Qi Wei has passed the age of 30. Shen Mengxi is not a young girl. There is no other jealousy in the palace. I don’t know that the court officials will be nervous candidates. The most nervous thing is the Qi family.

Although Qi Qi is a surname, he is actually a descendant of the emperor's family. The surnames of the northern city are not really royal, but they are only the mothers of Qi, but obviously these surnames are People don't think so. They think that China should be a family. If there is no child in Qi, then the next emperor must still come from a family, and can't give a child who is unidentified.

However, the opposition of these people does not seem to be seen in the eyes of Shen Mengxi, no matter how far the outside is, the Shen Mengxi has been relaxed and relaxed.

"How about opposition?" Shen Mengxi took another strawberry to feed Mingxi, and his mouth floated shallowly. "They still want to smash the emperor and waste me. What can be the result?"

Half of the people of the Chinese court are respectful of Shenmengxi, but there are still the other half. Among them, the one who wants to sink Shenmengxi most is the Qi family.

"Today's Qi family is the former Qi Qiling's mother?" Ye Hao asked doubtfully.

Shen Mengxi said faintly, "It is not a problem. The maiden family of Zhengjing is in Jinguo, and here in Huaguo. It is far away, but the relatives in the distance are dimmed. Even the ancestral rooms are not, and they dare to blame. If I am pregnant now, I will be calm, otherwise... the old lady will marry them."

"..." For the first time, Ye Hao saw Shen Mengxi's exposed side. She wondered if Shenmengxi was changed to a soul. Is there still two personality in Shenmengxi?

"Oh, I want to be gentle and gentle!" Shen Mengxi patted his chest, "to avoid scaring the child."

Ye Hao laughed. "I really want to know how you used to follow the emperors to conquer the tribes."

"Enwei is equal, both must have a prestige and tolerance, and you will understand when you bring your own troops in the future." Shen Mengxi said with a smile to Ye Hao, "Have you seen the military books I gave you?"

"I am watching, but I have no experience in bringing troops, but it is hard to remember." Ye Hao said helplessly.

Shen Mengxi smiled. "You can remember it."

"Ah, eat..." Ming Xi called to Shen Mengxi, and he still wanted to eat red fruits.

Ming Yu was sitting in the arms of Ye Hao. She had already eaten all the strawberries in her face. She looked at her brother and chuckled.

"Eating food!" Ye Hao smiled and took out the sputum to wipe the mouth for the two children.

"The emperor drove." The singer of the palace was heard outside.

Both Ye Hao and Zhao Yang stood up and saw Qi Qi striding in from the outside with a gloomy look on his face.

Seeing his face, Ye Hao’s heart stunned. She hadn’t seen the cruel side of Qi Qi for a long time. Is it because someone outside has stimulated him?

Just thinking, Ye Hao saw that there was Huangfu behind him.

"The emperor, I came back so early today?" Shen Mengxi didn't seem to find the gloomy face on Qi Yan's face. He smiled and greeted him with a smile on his face. She hadn't walked into Qi's side. She smelled a **** smell and stomach. After a while, her face turned white and turned and retched.

It’s hard to see the face, and it’s even more blue. “Shen Mengxi, what do you mean?”

Is she even abandoning him?

Ye Hao took the Mingxi of the arms to Hongling. In the past, she gave the pulse to Shenmengxi. A heart that almost jumped out of the throat finally subsided. She smelled the **** smell of Qiqi, and frowned. "The emperor, you still changed. When the clothes come again, Mengxi’s sister is pregnant now, and she is particularly sensitive to some astringency. Even if she smells the fish, she will spit, let alone the **** smell on your body.”

Shen Mengxi spit out, only to feel more comfortable, raised some wet eyes, she worried about looking at Qi, "Are you injured?"

I knew that Shen Mengxi didn't spit because I disliked myself. Qi's face eased a little. "I didn't get hurt, you... you rest, change clothes."

The palace lady has quickly cleaned up the dirty things in the house, and Shen Mengxi wants to change clothes. Ye Hao and Huangfu went to the partial hall.

"Master, what happened to Qi Qi?" Ye Hao whispered to Huangfu.

Originally, Huangfu wanted to go out with Ye Yiqing. Later, I did not know what Ye Yiqing had told him. He stayed in the North City.

"When the morning was approaching, some people had to fold up to abandon Shenmengxi, and they would drive you out of China. The other one he woke up and killed the people on the spot and killed seven people in a row..." Looking back at the **** scene in the hall this morning, he sighed in his heart, thinking that he had been cherished for so many years, and would not be as violent as he was in the past. He did not expect that he could not control his cruel side as long as he was involved in Shenmengxi. .

Ye Hao took a sigh of relief, Qi Qi actually killed in the hall?

Huangfu said, "Is it a dream river?"

"Nothing..." Ye Hao whispered, "Do you want to be afraid of the courtiers?"

"He was originally the only emperor in China, and he killed all the people in Qi." And those who are arrogant in the imperial court have already resented many people.

Ye Hao said, "Why are they going to drive our mother and child out of China?"

She is now only a widow in the eyes of many people, orphans and widows, is it worth so many people to be jealous?

Huangfu said, "They are afraid that Mingxi will become Chu Jun in the future."

"..." Ye Hao was speechless for a while, really thinking too much. "Meng Xi sister's children have not yet been born, they think that the position of Chu Jun must be their family's children?"

"The people who had been in the family have always wanted the aunt to pass a scorpion." Huangfu said.

"It seems that no one dares to oppose Qi." Ye Hao said that she does not like the way of being too cruel, but she has to admit that this method is very cruel and very useful.

Sure enough, in the next few months, no one dared to align with any advice on raising a child, Mingxi became the only prince of China, the title is 晟, Mingxi is a princess, the seal is Yuan, which shows What Qi Qi likes is Ming Xi, the title of Yuan is a long meaning.

Unconsciously, it was time for Shen Mengxi to be in labor.

After such a long period of rehabilitation, Shen Mengxi's body has been much better than before, and there is basically no problem with heart cramps. Now Ye Hao is worried that she has no accidents in the production process.

"Ye Dafu, the niece is born."

Ye Hao let people take Mingxi and Mingyu to other places, lest they distract her here.

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