When Shen Mengxi was launched, Qi Qi was on the early morning and heard the palace people coming to talk. He even refused to look forward to the early morning. He came to Fengxiang Palace in the robes and ignored the rules that men could not enter the delivery room. He came directly to Shenmengxi. By the side.

Seeing that Shen Mengxi was sore and sweaty, and still resisting the painful appearance, there was a panic on his face, and his eyes gloomy and coldly looked at Ye Hao. "Lu Yan, don't forget that you and the donkey have guaranteed it. If you don't let her give birth to a child safely, don't want to borrow a soldier."

Ye Hao endured the urge to turn his eyes, Shen Mengxi's fetal position is completely no problem, she has been in her position for the last two months, now just waiting for the mouth of the palace to be able to deliver, is blocked by Qi, who are delivered The woman was shaking, and she did not dare to let go of her life for Shen Mengxi.

"The emperor, even if it is not for your soldiers, I will let Mengxi sister give birth to a child safely. Can you go out first, will you affect others here?" Ye Hao will not be able to attend this meeting. Hey, is that cruel humanity, she just wants the delivery sputum to give birth to Shen Mengxi.

Qi Yan said with a cold face, "I want to be here."

Shen Mengxi pushed his arm. "Auntie, go out, don't be here."

A woman is so ugly, how can I let him watch it here.

"Meng Xi!" Qi Hao screamed unpleasantly, "I will accompany you."

"No, you can't live here." Shen Mengxi was so screaming, and of course she knew that there was a sigh of relief, and those who were uncomfortable were too uncomfortable.

When I heard Shen Mengxi’s words, Qi’s heart became more and more irritated, and my eyes became more and more hazy.

Ye Hao said with a deep voice, "The emperor, if you don't go out again, I will not guarantee anything."

Qi Yan glanced at Ye Hao coldly, his eyes full of suffocation, and he stood up. "If she has three long and two short, you are waiting to be buried."

"You have prepared 100,000 soldiers for me." Ye Hao said faintly, "In order to appease the heart that I was scared by you, give me ten cars and grass."

Qi Hao, who had just walked to the door, turned back and looked at Ye Hao with murderous eyes.

Ye Hao directly put the curtain down and separated him from the outside.

"Can you be born?" Ye Hao asked the birth attendant who was checking.

"It's still a little bit worse." The whisper said, she is also very experienced, but she is still a bit worried about the birth of Shen Mengxi, fearing that the Empress's mother is not energetic enough to give birth to the little prince.

Ye Hao gave Shen Mengxi a sip of Lingquan. "Meng Xi sister, you can rest assured that I am here, will not let you have something."

Shen Mengxi clenched her hand. "I know, you are my lucky star."

If there is no embarrassment, she will not say that she can have a baby, and she may have already died. She always feels that she is the lucky star of her and her children.

Drinking Lingquan, Shen Mengxi feels that the whole person is a lot easier, as if the energy consumed is back.

At the noon, Shen Mengxi gave birth to a daughter.

When I was waiting impatiently, I heard the crying of the child, and immediately rushed in. The eyes looked at the pale face of Shenmengxi, and he saw Shen Mengxi’s eyes closed and a heart sinking. Asked dryly, "What happened to Mengxi?"

Ye Hao smiled at the child, "Meng Xi sister is too tired, just sleep."

Qi Hao breathed a sigh of relief, and this slowly turned his attention to the child in Ye Hao’s arms. He saw that the child’s face was not as big as his palm, and it looked thin and wrinkled. He didn’t look like him and Mengxi. His eyes flashed a bit of disgust, "so ugly?"

"This child must be very beautiful when she grows up." Ye Hao said with a smile, "Congratulations to the emperor for a little princess."

Qi Qi’s hands didn’t know how to put them, and some of them stiffly took him and the children of Mengxi. “This is... my daughter?”

Ye Hao smiled and nodded. "Yeah, there are six pounds. Mengxi sister didn't suffer much. The child also pampered his mother and soon came out."

"Meng Xi... is it tired?" Qi Tong hugged her daughter, and even did not dare to make a point. Such a small person, he felt that as long as the force will be broken.

"Meng Xi sister's body is very good." Ye Yan said with a smile, she used Lingquan to adjust her body for half a year. What kind of heart disease is good, as long as the month is good, maybe another child can be born next year.

Qi Qi looked at Ye Wei, and he also felt the change of Mengxi in the past six months. All this is Lu’s credit, whether she is to borrow soldiers or because she has sisterhood with Mengxi, he Grateful to her.

"Children give me, it's time to eat milk." Ye Hao said with a smile, she knows that Qi Hao definitely wants to accompany Shen Mengxi.

Ye Hao handed the child to the nurse, and then went down to personally give Shen Mengxi a medicated diet. The woman is the most important thing to do the month. She has already handed it to the imperial kitchen for a medicinal meal, so that the kitchen will arrange the meal according to what she wrote every day.

Shen Mengxi had been asleep until the night before she woke up and saw her daughter. She couldn’t stop her tears and said, "Auntie, we have daughters."

"Yeah." Qi Yan looked down at her daughter and held Shen Mengxi tightly in her arms. "It will be like you when grown up."

"Like what I have to look good, it is better to be like you." Shen Mengxi said with a smile.

Qi Qi looked depressed. "Do you think I look like a woman?"

Shen Mengxi smiled and ate. "I think you look good. I was confused by your beauty."

"Hey." Qi Yan was cold and sullen, but not angry.

The news that the Queen of China gave birth to the eldest daughter was spread throughout the northern city on the second day. Everyone was happy, but it was inevitable that it was not the emperor. If it was the emperor, there would be no suspense in the position of the king of China. It can definitely stop some people's minds.

However, since the Queen can give birth to a daughter, maybe she can have a prince, at least not better than her.

Ye Hao received a bad news when the country celebrated.

Ye Yiqing’s ship encountered a storm, and the crew died and escaped, saying that their ship sank.

"Impossible!" Ye Hao couldn't believe the news. He looked sharply at the person who came back to the news. "If the ship sinks, how did you get back?"

"There is a small boat on the boat. When we want to escape...the big ship was swept away by the storm." The man said.

Ye Hao still doesn't believe it. There are too many flaws in this statement. "The big ship was swept away by the storm, and you are alive and returning alone?"

The man glanced at Ye Hao, "Yes."

"Get him down." Ye Hao whispered, "Let him talk."

When I heard Ye Hao’s words, the man’s look changed, and suddenly he took out the dagger from his arms and slammed it to Ye Hao.

Ye Yidong next to it has not had time to shoot, the sleeve arrow in Ye Hao’s hand has already shot, but did not kill this person, "Who made you come?"

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