Hung Hom’s skill is not comparable to those of the dark guards, but it’s not too bad. Moreover, she later worked **** her own. So, when the seedlings are so red, they have already fallen red. It’s not stunned to describe it.

The water seedlings are estimated to be different.

"You..." Ye Hao couldn't find a word for a long time. "Your martial arts are taught by your brother?"

"Yeah, but I haven't practiced it recently. I have eaten too much. It is much worse than before." Miao Miao Miao said depressedly, "Fortunately, I didn't let my brother see it."

Hung Hom stood up from the ground and looked at the water seedlings silently. Her hand was worse than before. What was the good time? Who can think that the fat girl like Miao Miaomiao is so flexible, it is... it’s amazing.

Ye Hao gently patted the shoulders of the water seedlings. "Girl, you are already."

She really did not expect that Miao Miaomiao still has such a powerful skill. It is no wonder that before the water was still looking for such a powerful and powerful woman to stare at her movement, she was afraid that she would get angry and beat people?

"Sister Ye, when is my illness good?" Miao Miao nursed her eyes and looked at Ye Hao. She had loose clothes in these two days. This proves that she is thinner. Does it mean that her illness is good? Now.

Ye Hao said, "You can't be a good day or two. If you are thinner, I will give you acupuncture again. If you can completely remove the evil spirits in your body, then you can recover."

"But I heard that you have to stay in the North City for a long time." Miao Miaomiao whispered, "My brother doesn't seem to like it very much."

"Oh, I think he should like it slowly." Water doesn't want to stay in the North City, certainly not because he doesn't like it, but about the palace. Now, for his sister, he doesn't want to stay. Stayed.

The water seedlings have a happy face, "Really?"

How does she know that... if he doesn't like water, he has to stay, otherwise he is not expected to return to Nanzhou.

When Ye Zimiao began to run in the garden, she asked Hung Hom to go to Ye Yidong. She wanted to know more about the past of water.

Especially the past through the armor.

"Do you want to check the water?" Ye Yidong asked strangely, "Hey, is he doing something?"

"No, he used to be a soldier. I wanted to know what identity he used to be." Ye Hao whispered, "Don't let him discover that we are asking about him."

Ye Yidong gently nodded. "I understand."

On the following day, Ye Yiqing came back with Zhaoyang when he was almost dark. It looked like he was still in a good mood. It is estimated that he was having a good time outside these days.

"My two little grandchildren?" Zhaoyang came back to know that Ye Hao was out of the palace, and immediately wanted to see Ming Xi and Ming Yu.

Ye snorted. "You don't ask me if I am doing well in the palace. I only care about two small points."

Zhaoyang yells at her. "You are not doing well. Can I let you not enter the palace?"

"What is the relationship?" Ye Hao asked in a hurry.

"Of course, there is a relationship. If you have a good life, you can't stop it. If you can't stop it, then I won't ask, and I have to worry about you." Zhaoyang took Mingyu and Mingxi from the hands of Hongling. I didn’t look at Ye Hao and went outside.

Ye Hao’s fingers trembled. “Hey, look, I’m not in position.”

"She is so angry that you bring the child into the palace. I haven't ignored me for two days, let alone you." Ye Yiqing said with a smile, he was so hard to make his wife good, otherwise he would have to play the floor every day, who can get it. When I was old, I needed to be in my arms, so he didn't plan to help her daughter. "You are going to marry her."

"That's still a problem, she won't give me a good face on her head." Ye Xiao said with a smile, "I still let Ming Xi and Ming Yu let her happy, then I will go to her."

Ye Yiqing glanced at her daughter and looked at her. It was so good that there were children. It seems that he has to work hard to let Zhaoyang have children. "Is everything in the palace finished?"

"That, hey, I have something to discuss with you." Ye Hao hasn't told Ye Yiqing about the one-year borrowing. I don't know if he will promise, even if he doesn't agree, she has already promised. .

Ye Yiqing glanced at her daughter quietly, from childhood to large. Once she had done something wrong, she was afraid that he would be angry. If she had not spoken, she would show this kind of pleasing look, so that he could not even anger. .

"What is it?" Ye Yiqing looked cold and deliberately pretended to be indifferent.

Ye Hao helped Ye Yiqing's hand sit down in the Taishi chair. "Hey, what do you think of China?"

"Fortunately." Ye Yiqing nodded faintly. "Ask this for doing? Do you like Huaguo very much?"

“I don’t mean to like it very much,” Ye said with a smile. “But you can stay here for a while, right?”

"How long is it for a while?" Ye Yiqing asked faintly, but he had doubts in his heart. He knew his daughter's character very well. If it was not for a reason, she could not stay here. He knew that she had already wanted to return to Jinguo. I want to live in China for too long without any reason.

"One year." Ye Hao whispered.

Ye Yiqing raised his eyebrows. The time of year was not short. He looked up and looked at his daughter seriously. "Why?"

"I promised that the emperor of China would cure his queen's illness and it would take a year." Ye Hao whispered.

Ye Yiqing's look is more and more cold. He knows that his daughter can't reach the point of the Virgin. She is willing to stay for a year and there is definitely a reason. "Why?"

"I borrowed 100,000 soldiers from the emperor of China." Ye Hao whispered.

"What?" Ye Yiqing almost thought that he had got it wrong, 100,000...fine soldiers?

Ye Hao nodded. "Yes, I said that I want to go to Dongqing. If there are 100,000 soldiers, I will get it."

"Okay, I know." Ye Yiqing nodded gently. "That one year."

She knew that he understood her! Ye Hao showed a happy smile. "But... silver needs a lot."

"Is there still another year?" Ye Yiqing smiled and seemed to be really sure to find out the treasures left by Qi Yuling.

"If that map is complete, it would be fine." Ye Hao sighed a little, only to fear that the map left by Qi Lingling was complete, and eventually nothing could be found.

Ye Yiqing laughed. "Even if there is no map, it is okay to rely on the money we get from doing business, but..."

"But what?" Ye Hao hurriedly asked.

"Hey, I can only rely on you by the time, I can help you, just plan for you to get money." Ye Yiqing whispered.

The implication is that he does not want to go back to Dongqingguo?

Ye Hao gently nodded, "Hey, I understand what you mean."

Li Wei didn't care for him. He didn't want to let the world evaluate him.

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