Huaguo, Nanzhou.

Ye Hao promised Huangfu to go to Beichengcheng. I thought that Ye Yiqing would definitely oppose it. I didn’t expect Ye Yiqing actually want to go to Beicheng with Zhaoyang. Since she has no obstacles on this side, what she has to consider now is How to convince the water.

When Huangfu went to look for water, Ye Hao was just waiting to see Ye Yiqing. "Hey, why do you want to go to Beicheng City? Isn't you still talking about business here?"

"Business matters, Tian Jiu and Man Qin can handle it." They have been with him for a long time, and they have no problem staying in Nanzhou, he can still take Zhaoyang to distract, "Since All come, just go to their capital to see."

Since she was born in Zhaoyang, she has always been in a bad mood. He thought that taking her out of the sea would distract her. Obviously she has not forgotten that thing yet.

Ye Hao sat down and looked at Ye Yiqing with a suspicious look. "Hey, how do I feel that it is not that simple?"

"Where are so many complicated things?" Ye Yiqing sneered out, "I just want to take Zhaoyang around and walk with you, by the way."

"Hey, I just heard Master say this Queen of China, this Shenmeng River is not worse than Qi Yu Ling." Ye Hao said with a sigh, listening to her heart, always feel that this queen is too useless, how Others can become legends when they are queens, and she is rumored.

Ye Yiqing’s eyes flashed a bit of a strange look. “What is the difference between Qi and Ling?”

"I heard that there are half of the people in the court in China who follow her. Even the two-faced people have a deep affection for her..." Ye Hao told Huang Yiqing that she said to her, "You said that Shen Mengxi is Not very powerful?"

Wouldn't it be a fellow villager? Ye Yiqing frowned. "Where do you think Shenmeng River is amazing?"

Ye Hao smiled and shook his head. "I can't say where it is, but I want to see her."

"Zhaoyang, have you just been chanting two children? They should wake up at the time." Ye Yiqing turned to Zhaoyang and said with a smile.

"Yeah, they should wake up soon." Zhaoyang stood up immediately. "Your father and daughter talk, I am going to see two grandchildren."

Ye Hao looked suspiciously at Ye Yiqing. This is a deliberate attempt to open Zhaoyang. Does the father have any words that he does not want to be known by Zhaoyang?

There are only fathers and daughters left in the house.

"Hey, is there something?" Ye Hao asked worriedly.

Ye Yiqing stood up and looked at the scenery outside the window. "Hey, you thought about what you want to do if you go back?"

"It's very clear." Ye Hao looked at Ye Yiqing's back, and the twilight became cold and cold. "The first thing to go back is to deal with Li Wei, his life is mine."

"Then how do you deal with him? How is Dongqingguo small? He is also the king of a country. What's more, he still has the backing of the North Ming Kingdom. Do you want to use the ink-filled Zhan Zhan? Jin Guo is probably already difficult to protect himself. Even if Murong Zhan has the heart to get rid of Dong Qingguo, the strength is not enough. Under such circumstances, what do you do? Your medical skills are useless, your space and Lingquan are useless, what should you do? "Ye Yiqing's tone is more serious and serious than ever.

Ye Hao lived, she really did not think about this problem.

"Oh, I can't be with you for a lifetime, so if you haven't thought about what to do if you haven't thought about it before, you should think clearly from today." Ye Yiqing whispered.

"Hey, even if I want to learn to arrange a lineup, it’s too late..." Ye Hao said with a frown.

Ye Yiqing laughed. "You don't even have soldiers."

"Bing?" Ye Hao looked blank and carefully considered Ye Yiqing's words.

"Shen Mengxi doesn't have nothing but a large group of people who are loyal to her. As a leader, what kind of ability is secondary, as long as you know how to use people and know how to make others loyal to you, this is enough. Ye Yiqing whispered, "Hey, it’s a precious experience and memory to be able to go out to sea. You have to understand."

Ye Hao was immersed in meditation because of Ye Yiqing. In fact, she had long found that there were many things that could not be done. For a long time, the people who could do things for her were arranged by Murong Cham. She did not have her own true confidant. She does things like Xue Lin and Wu Chong. Although they are very loyal to her, the actual loyal person is Murong Cham.

"Oh, I understand what you mean." Ye Hao whispered.

Ye Yiqing smiled and patted her head. "You can understand."

As a father, he never wants Ye Hao to become a queen. The mother of a country is not so easy to be a good one. However, he has changed his identity and can only hope that she can have the ability to protect herself. People, not to rely on Murong Cham, so that she can wave her hand even if she leaves.

On the other hand, Huangfu has found a glimpse of water. He is going to take the water seedlings together to go to Beichengcheng, so that he will not delay her treatment.

"You want to bring the water seedlings to the North City?" The water stood up suddenly. "You are crazy, how can Miao Miao go to the North City, she will meet Qiong!"

Huangfu said helplessly, "Qi Wei is not a double-faced person of the two sexes of the year, he will not hurt the water seedlings."

"I watched him look at the seedlings from the horseback, and almost killed the seedlings." Water gnawed his teeth and said, "I have not been to the North City for so many years, don't you know why? ?"

"Qi has never been violent and cruel since he met Mengxi. You know it." Huangfu whispered, "You and Mengxi also know each other. Don't you want to save her?"

"I only care about Miao Miao." The water said coldly.

Huangfu looked at his indifferent and stubborn expression. "He has already promised, and then said that Miao Miao is willing to go to the North City, it should be decided by her."

"You..." The water glared at the emperor. "You know that she has forgotten that."

"Miao Miao did not forget, because you have been worried about it, she did not dare to mention it in front of you. She likes Mengxi very much. If she knows that Mengxi has an accident, she will definitely want to see her." Huangfu said.

The water looked cold and looked at Huangfu, and did not say a word.

"We will not let Miao Miao have an accident." Huangfu had to promise again.

I shouldn’t have returned Huangfu at the beginning! This way he will not take Ye Hao away!

When I was in the water, I really regretted it, but I had to compromise. "I will arrange it, when will I leave?"

"Tomorrow." The sooner the better.

"I have to go to the North City!" said the water coldly.

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