Ye Hao re-adjusted the prescription, added abortion medicine to the medicine for treating heart disease, hoping to make the child of Shen Mengxi more secure. She has now made a request with Qi Wei, and she must make some convinces. Guarantee.

Be sure to let Qi Wei believe that she can keep the children of Shen Mengxi, including letting Shen Mengxi give birth to a child, and he will lend her 100,000 soldiers.

"Sister Ye." The water seedlings gently pushed open the door and saw the back of Ye Hao, she cried out happily.

Ye Hao took the palm of her hand and looked back at the figure of the water seedling. She showed a smile. "Miao Miao, have you entered the palace?"

When she had just finished speaking, she saw Huangfu holding Mingxi, followed by Hung Hom and Ming Yu.

"Ming Xi, Ming Yu." Ye Hao's eyes lit up and immediately walked toward them. He held Ming Yu in his arms and kissed him on Ming Xi's face. "I really want to die."

Mingxi saw Ye Hao holding only the Mingyu, screaming, and the two little short hands wanted to go to the clothes of the hooks, and the eyes looked at her black.

"This little guy seems to be jealous." Shui Miao Miao pinched the small hand of Ming Xi, really liked this little young master to go inside.

Ye Hao also hugged him. The two little guys were getting sinking. She was already struggling with her own two. She had to sit down next to the Taishi chair and hold Mingxi and Mingyu sitting on her lap. She smiled and looked at the water seedlings. "How could your brother agree to enter the palace? I thought he would tie you up and would not let you in."

Huangfu said, "It’s Miaomiao who is determined to come. Hey, I heard that Mengxi is awake?"

It seems that I really have to live in the palace for a few days. Fortunately, Mingxi and Mingyu will not pick the place in particular. They will not be noisy at night. They are not afraid to change to a strange place. "Yes, I have already woken up. But for the time being, I can't say anything, Qi Qi is accompanying her, I have to reopen the prescription, so I will retreat first."

"Wake up." Huangfu smiled and looked at him gently. He knew that her medical skills were on him. Only she could cure Shenmengxi. "That... the children of Mengxi ?"

Ye Hao whispered, "I can't guarantee it now, I can only watch it later."

It is really not easy to have a heart disease to keep the child. Huangpu does not dare to insist that he must cure Shenmengxi. He said softly, "Hey, thank you very much this time."

"Master, you will see it when you say this, and the person who owes me is Qi Qi, that is not you." Ye Hao said with a smile, she asked to owe her, or how to open up with him in the future. Want a soldier.

Huangfu still doesn't know Ye Yin's intentions. She only thinks that she said this because of her mentoring. "You didn't have a rest yesterday night, go to sleep first, I will take the medicine to Mengxi."

Ye Hao didn't sleep last night. At this time, she was really tired. She looked at the medicine that had been prepared on the table. Anyway, I didn't need to use Lingquan this time. The elixir had already been cut, so that Huangfu was not good.

"Okay, then trouble Master." Ye Hao smiled slightly, took two children to the West Hall to rest, and there were already palace people arranged for her room.

The seedlings were left by the emperor, and she had to take the medicine for a while, just as he gave her the medicine.

Mingxi and Mingyu became more and more clever around Ye Hao. Hung Lai said with a smile, "The little prince seems to know that he has recognized people. He was not at your side last night. He woke up in the middle of the night, although he didn't cry, but watched. It’s very unpleasant.”

"Ming Xi this child..." Ye Hao gave her her hair through the red dragonfly, her eyes twitching slightly. "It is very different."

She had always suspected that Huo Huang became his son. At first he could not treat Ming Xi as a son. He always felt that he would become a bird in the next moment.

Or she later remembered the scene she saw in space at the time. In fact, it was not that the little bird became her son, but that its **** was attached to Mingxi. He was actually her son.

Hong Ling walked in from the outside with her clothes. When she heard Ye Hao, she whispered, "Mother, how do you stay here, always feel like being under house arrest."

"When the Queen's illness is good, we can leave." Ye Hao stood up with Hung Hom's hand and went to the back of the screen to take a shower. When they came out, the two children had already slept.

She lay down beside them and fell asleep in a while.



The emperor took the time to fry the medicine, let the palace lady go to the sleeping hall and screamed, knowing that Qi Qi had already woken up, he sent the medicine.

"Hey brother, I went with you. I haven't seen the Queen's Mother for a long time." Shui Miaomiao said that she had seen Shenmengxi in Nanzhou before, and she liked her very much.

"The emperor is also there, are you afraid of it?" Huangfu whispered.

"There are you and the Queen Empress, I am not afraid." Shui Miaomiao laughed.

Huangfu gently decapitated, "Let's come together, Mengxi should also want to see you."

The water seedlings look stunned. "I am like this now, the Queen Empress does not necessarily recognize it."

Shen Mengxi still couldn’t make a sound. She didn’t talk too hard. She slept with her, and her spirit was much better. She was listening to Qi Wei, who had changed back to a mild temper, complaining that she should not do this.

"The emperor, Mr. Huangfu sent the medicine." Gong people whispered.

"Emperor, medicine." Shen Mengxi looked very happy, and finally escaped his chanting. She said that she couldn't cut his words. With the arrival of Huangfu, she could finally relax.

Qi Hao clicked on the tip of Shen Mengxi's nose, and there was a thick pet and tenderness in his eyes. "Let the Emperor come in."

Huangfu walked into the dormitory with the seedlings of the water, and saw that it was a gentle Qiqi. He nodded with a smile. "This is the medicine of Mengxi, and the medicine is added to the medicine."

"Auntie." Shen Mengxi smiled and spoke. Although there was no voice, the mouth was still returning to what she was saying. "What about your little apprentice?"

"It’s fine to see you wake up." Huangfu said with a smile. "Otherwise, this guy is killing the people of Fengxiang Palace. I didn't sleep yesterday night. I asked her to go to rest first."

It turned out to be the case! Shen Mengxi also thought that she could talk to Lu Yan more. She turned to see the seedlings in the blink of an eye, and frowned at some doubts. It was not sure who the girl was.

"Miao Miao has seen the emperor, the Queen's maiden Wanfu Jinan." The water seedlings are nervously going forward.

"..." Shen Mengxi and Qi Qi are both stunned, this is the water seedlings? The change is so big!

Huangfu said, "Miao Miao is sick, so it became like this. Now she is also treating her."

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