Zhaoyang heard the news and saw Ye Yidong pressing a strange man. She looked at Ye Hao with concern. "I heard that there is news of your embarrassment. What happened?"

Ye Hao looked at the man coldly and coldly. "This man is full of nonsense, saying that the boat is in trouble, and there is still a dagger hidden in his body. It is clearly directed at me."

"What?" Zhaoyang was amazed. "Where are you coming to the enemy in China? How come you are coming to you?"

"I don't know." Ye Hao said coldly, and then told the red dragonfly, "Go to the doorman to explain, no matter who is coming today, don't open the door, refuse any stranger who goes to the door, I want to enter the palace. trip."

Ye Yidong came over. "People knocked on the firewood house, how to deal with it?"

"Let Jin Wuwei's iron man come to take it away." Ye Hao whispered, "Looking at his skin is not like going out to sea. It should be a person from the North City."

Ye Yidong should have a voice.

In the palace, Shen Mengxi had just given birth to her daughter. It was not long before she sat in the delivery room. Ye Hao didn't want to alarm her, and went straight to the Qing Palace to see it.

"Someone wants to kill you?" Qi Qujun frowned, some doubts were wrong, Lu Hao in China for less than a year, every day except the water house is the palace, let alone the enemy, the link No one has, how can anyone want to kill her?

"I let the Iron Man take it away, and it should be tried soon." Ye Hao said, "He pretended to be a crew member to come to me, and said that my father's ship was in a storm and shipwreck, if not to see him. The skin was fair, and I was almost cheated by him."

Qi Qi was slightly sinking, looking at the imperial concubine, whispered, "There is something... I wanted to tell you today. A while ago, there are indeed tornadoes in the open sea, but it is dangerous to your father’s ship. I haven't received the news yet."

"What?" Ye Hao stunned and looked up at Qi Qi. "Is the sea outside...the sea where my father is?"

"Oh, it doesn't necessarily affect the ship of Ye Daren." Huangfu opened and appeased Ye Hao. "Don't worry too much."

Ye Hao is very reassured, but there is no news of her day, her heart has always been carrying, "I know."

"The one who went to the water house, I personally went to see you." Huangfu said.

"Okay." Qi Yan glanced at him. It seems that Huangfu has already guessed who sent the man.

Ye Hao frowned. "Master, do you know who sent him?"

"Some people just don't see the coffin without tears. If you don't listen to it, you can do it a few times." Qi Wei said warmly.

This is more like a tyrant who said it. It’s too illegal to say this in a gentle and friendly manner.

"You have to send people to the water house to protect you. If you go to one, you will have a second one." Huangfu’s eyes are somewhat unpleasant. If it is not because Qi Qi was killed in the court last time, they will not go slanting. I want to start from here.

Qi Tong said, "Hey, you know."

Ye Hao thinks that they should know who is behind the ghosts, and they will stop asking more questions. Anyway, this is also their business in China. She doesn't want to intervene at all. In fact, she can still guess the reason.

This time, the person who wants to be disadvantaged by the water family should be just a warning. How can it be so simple to kill her? Just scare her.

Or because Mingxi became the prince of the Chinese nation, if Shen Mengxi was born with a son, he could completely break the extravagant hopes of those people. Now, the daughter of Mengxisheng, some people began to hope again, but more Ming Xilai, if there is no Mingxi, this Chinese country may be inherited by some people, so... want to force her to leave here with Mingxi?

The thoughts of these people are really innocent and funny. Even if there is no Mingxi, they will never turn to them. Qi Wei and Shen Mengxi are still young. They used to have no children since Mengxi’s body. Now Mengxi’s body has long been raised. As long as the rest of the month is well rested, I can still have a prince next year, and those daysdreaming all day is really whimsical.

From the dry palace, Ye Hao went to Fengxiang Palace to visit Shenmengxi.

How was the daughter of Shen Mengxi, who was born to Ye Xing with Lingquan, except that it looked like a monkey on the first day, and immediately after the wash, it showed beautifulness.

Qi Tong gave his daughter a famous lady, and the title was Princess Chaoyuan.

"Sister Ye, you are coming."

When Ye Haogang walked into Fengxiang Palace, he saw a girl wearing pink clothes coming up with a smile and holding her hand affectionately. "The goddess is still thinking about when you bring Mingxi and Mingyu into the palace. It."

Looking at the full of vigor, the face is exquisite and beautiful, and I lost at least fifty pounds of water seedlings than half a year ago. Ye Xin’s heart is really gratifying. The water seedlings are now very bumpy and not too fat. At most, they are just round. A little bit, but her skin is fair and smooth, it can be broken, looks good, and makes people feel pleasing.

"Where do I dare to bring the two mixed kings into the palace, in case of bullying Yuanyuan?" Ye Hao smiled and walked into the house and saw Shenmengxi holding Yuanyuan, she laughed again, "Meng Xi sister, I don’t think I can see my daughter."

Shen Mengxi looked up and saw Ye Hao, and the smile on his face was even more prosperous. "The daughter who was born very hard, of course, I don’t see enough."

"Give me a hug." Ye Hao hugged Yuanyuan, the child is still sleeping, the little mouth moves, it seems that I don't know how much people like it. "I first helped people deliver, this child will be sure with me in the future." Have a fate."

"Ming Xi and Ming Yu?" Shen Mengxi asked with a smile.

Ye Hao sighed. "Don't mention these two guys. Mingyu just learned to walk. Mingxi took her to the house and ran all the things on the table. The rings were slightly wrong. The two went to the courtyard and chased the puppy and rolled the mud on the ground. I wanted to swear."

Shen Mengxi heard a laugh, Mingxi and Mingyu just turned old, the most lovely and troublesome time, "You can't beat me to do my son and daughter, I still want Yuanyuan to grow up with them. Play it."

"Don't let Mingxi bring the Yuanyuan to the wrong place." Ye Haodao, she was obedient when she was a child, and she didn't know who Mingxi's temper was like.

"I think that you will bring them back to the country soon, I will not be reluctant in my heart." Shen Mengxi whispered, "Is there news from your father?"

Ye Hao gently shook his head and sighed. "Not yet, but maybe it will come back in a few days."

It’s been half a year, it’s time to come back.

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