"Master?" Ye Hao squinted at the horrible eyes like the beast, and hurriedly took back the line of sight. She looked at the emperor. "Her heart is not born."

Huangfu said, "Can it be cured?"

"I don't know." Ye Hao gently shook her head, she was not completely diagnosed, Shen Mengxi is pregnant, she may not be able to keep her children while curing Shenmengxi.

"Cure the dream stream." Qi Tong sounds cold, although he did not say threats, but Ye Hao heard the threat in her paintings, if she did not cure Shenmengxi, it is estimated that it is inseparable from the North City.

Are the people of this country all the same virtues, and it is necessary to kill people if they are not cured? Who would dare to be a doctor?

However, she is seeking Qi Qi, so no matter what, she must find a way to cure Shen Mengxi, so that Qi Qi promised her request in the future.

"Can you not be here?" Huangfu frowned and said, "If you don't calm down, how can you feel free to heal Mengxi?"

"I want to be here." Qi Yan said coldly, his eyes looked cruelly and coldly at Ye Xie. "You said that the heart disease of Mengxi is not born, what is going on?"

If Mengxi’s heart disease is not born, why haven’t she cured her illness for so many years? This incident also caught him off guard.

"I need to check again. Can you all retreat and leave two palace ladies here to help me?" Ye Hao said, she needs to take off the clothes of Shen Mengxi to be able to check in more detail to determine her heart disease. How did it happen?

Huangfu nodded. "Good."

Qi Yan said coldly, "Where you don't go anywhere."

"..." Ye Hao frowned and looked at the emperor. If Qi Qi stayed here, she couldn't completely inspect Shen Mengxi.

Huangfu did not speak, and walked over to hold Qi Qi’s hand. "If you don't want to listen, then I will take it back. You will find someone to treat Mengxi."

"Let's let go!" Qi Hao was furious, "How dare you..."

His words had not been finished yet, and Huangfu smashed his back neck with a needle in one hand, and screamed at the emperor, gradually falling down softly.

"Hold your emperor to go over there." Huangfu told the palace man that he knew that Qi Hao must have been too tired and too anxious to resist another temper, and just take a nap. .

"Do you give the Queen a diagnosis? Do you not know if the Queen is a slippery pulse?" Huangfu’s voice asked a few cold doctors outside.

"Mr. Huangfu, I haven't noticed it in the past few days. It is the sign of the slippery pulse in these two days, but...the emperor is not...we are afraid to diagnose it." The medical officer standing in front of him was crying and ruined. The emperor diagnosed a few years ago. The spirit is too imaginary, there will be no children at all, who is the child in the belly of the queen? They didn't even think about it. They naturally didn't dare to mention the Queen's pregnancy. If the emperor directly killed them.

This is why the emperor soon understood what was going on.

Many years ago, when the courtiers hoped that they would open their branches and leaves, Qi Wei said that he was not good enough. No matter how many scorpions he couldn’t have, he said that the body of Shen Mengxi could not be pregnant, even if it was With children, I am afraid that I will not be born, and maybe there will be danger to my life.

I did not expect that everyone would really think that Qi Qi is too weak, no wonder no one dares to say that Shen Mengxi has a slippery pulse.

"You must go ahead first." Huangfu sighed in his heart, leaving them here. If they wake up or are violent, they will kill them personally.

Huangfu wants to know what he told Shenmengxi, but he can only wait outside. He turned and looked at him. When he saw that he was not safe, he took out a silver needle and gave him acupuncture. He took a deep sleep before taking the needle out.

There was a palace lady coming in and saying that she was going to ask him to talk in the past.

Ye Hao has already checked Shen Mengxi and confirmed the previous diagnosis. The heart disease of Shen Mengxi is not born, but it is affected by illness when she was young. Before, her body was good, and she took medicine every day because she was pregnant. She is afraid that those medicines will hurt the children, so I will not take it after stopping the medicine.

"Not born? How did it come?" Huangfu questioned suspiciously. He always thought that the heart disease of Shen Mengsi was born.

Ye Hao said, "I thought it was born at first, but I have seen her back. Her shoulder blades are a little black. Master, this is the heart of the heart and lungs, and because her heart is weak, it leads to The other five internal organs are also mad."

The people in the five internal organs also feel that the evil spirits may wear other dirty. According to the distance of the spread, five diseases can be manifested. In addition, the five emotional factors of worry, sorrow and anger can also cause the five internal organs. An organ is qi-deficient because of emotional influence, and the dirty gas of the gram is multiplied by it. Therefore, there are five to fifty-five kinds of diseases, and Shen Mengxi is unfortunate and almost all affected.

"If I didn't make a mistake, she should have closed her five organs at the time of her birth, and the pulse was blocked. Therefore, the heart was damaged, so Master would always think that her heart disease is born." Ye Hao whispered that if she did not check Shen Mengxi's back and chest, she thought her illness was brought out of her mother's womb.

Huangfu whispered, "Can you rule?"

"Keeping the child?" Ye Hao hesitated for a moment, Shen Mengxi's illness has been dragged on for too long, even if her Lingquan can save her, but not necessarily to ensure that the child is safe.

"Can't you keep Mengxi and your child?" Didn't wait for Huangfu's answer, and there was a gentle and sad voice behind him.

Ye Hao turned back and couldn't believe that such a gentle voice would be said by Qi Qi, just the tyrant?

"You are awake." The look of the emperor's face was loose, and it was much better to restore gentle humanity.

Qi Yan looked at Ye Hao sadly. "Girl, you said that the disease of Mengxi is not born, can you cure her?"

"Auntie, she is what I told you before." Huangfu whispered.

"It turned out to be Lu girl." Qi Yan’s eyes flashed in joy, and the white-faced and beautiful face was as soft as a jade. “I hope that Mengxi is alive, and I hope her children... she likes children very much.”

It is really difficult for Ye Hao to associate this man with the tyrant who just raged, and it is impossible to be alone.

"Lu girl..." Qi Yan looked at her urgently.

"I don't know if I can keep my children. I am not sure. Even if I can keep my children, she will not be able to give birth to a child when she is born in the future." Ye Hao whispered, "The medicine for caesarean section, I still Didn't learn."

"There is still time... Lu girl can learn..." Qi Yan said immediately.

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