In the Wangfu House, the days of great joy have passed for a few days. Wangfuli is still filled with joyful atmosphere, and the sky is only slightly bright, Zhao Ning has already got up.

"Wang Hao, are you going to get up?" Zi Yan heard the movement, picked up the curtain and came in. She just got out of bed and shouted when she spoke.

"Well, change clothes for me." Zhao Ning whispered, she glanced at the soft couch on the side, with a neat bed on it, which seemed to have been folded.

When Zi Yan saw that she was watching the soft couch, she lowered her voice and said, "Wang Ye has just left, saying that he is going to enter the palace."

Zhao Ning lowered her eyes and looked indifferent. She couldn't see what she was thinking.

"Wang Hao, do you want to go out and go today? Wang Ye said that if it is okay, let the slaves go out with you to go out." Ziyan asked cautiously.

Since Zhao Ning became Wang Hao, she and Li Wei both were cautious every day. They didn’t know why Princess Ning would change from Guifei to Wang Hao. I thought Zhao Ning would definitely disagree. After several days, Wang Hao was still calm. It’s very good, it seems that I know that there will be the same today.

She knows that there are rumors outside, because Wang Hao and Wang Ye have long since loved each other, so the emperor will fulfill them. However, if Wang Hao and Wang Ye really have affection, how can there be no round house today? Wang Ye has been sleeping on a soft couch for a few days.

"To go to Huguo Temple today." Zhao Ning said that she will live in Kyoto for a long time, and she must first familiarize Kyoto.

If the Queen is in Kyoto, it would be fine.

She never believed that Lu Hao would die, and thought she would definitely return soon, but it has been so long, it seems that she still has no news.

"Yes, Wang Hao." Zi Yan said, she even wanted to know what was wrong between Wang Ye and Wang Hao, she did not dare to ask for an exit.

In any case, Princess Ning is now Wang Hao, this is an ironclad fact.

When Zhao Ning used breakfast, when he was ready to go out, Lu Yizhi came over to ask for it.

"What's the matter with the general manager?" Zhao Ning looked up at the general manager from Qi Guolai. I don't know if it was her illusion. She thinks that his facial features seem to be a little different from the previous days, but she is talking about the difference. Not coming out, it seems to be a little thinner.

Lu Yanzhi's face was changed by Duanmu Ya. Although it was concealed a few days ago, there were still some edema. Today, it was repaired. He looked at Zhao Ning and found that she was ready to go out and asked with a smile. "Was Wang Hao going to go out?"

"I want to go to Huguo Temple." Zhao Ning said that Lin Yan is the general manager of her dowry. Now she just has to do some dowry for her. The size of the palace, he has not yet intervened.

Murong has already handed over the power of the royal family to her, but the palace has a simple population, and the Queen Mother is not in Kyoto. In fact, she has to do very little things, plus she has to manage things. She listens to the next day. It’s okay to look back at important things.

"Wang Hao, I want to buy a few Zhuangzi in the suburbs of Kyoto. As a result, you can also have a field in Kyoto. If you have a suitable shop, you can buy a few." Lu Yizhi said, Zhao Wei gave Zhao Ning There are a lot of dowry, but all of them are precious antiques and paintings and jewelry gold and silver. He intends to use the purchase of real estate and land production to reopen the network in Kyoto.

He won't go to someone he knows before. He is not Lu Yuzhi. He is just a general manager around Princess Zhao Ning... not even a man.

Dignity has long been lost, and how can he let people know that he is Lu Yizhi.

He only needs to remember one thing, the gentleman revenge, not too late.

Zhao Ning heard his suggestion and felt good. "Well, this will be handed over to the general manager."

Lu Yizhi bowed his head, "Yes, Wang Hao."

"Professor Lin..." Zhao Ning looked at him. "Now we just came to see it. There are some things in the palace that should not be eager to change. In the future... there are still many things to rely on for you."

"Wang Hao, I understand." Lu Yan's faint smile, Zhao Ning thought he was a rare manager in the palace? What he wants is never the palace.

Zhao Ning gently nodded and watched Lu Yizhi retreat. She took the two rings to the Huguo Temple.

I heard that the emperor wants to drive the pro-insurance, Murong 沂... Wouldn't you want to go to Xiliang? Zhao Ning thought of this possibility, and the brow wrinkled tightly.

At this time, in the dry palace, Murong Yu is indeed asking to go to Xiliang.

"Emperor brother, why don't you let me follow?" Murong stunned and looked at Murong Zhan, he did not go to the battlefield, why not let him follow Xiliang

"You stay in Kyoto, you need to stay here." Murong Zhan eyes stunned, he certainly knows that his brother has been to the battlefield, but now in addition to Xiliang, Kyoto is also very important, "Auntie, Kyoto has to guard too much Yes, other people can't, you stay, Tang Yan will help you, what's the matter, you told Tang to do it."

Murong knows that the emperor is talking about the problems of the clan. He looks at Murong Zhan a little heavy. "But I want to go to Xiliang."

"What's wrong? Don't want to see Zhao Ning?" Murong Zhan saw the crux of his brother at a glance.

"Emperor brother, how do you know?" Murong looked at him strangely, and then said with annoyance, "not because of Zhao Ning."

Murong Zhan looked at him faintly. "Do you not like Zhao Ning?"

"I don't know..." Murong whispered, he didn't like others, how to know what it is like to be alone.

"When I was in Kyoto, I had to live with her." Murong Zhan laughed, but he felt lost. He knew that he had been trying to find ways to restore his memory. Now he remembers, but she is gone.

He couldn't understand why she didn't like it at Chengde Villa. Now he understands that it is because of her heart.

The knot of the heart... has been the two years in the Qin Dynasty.

Murong remembered that he had not been in the same room with Zhao Ning for these few nights. He said that he didn't feel it... It didn't seem to be right. In fact, he still felt. However, he felt that Zhao Ning did not want to marry him. So he was embarrassed to go round with her.

"Well, go back, wait until tomorrow to leave Kyoto, you have to supervise the country, then you will be too busy to get along with Zhao Ning." Murong Cham will send his brother to the palace.

Since he recovered his memory, he became more aware that he was still alive, but when was her return?

Is she... don't want to come back?

Murong whispered, "I am going to go back."

After leaving the palace, Murong Yi heard that Zhao Ning went to Huguo Temple. He hesitated and let Xiao Xiao go to Huguo Temple.

At the mountain gate, I saw Zhao Ning who was preparing to return to the city.

"I heard that you came to Huguo Temple, I... I will pick you up..." Murong Yan looked at Zhao Ning with some restraint.

Zhao Ning stunned a bit, then smiled and reached for the ink to take the carriage.

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