From Nanzhou to Beijing City, in order to be faster, they first took the waterway to Beijin, and then went to Beicheng City after going from Beijin to the official road.

They walked for ten days on the waterway. The sea was the same landscape. Ye Hao didn't have much interest in the scenery outside. She wholeheartedly put her mind on the disease of the water seedlings.

It is quite difficult to lose weight on the boat. Ye Hao had to come up with another way to help her. It was a kind of gymnastics that Ye Yiqing taught her. I didn’t expect the effect to be better, and the water seedlings were actually seasick, when I was on the shore. She has lost a circle.

"I want to eat roast chicken! Roast chicken!" He looked at Ye Hao in tears on the carriage. She was hungry for so many days, her mouth was going to fade out the bird!

"You stare at my son. My son is not a roast chicken. You are hungry!" Ye Hao held Ming Xi in his arms, staring at the seedlings with vigilance. What is her look and her son? Is it chicken?

"Ye sister, your son is so white and tender, it looks like it is delicious and juicy." The water seedlings drooled, and the eyes looked brightly at Mingxi.

Ye Hao took a shot and said, "I don't want you to die! I still have no meat today!"

The seedlings cried out, "I am starving to death? Give me a chicken leg?"

"Do you think I look good?" Ye Hao asked with a smile.

"Good-looking! The best thing in the world is you!" Shui Miaomiao immediately slaps.

Ye Hao smiled and looked at her. "You see what you are like. Don't you feel embarrassed when you walk with me? You can't even control your own mouth. Can you still be your own master in your life? See Zhao Tianyi. Well, I want everyone to say that you are a beautiful girl? Do you want others to say that you want to eat swan meat?"

"..." The water seedlings rose red, and the fingers trembled and pointed at Ye Hao. "Your mouth is poisonous!"

"I am all for you." Ye Hao said seriously.

"..." The water seedlings were stunned by the words of the leaves.

Ye took a look at her and said with a smile. "In fact, you are not really hungry. You just habitually want to eat. You have to change this problem, especially before going to bed at night. Long meat."

"Cheat! How do you still eat roast lamb before going to bed last night, I saw it!" Shui Miaomiao complained.

"No way, I am the one who picks up the natural beauty and how to eat it is not fat. You are envious, so you must not learn me, or you will cry." Said.

The heart of the seedlings was hurt by 10 million points. She leaned against the wall and decided that she didn't want to talk to Ye Hao today.

Ye Xiao smiled and teased Mingxi, Mingyu was taken by Zhaoyang. In another carriage, Mingxi did not cry like Mingyu, but she was particularly sticky, as long as she was holding it, others wanted It’s not easy to hold him. He will hold Ye Hao’s clothes with a pair of fleshy little hands. A small face will be red. If he is taken away by others, he will start crying, crying. It’s so earth-shattering that even Ming Yu will be shocked and forget to cry.

"What is the child's jealousy?" The water Miaomiao heard the laughter of Mingxi, and the attention was immediately transferred. The little man's pink and ruddy face was exquisitely jade, and his eyes looked different from his sister. But because her own eyes are blue, she doesn't think that Mingxi's eyes are wrong. Oh, it's a bit of a sunny spring glow.

"Not here." Ye Hao saw Ming Xi's smile, the whole heart was crisp, how can it look so good?

The water seedlings looked at Ye Hao. "In fact...when the widows have nothing, they are already very lucky. At least there is your mother. My brother and I don't know what the parents are like."

Ye Hao raised his head in silence. "Do you see me like a widow?"

"It's very similar." Shui Miaomiao said, if it is not a widow, why is the child's jealousy not? She also asked her brother, saying that she had never heard of her husband, and that she should be a widow.

"The child is kneeling in Jinguo. We will naturally go back to find him later." Ye Hao said that if Murong Zhan knew that others would treat her as a widow, she would not know what it would be like.

The water seedlings looked at the beautiful face of Ye Hao. As a woman, every time she saw Ye Hao, she felt that her heartbeat was accelerating. She was so big that she had never seen a woman who looked so good like her. I don’t know what kind of The man is worthy of her.

If the child’s aunt is still alive, how can she be willing to let her go to the sea? In case it was taken away by others?

Just as the water seedlings were thinking, the carriage had stopped.

They settled in Beijin, first went to the inn to stay for one night and then set off, and it took a few days to go from Beijin to Beijingcheng.

"Huaguo is indeed very strong." Ye Yiqing did not enter the inn immediately, but stood outside and watched for a while before he whispered to Ye Hao who came to him.

"And it is very different from Jin Guo. When I was in the city gate, I saw that they had many soldiers guarding them, at least twice as many people as Jin Guo. There seemed to be soldiers walking and patrolling from time to time on the street. It’s very well organized, as if... it’s very standard.” Ye Hao was observing when he was still in the city. Whether it’s the port’s arming or the gate guards, it’s all about the country’s power.

Ye Yiqing said with a smile, "The emperor of this country is good."

"It is possible to calm the differences between the tribes and unify all the small tribes. Even if there are problems with two-sided people before Qiqi, he is also a Mingjun." Ye Hao said.

"Double-faced people are actually dual personality. When one personality can suppress another personality, there is nothing terrible for two-sided people." There are many people with dual personality, many people have potential dual personality. Even the triple personality, Qi Qi can be in politics for so many years, to prove that his personality is no problem.

Ye Hao did not speak, just looked thoughtfully at the soldiers patrolling in front.

“Is it safer to live in such a country?” Ye Yiqing asked.

"If Azhan can unify the Central Plains, he will also be a Mingjun." Ye Hao whispered.

Ye Yiqing looked at her daughter silently. "How do you think about him, if you change it?"

"I don't know if I can be like Shenmengxi. However, I think you are right. Women don't have to stand behind men to seek protection. When I was in Chengde, I always thought about this question. Why can I only Chengde Mountain Villa, why do people have to save me every time, is there no ink-tolerance, I will not live?" Ye Hao smiled. "When I want to understand what I am going to do next, I am happy." After that, I will go back."

She loves Murong Cham, this is her most determined belief, but she wants to live with him for a long time, not a short love.

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