Ye Hao is still thinking about who to look for in this treasure, Ye Yiqing has already thought about her, he went to help her find, Nanzhou business to the full of them will do.

"No!" Ye Hao did not agree, "Hey, the sea is dangerous, I heard Mengxi sister said there are pirates."

"What about that? This is a danger in this world. We are also taking risks when we go out to sea." Ye Yiqing said with a smile, "I don't have to worry about things at sea, I have a measure."

Ye Hao still can't rest assured, "Would you like, let the water go together?"

Ye Yiqing smiled. "Do you think he will promise?"

will not! She only knew a few days ago that the water was a former general of Qi State, and Shen Mengxi was from the same tribal island. He would later become the general of Qi State, and should be inseparable from Shen Mengxi, if not because The seedlings were almost killed by Qi Qi. He may still be a general in Beicheng, instead of going to Nanzhou as a merchant.

I heard that when he resigned from the general's official position, he took people to the sea to do business. Therefore, he became the leading merchant in Nanzhou. He used to be the general. Therefore, there is no official in Nanzhou who wants to offend him. This explains Why did he be able to cover the sky in Nanzhou?

How can such people be willing to help them venture into the sea to find a treasure that may not exist?

Ye Hao didn't know if the water would agree, but she still planned to ask him.

A glimpse of water because the water seedlings insisted on staying in the North City, feeling unhappy, has not seen people for a few days, knowing that Ye Hao wants to see him, he only appeared with a face.

To his deep eyes, Ye Hao combined his original identity, and now I feel that the man's momentum is the feeling of chill on the battlefield. How can an ordinary businessman have such a look?

"Are you looking for me? Is there a problem with Miao Miao's illness?" The water looked down at Ye Hao, and his heart thought about his sister. If it was not related to Miao Miao, he thought that this woman would not take the initiative. See him.

"No, Miao Miao is very good, she is in the palace with Mengxi." Ye Hao whispered.

I still don’t know that Ye Hao’s identity is true. I don’t know that Shen Mengxi has taken her two children as her daughter and her son. I heard that Ye Hao’s name is Shen Mengxi’s name. He raised his eyebrow slightly. “Then you look for it. What am I?"

"I actually want to ask you for help." Ye Hao said.

Looking for him to help? That would be very strange. "What can I do for you?"

"Going out to sea." Ye Hao whispered, "I will not ask you to go out to sea. I know that you have people who often go out to sea. Can you borrow me?"

Water did not speak, but looked at Ye Hao. Although he had left the military camp, some things would still be passed to his ears. He knew that this woman had borrowed money from Qi Qi. He had to re-recognize this name Ye Hao. Woman, who is she?

"Would you like to go out to sea?" asked the water.

Ye Hao said, "Look for something."

Water sneered out and said with some sarcasm, "This reason is too simple."

"It's that simple, but the road is a bit complicated, so you need to have more experienced people to rest assured." Ye said, of course.

“Who are you?” Water asked, raising his eyebrows, how he felt that what she wanted to find was not that simple.

Ye Hao is not so trusting in water, so she doesn't want to say that she wants to find a treasure. "Do you help or not?"

"You borrowed and borrowed people, what do you want to do?" Water asked again.

"Is my identity important?" Ye Hao gave him a faint look.

The water snorted coldly. "At least I have to make sure that what you are doing is not harmful to us. You appear too coincidentally. I don't believe you."

"Then you still let me cure the seedlings?" Ye Hao sneered and asked, "Don't let me cure Miao Miao if I have the ability, isn't you forcing me to go to your water house? If it weren't you, we Have you left South State long ago, is there so many coincidences?"

"How many people do you want?" Water asked with a sullen face. His only weakness was his sister. Now his sister's life is still in the hands of this woman. He can't be hardened with her except listening to her.

Ye Xiao said with a smile, "Two hundred people."

"Are you a lion?" asked the water, and asked two hundred people! There is still a sea experience, which is directly borrowed from half of his men.

"I originally wanted to say four hundred people." Ye Hao said faintly.

A glimpse of water, a **** old man wants to squirt her. "No, there are too many 200 people!"

"Then there are a hundred people!" Ye Hao lost half of his hard time. "You can't stop agreeing?"

"You..." A sigh of relief in the chest, he thought she should have just wanted to borrow a hundred people, deliberately say 200 people?

Ye Hao’s mood is much more refreshing. “Water boss, thank you for your help.”

After a trip, I felt that I was put together. After leaving, he took a long time to decide to go to the palace to find Qi.

"You have been reluctant to go to the North City for so many years, refused to enter the palace to see you, and now you are looking for a woman?" Qi Hao was surprised when he heard that the water was in the palace, and learned about him. If you want to, you can't help but ridicule.

"I didn't enter the palace for her." The water flashed a glimpse of his eyes, and he just wanted to know what the woman was.

Qi Qi looked at him with a smile and smiled. "Isn't that what you asked about her?"

The water stood there with no expression, and he squinted and didn't talk. He said that he wouldn't ask again.

"She is Lu Lu, the Queen of the Kingdom of Korea." Qi Tong knows the temper of a sip of water, and it is not a joke. If he taunts again, maybe he will turn away and may not come to the North City in this life.

"Queen of the Kingland?" Even if the calm water is stunned, he suspected that Ye Hao has various identities and never thought she would be a queen. "Is she not a widow?"

Qi Qi smiled and asked, "If she is a widow, can you marry her?"

The face of the water was more gloomy and irony, and it was almost gnashing. "I have never thought of her in the emperor!"

"Nothing, I heard that Murong Zhan is not so easy to deal with." Qi Xiao smiled and nodded.

"Let your own queen venture into the sea, he is still a man?" The water snorted and felt that the woman must have been greatly wronged to leave Jinguo, or who would take the child out to take risks?

"I don't know if you want to borrow money. You have already agreed." Qi said.

If the woman is a queen, then it would make sense to borrow the soldier. The water nodded lightly. "I know."

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