Huaguo, a large house of water.

"Ming Xi, come over, climb over." Ye Hao let people move the table and stools in the house, put a thick layer of carpet, put the two little guys on the ground, already six months old Hee began to learn to climb, and his sister would only sit and watch.

Seeing her brother squatting on the ground and squatting forward, she smiled slyly, and because of the unstable sitting on the ground, she saw a red cockroach scared out of a cold sweat.

Ye Hao will climb up to the arms of her, and she will take a kiss on his pink face. "You are called to climb here, it is screaming, you must use your hands and feet and climb like a tiger."

Mingxi’s small hands are going to catch the scorpion on the head of the leaf. The black-haired eyes are as beautiful as the gems. The bigger the hair grows, the less obvious the red color in his eyes, as long as you don’t look carefully Not coming out.

"No, no, you can't play." Ye Hao hurriedly held his hand and held him on the floor. "How do you always catch the mother's nephews? The ear was caught by you last time. Now the ears are still hurting. It is."

Mingxi grinned and revealed a front tooth that had just emerged from the head of the rice. He smiled so happy, and the sparkling saliva flowed out of his mouth.

"Dirty!" Ye Hao poked his cheek on the cheek. "How can I laugh and drool?"

Zhaoyang, who just entered the door, just saw this scene and was so angry that he said, "Ye Ye, you bully Mingxi!"

Ye Hao hurriedly retracted his paws and rightened the scorpion on his head. "How did I bully him? It is obvious that he bullied me. You see, my ears are still swollen."

Zhaoyang waited for her to look at her, holding Ming Xi in her arms, touching his white cheeks and seeing a shallow print on it. She had another eye knife scraping at Ye Hao. "Whoever makes you wear earrings?" If you don't wear it, can Mingxi pull it?"

"..." Ye Hao rounded his eyes. "Are you too eccentric?"

"Oh." Ming Yu saw no one to care about her, and shouted loudly, and the little round **** was still screaming.

Zhaoyang immediately smiled and held Mingyu in his arms. "Oh, grandma's careful liver, don't care about your mother, there is no such thing as a mother. Mingxi, come, you like jade, grandma has it here. This is for you to play."

"It will break..." Ye glanced at it. It was a good jade, and his eyes looked good. It was not much worse than that of Mingxi in the past few days. However, it would be thrown.

The stinky boy smashed the jade in front of Shen Mengxi. As a result, Shen Mengxi was not angry at the bottom line, but also rewarded more.

As the saying goes, the idea of ​​the local tyrant is elusive.

In the arms of Zhaoyang, Mingxi smiled at Ye Xiaozui, and he still showed a smugness. He grabbed the jade in his hand and stuffed it into his mouth.

Seeing that Ye Hao is full of black lines, "What do you think is this? Wait a minute for your millet teeth to bite."

"Ming Xi, this can't bite." Zhaoyang hurriedly said, "This is for you."

"This finger biscuit is not bad, how do you think about it?" Ye Hao asked with a smile.

Zhaoyang said, "He explained that Hee and Mingyu always have bad fingers, so let the kitchen find a way to make such a finger cake."

Ye Hao smiled and asked, "What?"

"I have to go to Nanzhou in a few days. He went out early in the morning and didn't know what to do." Zhaoyang said, she thought that she would not be able to see two little guys after a long time. She felt particularly sad. You don't go to South China with us? Really want to stay here for one year?"

"Not necessarily, maybe seven or eight months is enough." Ye Xiao said with a smile, Shen Mengxi is almost three months pregnant, and it takes a year to calculate the time.

Zhaoyang heard her say that it was even dark, seven or eight months is not enough? "You don't want to miss Murong Cham at all?"

"Think, I think about him every day." Ye Hao whispered, but she still had more important things to do than to return to his side.

"When you are not afraid to go back, he has already set up a new emperor?" This possibility is not without, Zhaoyang just has been afraid to say that Ye Hao is sad.

Ye grinned and smiled, and the look was exactly the same as that of Ming Xi. "If he really stands for the empress, I will enter the palace and smash him!"

"..." Zhaoyang was almost shocked by Ye Hao’s daring words. "Smelly girl, you are really mad at me."

"You can rest assured, he won't." Ye Hao said confidently.

Zhaoyang gave her a glimpse and had to give up and continue to persuade Ye Hao. She bowed down to Ming Xi and Ming Yu. "You are really a poor child. If you encounter such a unreliable mother, you don’t even know what your relatives look like. There are nieces around with others, and you have only a grandmother around you."

"Hey, I am still here." Ye Hao said with a funny voice, "Why aren't they accompanied me, I am not a human."

"If you really love two children, you won't let them separate from their relatives for so long." Zhaoyang shouted.

Ye smiled and smacked a bite in Mingxi’s little face. “Xiao Mingxi, you love me or love you, don’t talk is love.”

Mingxi didn't know what Ye Hao was saying, biting his face was very fun, and he used to bite it on Ye Hao's cheek, and sucked a few mouthfuls of sucking milk.

"It!" Zhaoyang smiled and held Mingxi a little farther.

Ye Hao’s skin was originally white, and it was bitten by Ming Xi, and it immediately became a red piece.

Ming Yu smiled in Zhao Yang's arms and reached out to hold a leaf hug. Obviously she also had to take a bite.

"Bad boy, come over, I promise not to hit you." Ye Hao cried deliberately.

Ming Xie struggled from Zhaoyang’s arms and really climbed over to Ye Hao. The eyes that were like gems were shining, and they had not climbed to Ye Hao’s side. He had already rushed over, but fortunately He stopped him.

"What do you say about this son I was born... Unlike my honest obedience, I must be naughty when I grow up." As Mingxi grew up, Ye Hao became more and more aware that he was influenced by the fire and the gods. He was Many aspects are smarter than Mingyu, which does not mean that jade is not smart. Among the children of the same age, Mingyu is already very smart, but compared with Mingxi, it is a lot worse.

Zhaoyang proudly said, "That is because Mingxi is smart, isn't the heavenly pride?"

"Have you had such a child in the Mohist family?" Ye Hao asked doubtfully.

"They are relatives, otherwise you think that the emperor did not like him, because he was too clever, the emperor thought it was" Zhaoyang coughed, "It is such a thing anyway."

Ye Hao was amazed and bowed his head to kiss Mingxi. "We have a good father."

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