When Ye Hao learned that Water was going to go out to sea personally, she was completely stunned.

"You want to go in person?" Ye Hao looked at him in surprise. "Why?"

"Just when you cure the seedlings of the water seedlings." Water said faintly, leaving this sentence to leave, even the extra explanation has not been told by Ye Hao.

"..." Ye Hao looked at the back of the water, really want to ask and can't ask.

She looked back at the water seedlings. "What happened to your brother?"

"I don't know..." The water seedlings are also foggy. "My brother used to say that he didn't want to go out to sea anymore. I don't know how he would like this time."

Ye Hao thought for a moment and thought that this matter had to be said before.

Ye Yiqing knew that the water had to go out to sea together. He just raised his eyebrows faintly, and he was not surprised. "With him, you can rest assured."

This is not the point at all! Ye Hao said, "Hey, are you not worried at all? No business, no traitors, water looks like a big bad guy. What if he finds a treasure after he finds a treasure?"

"Don't you say that he used to be a general of China? It is not a treacherous businessman." Ye Yiqing said with a smile.

"I still feel that I am not very reassured to him. I always feel that he is going to follow the sea. This is too strange." Ye Hao frowned, and more and more felt that the water would definitely be the other one to go out together.

Ye Yiqing sighed. "Hey, do you think you are useless?"

"Ah? Hey is the most powerful person in the world." Ye Hao said immediately.

"Since it is the most powerful, then what are you worried about?" Ye Yiqing smiled. "Well, this is the case. I have to go to Zhaoyang. She has to follow, to put She advised to stay."

Ye Hao raised an eyebrow and said with a smile. "You want to leave Zhaoyang easy. She is most reluctant to be Mingxi and Mingyu."

"It makes sense." Ye Yiqing nodded.

However, in the end, it was not because of the two little guys that Zhaoyang had to stay in Beicheng, but because she was pregnant.

This made Ye Yiqing somewhat worried. The last time, when Zhaoyang was pregnant, he was not around her, so Li Yu had the opportunity to frame her. This time she was pregnant again, but he had to leave. He felt very sorry for Zhaoyang.

"I didn't lie on my side last time. Isn't there a flaw this time?" Zhaoyang originally wanted to follow Ye Yiqing to go out to sea. She knew that she was pregnant. She wanted to stay and avoid being distracted on the boat. It is.

Ye Hao also promised alongside, "Hey, I will definitely let Zhaoyang Ping'an give birth to a child."

In fact, Ye Yiqing also feels that Zhaoyang is the best. He believes that his daughter's medical skills, not to mention his daughter and Lingquan, may have saved the child if he had a swearing in Dongqing.

"Then I will entrust Zhaoyang to you." Ye Yiqing whispered to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao gently nodded, she understood that Ye Yiqing contained a lot of heavy entrustment. "Hey, you can rest assured."

She is now able to enter and leave freedom in the palace. The whole country knows that she has saved their queen, and whether they can have orthodox heirs in China can rely on her medical skills. No one dares to go to the water house to find trouble. Unless that person is tired of living.

Ye Yiqing left Ye Yudong, and then left the city with the water to return to Nanzhou.

They want to go out from Nanzhou. From the chart, the destination is a bit far from the ocean. If it goes well, it will be back in half a year.

"Before I come back, you can't go to other places, don't make trouble, be obedient, Ye Dafu lets you take medicine and take medicine. No matter what you do, you must do it." The most uneasy thing about water before leaving is water. Miao Miao.

The water seedlings have been listening for a few days, and the ears are dying. "Yes, my brother, I know."

"Away from Zhao Tianyi." The water slammed and ordered coldly.

"..." This request does not want to hear, what should I do? The seedlings nursed their mouths, and she couldn't make Zhao Tianyi better for her. If she was far away, then it would not have been abandoned.

When she saw her sister's expression, she knew what she was thinking and her face was even colder. "If I said something, did you hear it?"

Ye Hao heard that he was leaving soon and was so strict with the water seedlings. He resisted the urge to turn his eyes and walked over. "Miao Miao is already a big girl. What should she do? I can count on her for a lifetime." ”

"She is my sister, even if it is his life?" Water asked coldly.

"When the father did not care for his daughter for a lifetime, you are just a brother, Miao Miao, she has her own ideas." Ye Hao felt that the water was too much for his sister, he did not understand the seedlings.

The thin lips of the water smirked a little smile. "Ye doctor, you want to discuss with me now how to raise a younger sister?"

Ye Hao took a deep breath and she was nosy, she didn't want to annoy the water now, he had to go out with the donkey.

"Are you worried that I will kill your father in the middle of the road?" When the water saw Ye Hao's lips and did not speak, she saw what she was worried about at a glance.

"No, I don't worry at all." Ye Hao smiled, and she didn't want to kill if she wanted to kill.

Water did not rebut with Ye Hao, but looked at her deeply and turned to the carriage.

Ye Yiqing has already said nothing to Zhaoyang, Ye Hao bowed his head, I don’t know when I will see you again, I just want to be able to return safely.

Ye Yiqing did not say anything to Ye Hao, just looked at her and smiled.

The carriages that watched them gradually drifted away, and Ye Hao clenched Zhaoyang’s hand. “He will return safely.”

Zhaoyang smiled and nodded. "I know."

"You will be fine too." Ye Hao looked down at her lower abdomen.

"Oh, yeah." Mingxi, in the arms of Hung Hom, did not know what they were calling.

Ye Hao looked back at the mouth of his drooling, and all the sentimental flies away. "You are drooling and dirty."

"That's because Mingxi is in the long teeth." Zhaoyang said with no anger. "I have never seen my child always."

As he said, Zhaoyang had to pass through Mingxi.

"Madam, you are now..." The ring around her saw her hand hurriedly, trying to stop Zhaoyang from holding Mingxi, and looked at Ye Hao with some worry.

Ye Hao will hold Ming Xi in his arms. "You are still shallow today, don't hold Ming Xi and Ming Yu. They are now calm."

Zhaoyang gently placed his hand on the lower abdomen with a gentle smile on his face. "I know, I will be careful."

"Go back." Ye Hao said.

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