Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1280: Don't understand

Shen Mengxi wants to leave her seedlings. She used to like this little girl. Especially when she heard that she was scared by Qi, she had a pity for the water seedlings. No one knows more clearly than her. A human madness and horror. When she had not married Qi Qi before, she was threatened by her neck from time to time. If she was too courageous, she knew that Qi Qi would not really kill her. She would have a nightmare every day. of.

"Drink the medicine and rest, wait for you to talk and let Miao Miao accompany you." Qi Wei whispered, there was no sigh of relief.

"Okay." Shen Mengxi said silently, he lie down after drinking the medicine, Qi Qi smashed her back to the corner, and the emperor went to the partial hall to talk.

Out of the dormitory, Qi Yan looked at the water seedlings, "Do you have a brother in the northern city?"

Although Qi Qi looks very gentle and harmless now, the heart of the water seedlings is still tight. She remembers that he suddenly became violent, and she whispered, "Go back to the emperor, my brother... In the North City."

Qi Xiao smiled. "How did he agree to enter the palace?"

A glimpse of water has always worried about the fact that he scared the water seedlings. He went to Nanzhou with Shenmengxi a few years ago. He didn’t even want to see himself, let alone let him see the seedlings. Today Actually let the seedlings into the palace, it is a bit unbelievable.

"I want to enter the palace myself." Miao Miaomiao said quickly, "Protect the sister of Ye sister."

Qi Qi picked up his eyebrows, "Sister Ye? Lu Yan? Do you think that you will hurt Lu Yan's children?"

Huangfu said faintly, "Miao Miao is only a child, and you are not scared."

Will be a blow! Qi Qi looked at Huang Fu and said to the water seedlings, "What disease have you been born? It has become unrecognizable."

"Ye sister said it was too complicated, I can't understand it." Miao Miaomiao whispered, "I should go to take medicine, then I will retire first."

Qi Qi still has something to say to Huang Fu, let the water seedlings leave.

After entering the partial hall, Qi Wei whispered to the emperor, "I want to let Lu Hao stay in the northern city, at least one year."

One year? Huangfu’s face was slightly sinking. “One year’s time is too long, and she has to return to the country.”

"When it comes to Jinguo, isn't she the Queen of the Kingdom of Korea? How can I bring my children here?" Qi Wei whispered, although he had never seen Murong Cham, but he also heard of it, with Murong Cham. Sex, it should not be possible to let your own queen go out to sea, the risk of sea is unpredictable, not to mention taking the child.

Huangfu whispered, "This is a matter between them. It is not easy for outsiders to say that I was going to send it back to Jinguo after a while."

He wants to stay in China for more than anyone else. However, he is also very clear that she is thinking about Murong Zhan. Murong Zhan certainly does not know that she is alive. Now I don’t know if I am looking for her.

"You seem to be too protective for your apprentice." Qi Yan looked at Huangfu deeply. "It’s not for her in Jinguo for so long?"

"Don't talk nonsense, you are my apprentice, I naturally want to care more about her." Huangfu said faintly, "She is different from Mengxi. She was spoiled when she was a child. It is too hard to be outside, or it is better to return to the country." ”

Qi Qi said with a smile, "It seems that you don't know much about this apprentice."

"What do you mean?" Huangfu frowned, and did not understand the reason why Qi Yu came from.

"Lu Hao has promised to stay for a year until Mengxi gave birth to a child, but made a request." Qi Yan's eyes became deep, he was not familiar with Lu Hao, so he did not understand why she proposed this. The condition is that Huangfu will know her better, but now it seems that even Huangfu is not particularly aware of her.

The emperor’s look changed. “She promised? How could it... you threaten her?”

Qi Qi said, "Do you think Lu Yan will be afraid of the threat of embarrassment? You think her is too weak, I think she is very bold, why don't you ask her what the conditions are?"

In the eyes of Huangfu, Yi has always been a little girl who needs care. He is really worried that she is suffering outside, even though Ye Yiqing is following, but when he hears from Qikou, he finds that he really is not special. Learn about it.

"She wants me to have 100,000 soldiers." Qi Xiao chuckled, he had intended to say it very seriously, but I don't know why it felt funny. Huangfu was fooled by his little apprentice. This is really funny. .

"What?" Huangfu looked up in shock. "What do you want to say to you?"

"100,000 soldiers." Qi Yan said with a smile, "Is it scared? It seems that you do not know what she wants 100,000 soldiers to do, and your apprentice is really surprised."

Huangfu was so shocked that he didn't know what to say, so he was surprised by Qi Qi. Even he unexpectedly thought that she would make such a request. Does she want to borrow money for Murong Chan? Uh... she seems to be a little different from what he thought.

Qi Yan raised his eyebrows and looked at him. "Why, you really don't know your apprentice?"

"Really, I don't know why she made such a request." Huangfu said with a smile, "Do you agree?"

"I was planning to promise, Mengxi woke up, and had not had time to ask her why she would borrow a soldier." Qi Yu said faintly, "How did you accept her as an apprentice?"

Huangfu shook his head helplessly. "He always makes something that is surprising. Since she changed your 100,000 soldiers in one year, I definitely have her attention. I also think it is worth it."

"Do you have a bit too much of a heart? She used a hundred thousand soldiers who changed for a year. Do you think the conditions are equal?" Qi Qi asked in a hurry, even if Lu Hao was his apprentice, It is not so eccentric.

"She didn't use a year to exchange 100,000 soldiers with you. It was with the life of Mengxi and the child to change with you. Do you think it is worth it?" Huangfu asked faintly.

How is he eccentric? Let Yu stay here for a year, who knows what will happen to Jin Guo.

Qi Qi was said to be speechless by the imperial concubine. He had to admit that it was indeed worthwhile to exchange 100,000 soldiers for Mengxi and the children.

"You really don't know what she is going to do?" Qi Qi asked suspiciously.

Huangfu looked at him faintly. "Do you see what I know?"

"It's pitiful, your master is too insatiable." Qi sneered.

"What are you doing with you?" Huangfu said in a cold voice, decided to wait a moment and then ask a question, 100,000 soldiers are not too small, she does not really want to help Murong Cham?

With a year of free exchange for 100,000 soldiers, Murong Zhan will certainly not agree, maybe she will be very angry that she is doing this.

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