wan Ziliang, as long as he caught Wan Ziliang, kill!" Zhao Wei spread all the anger to the North Ming State.

Song Hongjun whispered quietly.

Within two days, everyone in the emperor knew that Princess Ning was not a Jin Guogui, but married to the small king of the Jin State, Murong Yu. When Princess Ning was in Jinguo, he had already admired Xiao Wang. After knowing the ink, Zhan Rongzhan, in order to fulfill his dearest brother, he will marry him Princess Wang.

This incident has become a beautiful talk in Jinguo. They all say that Murong Zhan loves his younger brother and has the generosity of adult beauty. He is really a good brother and good emperor.

When Zhao Wei heard this comment from others, he felt that his throat was licked by old blood.

It seems that it is right for Lu Yizhi to follow Zhao Ning to go to Jin Guo. In fact, Zhao Ning has become a good thing for Wang Hao. At least he is convenient for Lu Hao to do things for him. He didn’t want to do anything to Jin Guo. Now... he will It must be a part of Qi State, otherwise it will not eliminate his anger today.

This incident naturally spread to the ears of several princesses in the palace.

The most sad thing is Zhao Xin.

"Big sister, Zhao Ning, she is too shameful, how can she marry to Murong." Zhao Xin immediately came to Zhao Wei when she heard the news. She liked Murong, so she heard Zhao Ning marry. The man is him, and he can't stand it immediately.

Zhao Yan looked at her with a blank expression. In fact, she couldn’t tell what it was like. She always felt that things were not as simple as what she said.

She never listened to Zhao Ning's mention of Murong, and it looks like she is not married when she marries at sunrise. But what is wrong?

"Whether Aning is a noble or a king, you can't marry Jinguo again. This is no different for you." Zhao Wei listened to Zhao Xin's crying. She still has a lot of troubles. How can I listen to Zhao Xin crying.

When Zhao Xin heard Zhao Wei’s words, she only felt more sad. She knew that she would try to marry Jin Guo, and maybe the person who married to Murong Yu was her.

"Big sister, I am uncomfortable in my heart." Zhao Xin screamed.

"Not everyone can marry someone they like, don't forget that you are the identity of a princess." Zhao Wei whispered.

Zhao Xin said with conviction, "Don't the big sister not like Anguo Hou Shizi?"

Referring to his future Hummer, Zhao Wei’s eyes are faintly dark. She has too many things to do. Her children’s personal feelings have never been her concern. Does she like the future Hummer? She can't remember what her Hummer looks like.

"The father chose me for me, naturally it is good." Zhao Wei said faintly, "Where did you come from? I heard that you and Laner went out yesterday?"

"It’s the old lady who asked us to go. Yesterday was her long life.” Zhao Xin carefully looked at Zhao Wei’s eyes. Everyone knows that Zhao Wei doesn’t like Pingyang’s family, so no one dares to ask her.

Zhao Wei nodded faintly, knowing that the old lady wanted Zhao Lan and Zhao Xin to pick Hummer.

She has been worried that the father will assign Zhao Lanxue to Cheng Hao. I heard that Deyi and the two emperors have been secretly trying to force them. As Cheng Hao said, her mother never liked his brother before, but instead The German girl who was behind the mother was very caring for him. Even if Cheng Hao had to stand on the side of Deyi, she had nothing to say.

However, Cheng Hao has now led the soldiers to the West, and I heard that he told his father that he did not want to marry the princess. After all, he was a generation.

When I heard this, Zhao Xin was really relieved, at least... he did not stand on the side of Deyi.

"Big sister, is the father emperor to give Laner a kiss?" Zhao Xin saw Zhao Yan not saying a word, she did not dare to cry again about her grievances, she felt that this big sister sometimes always made her feel very Scared.

I don't know if it is an illusion. I always feel that my older sister is too similar to my father in some respects. Instead, the two emperors have no such feeling.

"Do you know who Deer wants to marry Laner?" Zhao asked faintly.

Zhao Xin whispered, "Yesterday... The old lady only let Laner meet the three young masters of the Pingyang Wang family. I heard that it was made."

"Well, I know." Zhao Yu smiled.

Pingyang Wangfu This is the pressure on the second emperor.

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