Ye Hao had another two days in Zhaoyang’s dislike and resentment. Ye Yiqing called her to speak before she was ready to leave.

"In the past few months when you stayed in the North City, we will be in Nanzhou. We still have a few ships that may not be sold. Maybe we can go to the neighboring countries to make a deal during this time." Ye Yiqing whispered. Saying, "By the way, I will raise a few boats for you."

"Oh..." Ye Hao didn't really want Ye Yiqing to do what he was not willing to do. "In fact, I can borrow money from Mengxi's sister at that time."

Ye Yiqing smiled and glanced at her. "You have borrowed 100,000 soldiers, and you have to borrow the unrepayable people, the little things of grain and money, I can still help you."

"Hey, thank you." Ye Hao said gratefully.

Ye Yiqing licked her head. "Hey, you have grown up."

"I am a mother, and of course I grew up." Ye Yan said with a smile.

"Yes." Ye Yiqing nodded. He didn't understand what he meant. Before going out to sea, this daughter was still worried about his inability to let go. He always worried that she could not protect herself. She knew that she was open to ten. When Wan Jingbing was a soldier, he was both sentimental and gratified. She experienced life and death twice, and I did not know what kind of adventures she encountered. Now she has finally grown up.

He hopes that the growth of her daughter does not depend on which man, it is the growth of the heart, not the growth of the surface.

The father and the daughter are talking, and there are people going back and forth, saying that there is a son named Huangfu who is looking for her.

Ye Hao’s face was happy, “Hey, Master is back.”

"Yeah." Ye Yiqing nodded faintly, and Huangfu disappeared for so many days. I still don't know what to do.

Huangfu was waiting for Ye Hao in the hall. His clothes were stained with dust, and his face seemed to have scum. It should be arranged in a hurry. He stood there in such a dusty manner, but his look was as high and noble as ever. Exalted with the inviolability of sacredness.

"Master, have you been there in the past few days? Why didn't you have any news?" Ye Yiyi asked as he saw Huangfu.

Huang Fu’s eyes looked at her with a warm smile, and she listened to her tone of concern. His heart was warm. “Go and do something, find something back.”

"Then you should let people say something to me, I thought you had something wrong." Ye Hao whispered, if he didn't know that he had always been there, and there was a guarantee from Shen Mengxi, she wanted people to look for it. his.

"Going too fast, so I didn't have time to tell you." Huangfu said apologetically, "Is Mengxi's body better?"

Ye Hao smiled and nodded. "It has stabilized. Now, in addition to treating heart disease, it is abortion. After two days, I will go to the palace. Master, where have you been? How do you make yourself like this?"

The emperor smiled a little and took out a few sheepskins from his arms. "I will find this out, look at it."

"What is this?" Ye Hao took the sheepskin and found out that it was a vain attempt. She looked at Huangfu with a puzzled look.

"The route map at sea." Huangfu whispered.

He disappeared for so many days for these route maps? Ye Haoxiu slightly stunned, she knew that Huangfu would not do anything for no reason, these route maps must be... wrong, how can I lose two? This is... "Treasure map?"

"How do you see it?" Huangfu asked with a smile.

Because this map looks the same as the map of the route they got in Baoxiang, "The treasure country has a piece of sheepskin."

The emperor was a bit different. "Daluo Wang is willing to give this to you?"

"Isn't it scattered all over? How are you here?" Ye Hao really couldn't help but be shocked. "Is the treasure map really true?"

"These were all I found when I was sorting out the library. It was probably that my grandmother had not come to the place to go to the place... but I still lost two pieces. One of them is in Baoxiang, and it should be already You are in your hand, the other one is in the palace, you can ask Mengxi." Huangfu said.

Ye Hao raised his hand. "Wait, Master, you disappeared for so many days to find this for me. Do you want me to find the so-called treasure? Is this really there?"

"I don't know." Huangfu smiled and shook his head. "Too grandmother teasing people too much. I can't confirm whether this treasure map is true or not. Don't you need a lot of money? At least try to find it. Maybe you can find it."

It’s really easy to say...

Ye Hao silently glanced at Huangfu, and looked down at the map of the sheepskin in her hand. She thought this was a mischief. It was just Qi Qiling who was teasing them. If she really had treasure, she would have those gold and silver. Is it not good for the treasures to keep for their offspring? Keep it for those who don’t know who it is?

"Mr. Huangfu is right, always try to know. If you don't look for it, then you will never have this treasure. If you find it, you can get it." Ye Yiqing walked in from the door and looked down at Ye Wei. The sheepskin figure in the hand, I found that there is an English font on the top, and his eyes flashed a smile. This map is indeed left by Qi Yuling. I don’t know if she has a treasure.

Huangfu looked at Ye Yiqing, "Ye Daren said right."

Ye Hao frowned and said, "Hey, but I can't go now."

"You don't have to ask for it yourself." Ye Yiqing faintly said, "I still have a quick map. You can find a way to borrow it from the palace and know where it is, we can find it."

Ye Yiqing put the map brought by Bao Xiangguo up and found that the missing map is really the most critical position.

"I don't even know where to hide," Huangfu said.

"Mr. Huangfu, if you really have a treasure, are you really willing to give it?" Just give all the maps to them, does Huangfu actually don't mind?

"Oh is my apprentice, my things, naturally it is her." Huangfu whispered.

When Ye Hao heard this, her heart was full of emotions. She didn’t know how to thank Huangfu. "Master..."

"You saved Mengxi, I am not doing anything to do this." Huangfu said with a smile.

Ye Yiqing sneered in his heart, really can't talk to the guy, obviously it is a moving thing, saying it completely becomes another kind of taste, for others to be good to their apprentices? He should only be single-hearted!

"Oh, that..." Ye Hao turned to look at Ye Yiqing.

"I will go to Nanzhou in a few days, first determine the end of the map." Ye Yiqing said with a smile.

Ye Hao said with a smile, "I asked Mengxi sister to ask, Master, you should rest first."

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