It took about five days for Ye Hao to come to Beichengcheng.

On this road, she deeply realized that the strength of China is strong. The strength of a country and the strength of its strength are closely linked. She can’t help but ask the emperor, how can the soldiers of the whole country be so strict with themselves? Even the soldiers who are only guarding the door, the stand like a loose one makes people feel that they can't make it.

Ye Yiqing said that this is a soldier. Those soldiers who greet the people and drink and drink from the battlefield are not worthy of military personnel. The duty of the soldiers is to protect the country and the people, no matter when and where.

Ye Hao thinks that her father's understanding of the soldiers seems to be particularly profound. He clearly does not have a military.

"We don't go to the palace." After entering the city, the water proposed to stay in the house of the water house in the city. He would not go into the palace together.

"What about the disease of Miaomiao?" Huangfu frowned and asked, he knew that water did not want to see Qiqi, but what is more important now than the disease of treating seedlings?

When the water looks at Ye Hao, he feels that the spirit of Miao Miao is much better than before, and he is no longer eating it. He hopes that Ye Hao can stay outside the palace instead of living in the palace. .

"Or, let Miao Miao enter the palace with us." Ye Hao said that she couldn't help but give water to the seedlings to eat chicken.

"No!" Water did not want to refuse, he just did not want to let the water seedlings go to see Qi Qi, if she remembered what she had experienced as a child, then it is not worth the candle.

Ye Hao said, "I will not be in the palace for too long. Miao Miao will live outside the palace. No, Zhao Tianyi, you have to help me stare at her, except for the medicated diet I gave her every day, other than water. Nothing can be given to her, no matter how she cries, if you give her something to eat, it is killing her. When she happens something, I will not save her again."

"I will stare at her." Water said, he did not want Zhao Tianyi to approach the seedlings.

"I believe you, you secretly gave her a roast chicken two days ago." Ye Hao said coldly, "Zhao Tianyi looked at me and was relieved. If he dared to neglect, he would always be in Nanzhou in this life."

Zhao Tianyi looked at the seedlings in a blink of an eye and thought that if he was not optimistic, he would swear at him. He secretly vowed not to neglect.

The water seedlings cried out, "I said that I would not eat anything."

Ye Hao smiled at her. Apparently her words were not convincing. She turned to Ye Yiqing. "Hey, what are you going to do?"

"I don't go to the palace, you go with Huangfu." Ye Yiqing said.

When the water leaves with Ye Yiqing, they leave. Ye Hao enters the palace alone. If the situation in Shenmengxi is not serious, she will go out tonight, and she will not see two little guys. She always misses her heart.

"Mr. Huangfu, the emperor has been in the palace for a long time." It was a young man who came to greet the emperor. He looked at Ye Hao with some doubts. Is this the doctor who Huangpu took to treat the empress? Actually such a young girl.

"Hey, let's go to the palace." Huangfu whispered to Ye Hao.

The palace of the Chinese nation is bigger than Ishii’s imagination. She thought that the palace of the kingdom of the country is already the biggest. It is similar to the pattern of the Jinguo Palace, but there are some details. Sitting on the soft sedan, Ye Hao appreciates The palace of this powerful country.

"Is it similar to the palace in Jinguo?" Huangfu asked with a smile.

Ye Hao nodded. "But it is bigger."

I don’t know how long the soft car has been. They finally came to the harem. The palace of Shenmengxi was in Fengxiang Palace. Ye Hao came down from the soft car and had not entered the palace gate of Fengxiang Palace. She heard the roar inside.

"What kind of waste do you use for your group? Even the Queen's illness can't be cured, roll, get out!"

"Tow it down and cut it!"


Ye Hao looked at the emperor in different places. Is this the voice of Qi Wei?

Huangfu’s face was heavy and strode to the inside. “It seems that Qi is sick again.”

Has another personality of the double-faced person appeared? Ye Hao had never seen a double-faced person. Without some curiosity, he walked in behind the emperor.

In Qin Dianzhong, a man in his thirties is roaring loudly. His eyes are full of blood because of his anger. It makes people look awkward and terrible. The surrounding palace people are kneeling on the ground, and there are three royal doctors. The man was even scared and pale, and he did not dare to move when he was on the ground.

"Auntie!" Huangfu strode to Qiqi, regardless of his roaring roar, reaching out and holding his shoulder. "You calm down!"

"Are you back?" Qi Yan looked at Huangfu with a pair of red eyes. "Save her, save the dream stream..."

Huangfu looked back at Ye Hao, "Hey."

Ye Hao turned his gaze from the eyes of this handsome and beautiful emperor and looked at the woman lying on the bed. That is the dream of the emperor, Shen Mengxi, her eyes flashed a bit strange, it turned out to be Shen Mengxi, some not more than she imagined. same.

She thought that Shen Mengxi would have been very beautiful. The woman on the bed was white and the facial features looked plain. Because of the unconsciousness, she looked like... no breath, almost dead.

"What jokes are you making, who are you looking for? Can a little girl cure Mengxi?" Qi asked with anger, "Can't you cure Mengxi?"

Huangfu whispered, "Auntie, don't you know, if I can cure Mengxi, I have already cured her disease before."

Ye Hao did not pay attention to the Qi Qi behind her. She gave the pulse to Shen Mengxi. The pulse is very small. This is the manifestation of qi deficiency. She really has a heart disease as to whether it is born, it is not known.

Huh? Ye Hao lived, slippery veins? Actually it is a slippery pulse? She thought she had diagnosed the mistake and seriously diagnosed it.

"Is she pregnant?" Determined her diagnosis. Ye Hao looked back at the emperor with amazement. "She has a heart disease and cannot be pregnant."

The emperor looked at him and looked at Qi Wei with surprise. "You are not saying..."

"Mengxi is pregnant?" Qi Qi is also very shocked, looking gloomy to the side of the royal doctor, "Is the queen pregnant?"

Ye Hao feels amazed, is it strange that Shen Mengxi is pregnant? Qi Qi and Huang Fu’s performances are very strange.

"Hey, are you sure?" Huangfu came over and gave himself a pulse to Shen Mengxi. Although the slippery pulse is very unstable, it does have a slippery pulse.

"Take these wastes down, I don't want to kill your sister here." Qi Yan's face is gloomy and terrible. Ye Hao thinks that he seems to be violent and murderous in the next moment.

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