Can learn...

Ye Hao was smashed by the words of Lei, and the wind was messy. How can she learn how to produce caesarean section? She read it in the medical journal. This is not what they can do, and it does not say that it is a knife. What to do after the child is a problem.

"Do you have to use caesarean section?" Huangfu also read the medical classics. It is clear that this medical technique is not what the doctors of their time can do. He looks at Ye Hao with anxiety. If this method does not work, is there no other? The way?

"Unless... can recover well, and have enough strength to give birth to a child." The biggest problem with the key Shen Mengxi is that the heart is qi, and there are also really dirty veins that have affected her other organs, not she wants If cured, it can be cured within a short period of time.

Qi Yan’s beautiful dark scorpions precipitated a deep sadness. “Lu girl, anyway, please treat the disease of Mengxi first. If you can keep your child... I’m grateful.”

Ye Hao glanced at him carefully. If he changed the tyrant, he would definitely threaten her. If she could not keep Shen Mengxi and her children, she estimated that she would not have to leave.

"I want her to wake up first, can I keep the child, and it will take a few days to know." Ye Hao is asking for Qi Qi, so she didn't say anything absolutely, she naturally hopes to keep Shen Mengxi and her children. But to make Shen Mengxi peacefully give birth to a child, she felt a little difficult.

Qi Hao nodded heavily and said, "Okay."

"Since the queen is pregnant, some medicines can not be used too quickly, and acupuncture is not suitable, only slowly to take medicine." Ye Hao whispered.

"No matter what medicine Lu girl needs, he will find it." Qi Yu said quietly.

Ye Hao said, "Okay, but the medicine in my medicine box is still available for the time being."

All she has to do is use the medicine in the space, and it must be cooked with Lingquan to be effective. Otherwise, in the body of Shenmengxi, the precious medicine in this world will not save her life.

For the next half day, Ye Hao took the medicine in the Fengxiang Palace. Because her medicine is special, she needs to get it from the space. So she specifically asked Qi to give her a room. When she cooks the medicine, she will not let it. Anyone close, she can take out the medicine she wants, and she can use Lingquan with confidence.

"Oh." There was a knock on the door outside the room. It was Huangfu who came to see her.

Ye Hao is still cooking medicine, because she has to control the time, she does not dare to walk away easily, "Please come in, Master."

Huangfu came in from the outside and saw that Ye Hao was cooking medicine. He closed the door with his hand. "Hey, how much do you have to grasp the disease of Mengxi?"

“Why did Master ask this?” Ye Hao smiled and glanced at him. “Are you worried that I will cure her heart disease?”

"Today you see Qi Duo's double-faced personality. He has one side that is cruel and ruthless. He does not recognize the six-parent work, and the other side is gentle and humble. What do you think of him?" Huangfu asked in a low voice.

Ye Hao smiled. "I was really scared by his cold side, but he was just kind and gentle."

"Qi was caught by the tribe's pirates when he was a child. We found him only half a year later. When he found him, he had killed half of the island. The temper also found a change. From then on, as long as he encountered a little stimulation. He will have another temper, hehe, what I want to say is that although Qi Qi has no violent side, he is by no means so good and deceived."

"Master's meaning, does he just cover his cruel nature with the surface of Wenrun as jade?" Ye Hao took the stove up, covered the bowl with gauze, and poured the medicine on the gauze to remove the residue.

Huangfu did not answer, but the meaning was obvious. He didn't want to say so, but he couldn't hide it.

Ye Hao looked back at him and saw the heavy weight on the face of Huangfu. She gave a slight glimpse. "Master, are you worried about me?"

"Yes." Huangfu did not deny that "Qi Wei can't leave Mengxi, he may... will leave you here until Mengxi is getting better."

"The medicine is good, but it is a bit hot." Ye Hao said, and then it reflected the meaning of Huangfu's words. "Master, you mean, unless I let Shen Mengxi peacefully give birth to a child, Qi Yi will probably let me go. Leave?"

Huangfu gently nodded, and Qi Qi, who he knew, would certainly do so.

Here is China, even if Ye Yiqing is more powerful, it is impossible to leave with safety.

Ye Hao didn't talk. She put the medicine on the tray. "The medicine is good, Master, take it to Shenmengxi first."

Huangfu looked at her worriedly, "Hey..."

"I know what you are worried about, but I am not worried about what I am worried about now. As you said, Qi Qi will not let me leave at this time. Maybe I will not cure the disease of Shen Mengxi, I am not yet. I will be able to leave the palace alive, so let me treat Shen Mengxi first." Only when Qi Qi sees her ability to cure Shen Mengxi, she is qualified to negotiate with him.

Today, she should have a little respectable value in Qi Yan's eyes. Although he is very polite, he is just hiding his own nature, as Huangfu said.

Use a character to cover up another true self.

"Oh, it’s all because I let you..." Huangfu’s voice was heavily he wanted to apologize.

Ye Hao smiled. "Master, don't think so much. Maybe everything is different from what you guessed."

"I hope so." Huangfu said with a smile.

Qi Wei was at the side of Shen Mengxi and saw Ye Hao deliver the medicine. He immediately took it from her hand. "Can you feed this medicine to Mengxi?"

"Yes, but the Queen is unconscious at this time, I am afraid that it is not easy to feed the medicine." Ye Hao said.

"Give it to you." Qi Qi took the medicine to the side of the bed, he took a sip, and then fed her to the mouth of Shen Mengxi a little bit.

Ye Hao saw a slight glimpse, and did not go to see this scene.

Qi Qi’s feelings for Shen Mengxi are really deep. Not only does she not stand for her, but even when she knows that Shen Mengxi can’t have children, she would rather ruin her reputation and not let anyone hurt her heart. A violent and cold man can To achieve this level for a woman, isn’t it the ultimate love?

"Okay." Qi Wei took the sputum and smothered the mouth and put the bowl aside. "Can you wake up after taking the medicine?"

"I won't wake up so quickly." Ye Hao whispered, "You have to wait, after dark, you have to drink again."

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