After Cui Yang left, the water looked up at Ye Hao. "You leave room for them. They don't seem to appreciate it."

"I have never left room for Li Wei. There are still three days. Many people in the steep gate are not willing to war. As long as they surrender, we can spare them to death." Ye Hao said faintly, after ten days of truce. She didn't do anything. Jiang Dachuan had already been to the steep gate. Cui Yang only brought five thousand soldiers to support. Some of the soldiers who stayed at the steep gate were forced to join the army. Just give them freedom. Let them have a chance to go back to family reunion, they will not want to die.

There was a touch of meaningful smile in the eyes of the water. "Is this a brick-and-mortar?"

Once the news was passed out, those soldiers who had long complained about Li Wei’s heart would try to escape from the military camp. As long as the steep door was closed, the news of the three-year tax exemption was transmitted to all parts of Dongqing State. The people will be shaken, and it will be easier for Ye Hao to get Dongqing.

"No, I just want to look at the fire across the bank." Ye Hao smiled a little brightly, and the eyes were radiant and looking forward to the gods flying, dazzling people who dare not look straight.

"What will you do after you get Dongqingguo in the future? Is it going to be the Queen of the Kingdom of Korea, or will you continue the day?" Water asked, looking at Ye Wei.

Ye licked her lips, she hadn’t thought about this question carefully. She always thought about how to get Dongqingguo, let Li’s ungrateful thing pay the price, but she never thought about getting it after Dongqingguo. what.

It is no wonder that when she left China, she said that it would be very difficult for her to face choice in the future.

Is this the so-called difficulty?

If it wasn’t for water, she didn’t know that Scorpio was originally the Queen’s.

"Now I haven't gotten Dongqing yet? Or I will talk about it later." Ye Hao said with a smile, she can't make a choice now. Once she wants to be their god, she can't be the queen of Jinguo. If she goes back to Jinguo to be a queen, what should the 100,000 soldiers do? They followed her to the Central Plains and wanted to recognize their ancestors. She could not abandon them.

At the same time, the water did not force the leaves to make a choice. "I am going to prepare."

"Sister Ye, do you not like the day?" Miao Miao asked in confusion, looking at Ye Hao.

"I don't like it, it's just hard to choose." Ye Hao smiled. "It's too early to say this, let's talk about it later."

She is reluctant to separate from Murong Cham. If she really wins the Dongqing country and becomes a Scorpio, she can't be with Murong Chan every day.



Cui Yang went back to the steep gate and announced that he would fight after three days. The soldiers in the Dongqing National Army camp were all flustered. They all knew that the other party was in a rush. Not to mention that they had 100,000 soldiers, they only took ten with 20,000 people. The city pool, forced them to the steep gate, is enough to prove the strength of the other side, now they give them the opportunity to surrender, why not surrender? The emperor has already handed over the book to the North Ming Kingdom. Why can’t he surrender again?

"I don't want to fight!" In a camp of the military camp, an ordinary soldier suddenly stood up and cried. "What is the significance of our continued fight? We still have a home, do we still have a home? Is there a country? In the past few years, the people of the entire Dongqing country did not call for the bitterness of the sky. The emperor followed the example of the North Hall and seized the Ding Ding, and did not understand the lives of our people. Even if we died on the battlefield, what can our family get?"

"What do you say, you dare to say this kind of words!" Someone whispered him.

The soldier cried with a red eye. "I don't have anything to dare? I was originally a farmer. I have a small family at home. When I was caught in a military camp, the child in my wife's stomach was only six months old. If it is not for the emperor to return to the North Ming Kingdom, how can we lose Qingzhou, anyway, I have nothing to worry about, I have to leave here, I am going to find my wife and children."

"My children were all killed by the soldiers of the Northern Ming Dynasty." A middle-aged man squinted with red eyes. "If I want to fight for the North Ming Kingdom, I would rather die now!"

"The Scorpio opposite now is from the Atlantic. For so many days, have you seen the people in the ten cities that have been killed? They are the people of Dongqing, but they are easily returned to Shuntian, I heard, That day exempted them from the tax for three years, and promised that if their family members were in the military camp, they could go home to reunite if they wanted to."

"My mother is in Qingyun City."

"If we start the war in three days, we will die..."

"Let's go!"


When the military is in chaos, it is affected by a camp. When Cuiyang discovered them, most of the soldiers had rushed to the city gate. They didn't want to fight and didn't want to die.

"Do you want to rebel? Stop!" General Li shouted loudly on the gate.

Cui Yang's eyes are calm and solemn, only he knows that his heart is already sad.

"We don't want to die!"

"The emperor simply ignores our lives and deaths. Why do you prefer to surrender to the North Ming Kingdom but are not willing to compromise?"

"Yes, we don't want to die."

General Li shouted angrily. "You thought that leaving the steep gate, will that woman let you go?"

"If we don't leave, we will die after three days."

Cui Yang took a deep breath, and now the entire military camp has been distracted. Even if these people are left behind, they will not change the ending. "Let them go."

General Lee turned back and looked at Cui Yang incredulously. "General Cui, what do you say?"

"They have long since they don't want to stay, and they are forced to stay. Instead, they will have resentment in their hearts. Don't fight before they fight." Cui Yang whispered, if they don't leave these people out of the city, he I can guarantee that these people will rebel tomorrow.

"We only have 20,000 soldiers. If these people are gone, we... how do we fight?" General Li asked.

Cui Yang said, "Don't we stay, do we have the confidence to win?"

Anyway, the ending is already doomed. It is better to let more people survive. "Let them go. Whoever wants to leave will leave."

"General Cui!" General Li felt Cuiyang's despair. In fact, he also felt helpless. They sent people to Wangducheng for help. They didn't get support. It was the emperor who once again took the tribute to the North Ming Kingdom. The country helps.

The North Ming Kingdom has been difficult to protect itself, how can it help them?

Cui Yang stood on the gate of the city, looked up at the front, Dong Qingguo, perhaps really want to change the dynasty.

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