Ye Hao gave Shen Mengxi three medications. It was already the next morning. Shen Mengxi had no signs of waking up. She looked at Qi Wei and walked back and forth in the dormitory. Her eyes looked at Shen Mengxi from time to time. She almost doubted that cold. Is the tyrant coming out?

"Why didn't she wake up?" Qi Yan frowned, his beautiful eyes were congested because of lack of sleep. Even though he was a gentle temper, he still felt terrified.

Ye Hao didn't sleep well for one night. She didn't have any spirit. She looked at Qi Yan and continued to give it to Shen Mengxi.

The emperor will push out another humanity of Qi Wei, and it will be even more dangerous when he confronts him. "Auntie, you sit down. The pulse of Mengxi is already better than yesterday. I watched it last night. This proves that the medicine of sputum is still useful."

Of course, her medicine is useful. It is all the elixir that is cooked with Lingquan. If it does not work for the disease of Shenmengxi, she is estimated to live too soon.

"The pulse is not as small as yesterday, and the slippery pulse is also stabilized." Ye Hao whispered, "After another hour, I can take the medicine. Her heart is damaged too much, affecting other places in the body. It is better not to have two days." The thing of the day."

Qi Qi deeply spit out a sigh of relief and pressed the temper of the heart down. "Lu girl, can she wake up today?"

Ye Hao looked down at Shen Mengxi, who was unconscious. How did this woman make Qi Qi value her so much? She is really curious, so she wants to cure Shen Mengxi, and she always thinks of her.

When she knows that she is difficult to produce, Murong Cham should also be the reaction of Qi Qi.

"Beforenight, if you can wake up, it is naturally the best." Ye Hao whispered, his face looked awkward, and she suddenly missed Murong Zhan.

"Good." Qi Hao nodded. He didn't even go to the early morning. He just wanted to guard Mengxi here and saw her wake up.

Ye Hao still misses two children. "There is a master here, I want to go out today..."

"No!" Qi Yan did not want to refuse, "You must look at Mengxi here."

Hearing the anger in Qi Qi’s tone, Ye Hao didn’t want to argue with him. “The emperor, I still have two children waiting for milk outside the palace. I can’t see them. I can’t help the Queen to heal. I want to Go back and look at them and I will be back soon."

Huangfu said, "Yeah, aunt, I am here, it doesn't matter if you leave."

Qi Qi looked up, a pair of cold and cold eyes staring at Ye Hao, "I can't say, let people go to your child to receive the palace, and promise that you will not let your child have any problems."

"The emperor, I am going out of the palace in addition to seeing the children, as well as the disease of the water seedlings..." Ye Hao thinks that this tyrant's humanity is really too bad to talk, or that the gentle emperor is more reassuring.

"Then let the water seedlings go into the palace together." Qi Yu said coldly.

Huangfu reluctantly sighed. "I am going out of the palace. Auntie, you have to make sure that you will not hurt the seedlings again. She was scared by you for a long time and was having a nightmare."

"Good." Qi Yan nodded his face and promised.

"Master, that..." Ye Hao didn't really want Ming Yu and Ming Xi to enter the palace, but according to the current situation, she estimated that she had to wait a few days before she left the palace, so that she could not see two for a few days. Little guy, she can't stand it in her heart. "You yell at me, I am very good at the palace."

Huangfu gently beheaded, "Okay."

Qi Qi did not speak, just looked at Ye Hao, went to the bed and sat down, his eyes fell on the face of Shen Mengxi, the haze in his eyes became more obvious.

"I will go out of the palace first." Huangfu whispered to Ye Hao, "Go to the pharmacy there."

He can't be assured that he will be here with him, and what should he do if he is mad at her.

"I am going to prepare medicine." Ye Hao didn't want to get along with him. He was like a beast that would run away at any time, and he was bitten if he accidentally.

Huangfu Ma Ma started from the palace and soon came to the water in a big house in the North City. He just walked into the backyard and saw a picture of his happiness. Zhaoyang took two children outside to enjoy the sun. The weather today is very cool and it is best for the outside.

The seedlings were doing strange movements on the side, and Zhao Tianqi stood in the corner and looked at each other with a smile on his face.

He couldn't bear to break such a beautiful picture, but he had to do so.

"Ming Xi sat up!" Su Miao Miao suddenly shouted and pointed to Ming Xi in the grass. "How old is he, can he actually sit up?"

Zhaoyang opened his eyes and smiled. "Ming Xi is so good."

Mingxi sat unsteadily, staggering like a tumbler, and found that everyone was watching him, he grinned, and the innocent look of pink and jade instantly melted everyone's heart.

"Yeah!" Ming Yu struggled in Zhaoyang's arms and reached out to hook up Mingxi.

The water seedlings cried, "It’s so cute, my future children will be so beautiful."

"Then you have to marry first." Zhaoyang looked at her and smiled.

"..." Shui Miaomiao knows the wrong words, and she is embarrassed to say it again. The eyes quietly aim at Zhao Tianyi.

Huangfu sighed in his heart, and he coughed, "Mrs. Ye, Miao Miao."

Zhaoyang, they discovered the arrival of Huangfu, but they did not find the figure of the embarrassment. She asked questioningly, "Mr. Huang, what are we?"

"Hey, she is still in the palace." Huangfu screamed hard. "I... I came to bring Mingyu and Mingxi into the palace."

"What?" Zhaoyang stunned. "How do you bring them into the palace? Is this what you mean?"

The face of the water seedlings changed. "Is the emperor not letting Ye sister out of the palace?"

Zhaoyang looked at the water seedlings. "What does this mean?"

"Meng Xi has not yet woken up, the emperor he ... do not worry, let you stay in the palace, I miss two children, so I want to take them into the palace." Huangfu whispered.

"Is that the case? Or is the emperor wanting to hold two children?" Zhaoyang asked sharply, she couldn't see you, how can she safely bring the two children to the palace, just in case Is there danger in the palace?

Huangfu hurriedly said, "Mrs. Ye, you misunderstood, and Auntie said that he would not hurt his sister and children."

"Why don't you let the palace pick up your child?" Zhaoyang asked coldly, and it was related to two children. She didn't even believe in Huangfu.

"Because Mengxi hasn't woken up yet." Huangfu smiled. "If Mrs. Ye does not believe, she can go to the palace next time. After seeing you, I will send you back."

The seedlings immediately said, "I want to go to the palace. If the emperor wants to keep two children in the palace, then I have to be in the palace."

"Good." Huangfu nodded.

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