It’s been a few days for Ye Hao to go to the North City. However, she has not observed the soldiers in the city gate except when she entered the city. She has not yet had a good view of this city with a different city from Nanzhou.

Handing Mingxi to Hung Hom, Ye Hao took the curtains and looked at the outside scene. The streets here are very wide. There are many people on the road, and the bustling degree is even more so than that of Jinguo. From time to time, they will also see soldiers patrolling the streets. Their The costumes look simple and generous, and are somewhat different from the soldiers on the battlefield.

The North City is really different.

Ye Hao thought that if there were 100,000 soldiers in Huaguo, she would definitely be able to win the East Qing Dynasty.

When I arrived at the Water House, Ye Hao had not seen Ye Yiqing and heard that he had left the city with Zhaoyang. It is estimated that he will return tomorrow.

“He seems to like China especially.” Ye Hao shook her head and smiled. She found that when she was in Nanzhou, she showed interest in the country and seemed to like it.

Ye Yidong, who was left behind, said with a smile, "The second uncle used to say that he wants to travel all over the world. This country is different everywhere. Of course he likes it."

"Does he only bring his wife?" Ye Hao asked doubtfully.

Ye Yidong nodded. "Yeah, not even one of the next."

"That's time to come back and talk about it." Ye Hao still wants to come back and will tell him about the 100,000 soldiers in Qi Wei. She first went back to the yard where the water was arranged, accompanied by Ming Xi and Ming Yu. For a while, until they were too tired to fall asleep, she had time to think about what to do next.

In addition to the need for a large amount of money to buy grain and raise 100,000 soldiers, she still has to be a general who can arrange troops. Soldiers are easy to have, but the generals are rare. This is the most important thing she needs to consider.

"Are you back?"

When Ye Hao stood in the courtyard and meditated, she did not know that someone was coming behind her. She heard the sound of sudden thoughts. She was shocked and looked back at the water and stood behind her.

"There is no sound at all. If it is not during the day, I thought it was a ghost." Ye Hao glanced at the water and glanced at it, and was somewhat dissatisfied with his quiet silence.

"It is clearly that you are not in the daze to hear the shackles of the ring." The water was cold and cold, and his eyes looked deep and gloomy and glanced at Ye Xie. "Are you going to enter the palace later?"

Ye Hao asked faintly, "Do you have something?"

The water said coldly, "If you don't need to go to the palace, then go back to Nanzhou."

"You seem to dislike the North City, especially?" Look at the water like this, it seems that not only because Qi Qi almost killed the water seedlings, even the water seedlings have put down their fears, prove that she also knows that the same year I don’t mean to hurt her, but what is it because of the sorrow of water?

The face of the water is not so good, it seems that I don’t like Ye Hao to ask him this question. "I don’t like it when I don’t like it. Why don’t you, Shen Mengxi, she...have no worries?”

Shen Mengxi? Ye Hao was keenly aware of the strangeness of the water when she mentioned the name. She had never discovered it before. It seemed that the water was never called Mengxi.

"It is indeed life-free, but she is pregnant, so ... I have to enter the palace tomorrow." Ye Hao said with a smile, secretly observed the change of water.

The chilly and handsome face of the water flashed a shock, and he quickly suppressed it. He hid it very well. "Is it true that Huangfu is not suitable for having children?"

He still remembers what Huangpu had said in the past. The heart disease of Shen Mengxi could not have children at all, otherwise it would be dangerous.

"Do you even know this?" Ye Hao looked at him.

The water glanced at the leaves coldly, "Can you cure her heart disease?"

Ye Hao gently nodded. "Being treatment, you may have to stay in Beicheng for a long time. If you want to go back to Nanzhou in these few days, I am afraid I will leave the seedlings."

"How long?" Water was obviously very dissatisfied with this, but he still suppressed it and did not show it.

"One year." Ye Hao said.

The word "water" is more obvious. "No, it’s been too long."

"This is not something you can't say. If I want to go back to Nanzhou, Qi will not let me go. Miao Miao's illness is still not good. If you take her away, I will not be able to heal her, so you still have to Leave the seedlings in the leaves." Ye Hao put his hand in his hand, this is the only way.

"Where is the emperor?" Water is planning to go to the emperor and ask, he does not want to keep the seedlings in the northern city for so long.

"I don't know..." Ye Haoqing's nephew was slightly dark. Since she said the borrowing of the day, the emperor has disappeared. She has not seen him again.

The water looked down at her. "Is he not in the palace? You don't know where he is?"

Ye Hao said faintly, "There is so big in the palace, and he will not report it to me wherever he goes."

"I know." The water nodded lightly, turned and left, and did not even say anything extra.

"..." Ye Hao raised his eyebrows and looked at his back. This person is really not a general strong.

The water seedlings that just came out of the house only saw the back of the water. She asked Ye Xie with doubt. "Sister Ye, is my brother coming over? How did he go?"

Ye Hao smiled. "Suddenly something happened." She remembered the weirdness of the water and asked the seedlings. "Miao Miao, did you live in the northern city?"

The seedlings nodded. "I lived here when I was a child. At that time my brother was often not at home. Every time I saw him, he was wearing armor... Then we went to Nanzhou, and my brother was doing business in Nanzhou. ”

"You said that when you were a child, you saw your brother wearing armor?" Ye said in a strange way.

"It seems that I have not remembered a bit, my brother never told me about the past." Shui Miaomiao said, because the memory is too long, she remembers it is not very clear, in fact, she rarely saw her brother when she was a child. He is often not at home. She is the grown-up of the family and looks forward to growing up. "The person I used to see when I was a child was a Queen Empress. At that time, Mengxi’s sister was not a queen."

Ye Hao slightly sighed, so to say, Shui Yiyi met with Shen Mengxi many years ago, so why did it appear so cold in Nanzhou?

Looking back carefully, although the water did not care about the disease of Shenmengxi, it came to the northern city. On the surface, it was because of the water seedlings. In fact, he also cares about Shenmengxi.

It seems that water is not just as simple as a businessman.

Ye Hao’s mood is as pleasant as finding a big secret.

"Is your brother martial arts very powerful?" Ye Hao asked with a smile.

"Of course, my martial arts are taught by my brother." Shui Miao Miao said proudly.

"You will be martial arts?" Ye Hao, this is the first time I heard about it.

The water seedlings laughed. "The guards at home are not my opponents."

Ye Hao looked at him and glanced at him. "Then you compare it with the red dragonfly."

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