Huangfu personally interrogated the person and knew everything from the population in less than a day.

And they guessed that there is nothing wrong with it. It is indeed a person from the North City. They know that direct assassination and Ming Xi will definitely not work. Only when they are forced to leave, they will have a chance.

As for what kind of opportunity, they still want to plan.

Who knows that he will not be able to scare the woman, but he is caught. It is also said that these people are too small to look at Ye Hao. They don’t know her true identity. If they are just ordinary women, they will definitely be caught. People don't know Ye Hao, and they don't know what kind of person Ye Yiqing is.

Qi Qi continued to investigate with this person, and dozens of people were imprisoned overnight. If he wanted to give his daughter Ji De, who had not yet had a full moon, he had already started to kill him, but the whole Chinese people who were tempted. Immediately and quietly, even the minister who had wanted to persuade the emperor to stand up, burned the memorial, lest he accidentally angered the emperor to be beheaded.

Ye Hao does not care about the situation in China. She only cares when her father will be able to come back.

Qi Xiao said that the storm, she let Ye Xiaodong to inquire about it, I heard that a group of pirates were still sunk there, but did not hear Ye Yiqing their news, they should not be so clever.

Soon after two months, she has been dragging her time compared to Ye Hao’s budget for half a year. Her heart is getting more and more anxious.

"Hey, do you have any news?" Zhaoyang is a big belly. She is already in production. Although she has not yet reached the date of production, everyone around me has been nervously prepared.

Ye Hao is now afraid to tell Zhaoyang about Ye Yiqing easily, and she is afraid of stimulating her. If she moves her tires, it will not be good.

"Not yet, the boat is out, sometimes it is normal to delay for one or two months." Ye Yan said with a smile.

Zhaoyang frowned and sighed. "I always feel uneasy in my heart. If you are next to me, it will be fine."

Because she lost a child, Zhaoyang is even more nervous, hoping to give birth to their children safely, but Ye Yiqing has been out for so long now, and there is no news at all. She is not worried about it.

"Nothing, your fetal position is very positive. Before you die, you will be back." Ye Hao calmed Zhaoyang.

Zhaoyang smiled and glanced at Ye Hao. "I hope so, are you not going to the palace with Mingxi today?"

"Mother, mother..." Mingxi's little figure appeared on the front gallery. He was wearing red clothes. It looked like a fire phoenix. He ran and ran with his short legs. "Go to my sister. Go find Yuanyuan."

Ye Hao, who has grown taller and taller, looks more and more like the son of Murong Chong, and points to him with a sigh of relief. "You last bitten Yuan Yuan’s cheek and poked her head. Do you dare to go to her?"

"Pro-sister." Ming Xi milk said with a milky voice, Yuanyuan is very fragrant, feels soft, he just wants to take a bite, do not know sweet and not sweet, who knows Yuanyuan will cry so loud.

Zhaoyang smiled and asked, "You are looking for Mingyu to play."

"Ming Yu also wants to find Yuanyuan." Ming Xi said seriously, "Ming Yu is a sister, Yuan Yuan is also a sister."

"I see your son will have a lot of sisters in the future." Zhao Yang smiled and looked at Ye Hao.

Ye Hao wanted to help the sigh. "Are you not afraid of the emperor in the palace?"

She was a little worried when she saw her smile.

"Not afraid! Niang said that the father is also the emperor." Ming Xi said seriously, although he had never seen his father, but he felt that the father must be very powerful.

Ye Xie was a little bit guilty of letting two children see Murong Cham, so I would tell them about Jin Guo before going to bed every night, especially their father. She hopes that when they see Mo Rong Zhan in the future, Will be too resistant and unfamiliar.

"When you see Yuanyuan, you can't poke the head of Yuanyuan again. Yuanyuan will hurt." Ye Hao came down and held two soft hands of Mingxi. "You are a brother, you will protect it later." My sister, can't bully my sister."

Mingxi seems to understand and nodded, "No bite, no poke, Yuanyuan."

Ye Hao chuckled his voice and looked up at Zhaoyang. "I took them into the palace and inquired about the things at sea."

Qi Qi will make people go to the sea every month, and maybe they can know Ye Yiqing's news.

In the palace, Mingxi cooked the road to find Fengxiang Palace in Shenmengxi, "Yuanyuan, Yuanyuan..."

Shen Mengxi was holding her daughter in the small garden to bask in the sun. When she heard the voice of Mingxi, her eyes were slightly bright and she smiled and looked over. "Brother is coming."

"Sister." Mingxi's short legs forced to climb the ladder of the pavilion and came to Shenmengxi's side. Looking at the little sister, he leaned over and kissed Yuanyuan's face.

Yuanyuan didn't know if she had a bite on the last bite, and suddenly she woke up with a wow.

Ye Hao walked over with Ming Yu. "Ming Xi, have you bullied your sister again?"

“No!” Ming Xi’s face was wronged. “My sister, my sister cried.”

"Yuan Yuan does not cry." Ming Yu walked over and yelled at Yuanyuan, but exhaled a slobber, and broke it with a bang.

"Hey..." Yuanyuan stopped crying and looked at Mingyu's smile.

Shen Mengxi smiled. "Yuan Yuan likes Mingyu very much."

Ming Xi holds the hand of Yuan Yuan, "Like my brother."

"Yes, I also like my brother." Shen Mengxi chuckled and looked up at Ye Hao. "You haven't entered the palace for half a month."

Ye Hao sat down. "This is not to fear that Mingxi is not light and heavy and hurts Yuanyuan."

"You are worried that the last time he bite Yuanyuan made the emperor angry?" Shen Mengxi smiled. "Don't worry, the emperor is not angry. Mingxi is so small, still not sensible. He likes Yuanyuan, but he doesn't know how to express it." ""

"Actually, I want to fight at sea..." Ye Hao whispered that in front of Shen Mengxi, she could show her fears without any cover.

Shen Mengxi asked, "Is it worried about your father?"

Ye Hao gently nodded.

"I don't know anyone else, but there is nothing wrong with the water." Shen Mengxi said with a smile, as if he remembered something before, "You don't know about water, he leads the country before going to Nanzhou." The maritime army, even if it is in South State, his fleet is not comparable to the average person."

“Really?” Ye Hao did not expect that the water was still so powerful.

Shen Mengxi gently patted her shoulder. "Trust me, there will be news soon."

Ye Hao’s worry did not last long, because Zhaoyang started to go home from the palace, and all her thoughts were put on the Zhaoyang birth.

"Hey, I... I don't want to be so fast, wait for you to come back..." Zhao Yang cried in a panic and grabbed Ye Hao's hand.

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